We give thanks to the Lord for all the things He has done2x thank You Lord! thank You Lord for all the things He has done, thank You Lord! thank You Lord for the all the things You have done.2x// come and see what the Lord has done for, He has taken away my sorrow now and am free, agam buru alleluia buru, agam apara alleluia para alleluia para, ….everyday na sakara I dey do…..aye He has give victory2x,
Our Gracious Father we thank You, we bless Your Name, we adore you, we give You Praise adoration to Your Name, glory be to Your Name on high alleluia, Praise the Lord!!!!!!!- It is good to Praise the Lord alleluia, it is good to Praise the Lord alleluia, it is good to Praise the Lord alleluia, Praise the Lord! alleluia, Praise the Lord alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will exalt You Lord! for Thou has lifted me above Thy enemies Your banner over me is love, I will exalt You Lord! You banner over me is love!!!, everybody testify You are good! You are good Jehovah You are good, everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good!
Thank You Father, we cannot thank You enough, Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign!!!!!!!
Beloveth, our Father reigneth let the earth tremble, He reigneth; let the earth tremble, Jesus reigneth let the earth tremble, He reigneth let the earth tremble. Glory glory alleluia, Glory glory Praise the Lord! Glory glory alleluia, Glory glory Praise the Lord!
We cannot thank You enough Lord for all the things You have done and You are yet to do, blessed be Thy Holy Name in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!! come and have You way today in my life, family, career and ministry, may Your Name be lifted forever in Jesus Name!
Beloved is your heart lifted this moment as you are worshiping God? remember we promise to have seven Praise gate session for the Lord for His undying love, concern, care, kindness, mercy, grace and glory that radiates through us all through the year up until now, the Praise worth is giving for there is nothing else we can offer to God except Praise which He cannot offer Himself, for when we do we spur Him into doing all things we cannot do for ourselves Praise the Lord!
Today we want to examine again another hindrance to the prayers we offer before God. we have discussed this earlier on this platform and again today we want to discuss it again peradventure you have reconcile this aspect of your prayer life to do same fast or you will spending fruitless time praying and having no result. Praise the Lord!
Beloved if I may you? Do you pray with Your lips and heart in agreement or do you pray with your lips while your heart is far away from what you are saying? Your answers depend largely in agreement of these two (lip/head and heart). The Lord does not only answer what you are saying; He also answers what you are not saying (Thinking).
Did you read the text for this teaching “You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart” did you read that? When you seek Him with your whole heart not with your lip only, but “your whole heart” meaning seeking with your mouth and lip in agreement (Deut 6:5, Ps 119:2).
Is possible that the delay you experiencing is that you are not seeking God in totality- “with your lip and heart.” Repent today and you will begin to draw from the Fountain of Life ceaselessly and the promise of God upon your life will be fulfill in Jesus Name.
Come along for more:
Jeremiah 27:1-29:14, Psalm 119:61-64, Proverbs 25:21-22, 1 Timothy 3:8-4:16
Missing by Inches
You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.—Jeremiah 29:13
We are looking today at what I consider one of the greatest truths we can discover about receiving from God: “God does not just answer prayer—He answers you.”
The Almighty does not just listen to the words we weave into the air when we pray; He listens also to the attitude of our hearts. If the two are not properly correlated, then we miss out on many of God’s blessings. And this missing out is not because God is stingy about the way He dispenses His blessings, but because we short-circuit our own spiritual system and become imperfect receivers. To put it another way: our failure to receive isn’t due to the fact that God is not good at giving, but because we are not good at receiving. The fault is always in us, never in Him.
Are you a fully integrated person? When you present your requests to God, are your heart and mind as one? Is what you ask with your lips fully supported by what you are saying in your heart? If not, then when you attempt to climb higher with God, you will not have the precise coordination you need in order to scale the precipitous heights. The awesome fact that has to be faced by all those who want to climb the mountains of God is this—it is possible to miss your step on those steep slopes not by feet, but merely by inches. And it is in those seemingly trivial inches that our spiritual direction is often determined.
O Father, I am seeing more and more the perils that come from being inwardly at cross-purposes. Help me, however, to see that although the challenge is great, the power behind me is greater than the challenge in front of me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
What was God’s message through Joel?
When are we blessed?
beloved, are you here with me? Have you seen that being at cross purposes with self can delay our receiving answers from God? I want you to pray to God to give you a united purpose as you pray from today and see your answers deliver to you before you leave the prayer ground. Praise the Lord!
Our Dear heavenly Father! look with compassion upon us and help us to pray and answers be delivered to us according to your Word (Rom 8:26) in Jesus name.
Remain blessed in the Lord!