Who is like unto Thee Lord… Who is like un to Thee… O Lord… among the gods Who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia!!!// How Excellent are You Lord! How Excellent are You Lord… O Lord! Lord we lift Your Name higher…We lift Your Name higher… We lift Your Name higher… We lift Your Name Higher….
Jehovah You are good… You are so good to me/us… Glorious Redeemer Thank You… Wonderful is Your Name… Father we worship and adore Your Holy Name… be Thou exalted O God in Jesus Name… Thank You for gift of today we worship You… accept our thanks Father be Thou exalted O Lord in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… our God is a Good God… Yes He is… He loves us with an everlasting Love…Alleluia… He is not tried of our coming to Him with request…He is ever ready to honour and bless us… as we come before Him today… let move with such confidence that He love and care for us… He will not let us down or let us go without help Amen!!!
Beloveth… still on that series “Taking care of God’s Temple… our body… we are going to consider “Moderation.” as a means of taking care of our body…
What does “Moderation” mean to you?… Growing up as a young girl that needed direction… I could remember making a prayer and asking God for guidance …the way to live and please Him… In the night God choose to answer that prayer… I was in the dream and I saw a messenger of God … an angel of God came to me and I was engaged in what looks like a questions and answers section with her… for so many things I ask and got answers to … one thing stick-on … “Moderation”
The angel told me that in everything I do…I must observe “Moderation”… I was saying moderation, moderation and woke up from that encounter… till today beloveth I have always live a life of moderation in all I get myself involved into… by risen of that encounter by God’s Grace
Let look at the Biblical meaning of “Moderation”… the Living Word of God said “Let your moderation be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.” (Phil.4:5).
Moderation beloveth does not encourage “Excesses.” In any form or way… It is like saying “Live with caution.”… “Don’t over-do”…
Funny enough what might mean “moderate” for you might not for another…. So it becomes even more difficult to teach or apply…
But the truth is if you are led by the Spirit of God and you are obedient to His leading… understanding “Moderation” will not be an issue to you…
Because it is a daily walk with God… and over time you will naturally go that way… When you are over-stepping… your spirit will prompt you… there is this “unseen checker”… always around you…directing and giving you instruction to follow… Praise the Name of the Lord…
When you receive the gift of “Moderation” …You will always seek after the leading of Holy Spirit before engaging in any thing… Some people see it as weakness but it is a “Great Strength…
You live with some restraint, you can also call it “self controlled”… It touches every aspect of your life not just in dressing or eating… in your walk and work…your leisure and pleasures too…even in action…
Beloveth… we have an author’s view… below let discover more below:
“Men driven by ambition often succeed outwardly and fail inwardly.
“Their outer resources multiply at the cost of their spiritual energy. Yet they go blindly forward with small consideration that happy leisure is worth more than drive; for nothing belongs to us except time. Precious existence is squandered in stupid drudgery.
“Overwork is the mother of greed and the substitute for boredom.
“Be not crushed under success, and be not crushed under envy! To be so is to trample upon life and suffocate the spirit. Enjoy a little more, strive a little less. The wise man extends his life‘s work to prolong his life.“
At age 70, can you imagine anyone lamenting: “If only I had spent more time at the office and less time at home with my wife and kids!“
So… just what is success?
Well, to win the track and field event known as the “pentathlon,” it is not necessarily triumphing in any one of the five events that guarantees the prize. Rather, it is adequately excelling in each event well enough to garner the highest aggregate score.
So it is in the game of life: Success may be defined as placing God at the center of our lives, and then balancing the remaining competing demands:
Family – Ministry – Career – Personal, and ________________(you fill in the blank)
Like a teenager surfing the waves of Waikiki, maintaining balance in life is the continual act of adroitly adjusting to life’s changing demands and circumstances. The ability to understand the balance, and then respond by making the necessary adjustments is only possible by maintaining a clear orientation to Biblical values and priorities.
Perhaps Solomon’s wise counsel is appropriate here:
“Do not wear yourself out to get rich; have the wisdom to show restraint.” (Proverbs 23:4)
Beloveth… you read it all… you are not living a life of “Moderation” when your life is not balanced… nothing around you must suffer for the other… an example was given to us in a game called “pentathlon,”…
Beloveth are you living a life of Moderation? If you are not, seek help from the Holy Spirit to help you… you read it “Overwork is a mother of greed and substitute for boredom…”
If you are caught in this web… go on kneel and ask the Holy Spirit to help you… Yes! help your short comings… wherever you are experiencing it… and the Lord will sort you out in Jesus Name… May God help you and I to always please Him in our undertakings… in Jesus Name Amen!!!
Further Reading-Ezek.36:26, Heb.10:36, Lam.3:25, Ps.30:5, 2Chr.25:9,
Remain blessed in the Lord.