Gracious God, hallow be Thy Name. Thank You for another opportunity to celebrate Jesus in our lives. Thank You for another opportunity to look up to heaven and be blessed. For You are God and Your mercies endureth forever. We worship You, we exalt You, we magnify You, be Thou exalted forever in Jesus Name. Amen!

Everlasting Father, Everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, You are the Love of my life. Blessed be Thy Name of the Lord, You are worthy, worthy, worthy to be praised. Lord I lift my holy hands singing blessed be the Name of the Lord.

Beloved, greetings from the throne of grace this day. What a pleasant day before us, the Lord will walk before us this day and make every crocked path to be straight and every narrow path wide in Jesus Name.

The Lord will enlarge your coast and bless you indeed until you become a blessing to your generation in Jesus Name. Abundance will locate you and I pray you hoard not in Jesus Name. Whatsoever your hand findeth to do; the grace to be best at it the Lord will grant unto thee in Jesus Name.

God’s Word are life unto them that finds it. A healing to the soul that are languishing; Restoration to those who are devastated; A help to the helpless; Hope to hopeless; Succor to the defenseless. A Word from the Lord is not mere Word but come with power to break every chains; to break every yokes holding you bound and realize you into your destiny to be what God wants you to be.

Every Word spoken by the Lord must fulfill that which it hath been sent to do. Therefore, no Word from the Lord will drop without finding expression upon that which it was sent to perform (Isa 55:11).

Beloved, what are you believing and hoping on God to bring to pass in your life? Believe in Him and He will show you what to do and testimony is guaranteed (Rev 12:11). Amen. Remember, our God have both the Speaking Power and the Creative Power. His Words are very potent in every areas of our lives. They are not mere Word but with power. Is Spirit; is life. (Jer 23:29; Heb 4:12 Jn 6:63):

“I will give you the sure mercies of David.” Acts 13:34

Nothing of man is sure; but everything of God is so. Especially are covenant mercies sure mercies, even as David said “an everlasting covenant, ordered in all things and sure.

We are sure that the Lord meant His mercy. He did not speak mere words: there is substance and truth in every one of His promises. His mercies are mercies indeed. Even if a promise seems as if it must drop through by reason of death, yet it never shall, for the good Lord will make good His word.

We are sure that the Lord will bestow promised mercies on all His covenanted ones. They shall come in due course to all the chosen of the Lord. They are sure to all the seed, from the least of them unto the greatest of them.

We are sure that the Lord will continue His mercies to His own people. He does not give and take. What He has granted us is the token of much more. That which we have not yet received is as sure as that which has already come; therefore, let us wait before the Lord and be still. There is no justifiable reason for the least doubt. God’s love, and word, and faithfulness are sure. Many things are questionable, but of the Lord we sing- “For his mercies shall endure ever faithful, ever sure.

See what the Word of Jesus did to Mary Magdala. His Word Mary of Magdala was the victim of a fearful evil. She was possessed by not one devil only, but seven. These dreadful inmates caused much pain and pollution to the poor frame in which they had found a lodging. Hers was a hopeless, horrible case. She could not help herself, neither could any human succour avail. But Jesus passed that way, and unsought, and probably even resisted by the poor demoniac, He uttered the word of power, and Mary of Magdala became a trophy of the healing power of Jesus. All the seven demons left her, left her never to return, forcibly ejected by the Lord of all. What a blessed deliverance! What a happy change! From delirium to delight, from despair to peace, from hell to heaven!

She did something dramatic and deliberate, Straightway she became a constant follower of Jesus, catching His every word, following His devious steps, sharing His toilsome life; and withal she became His generous helper, first among that band of healed and grateful women who ministered unto Him of their substance.

Her holy fidelity made her a favoured beholder of her beloved Rabboni, who deigned to call her by her name, and to make her His messenger of good news to the trembling disciples and Peter. Thus grace found her a maniac and made her a minister, cast out devils and gave her to behold angels, delivered her from Satan, and united her forever to the Lord Jesus. May I also be such a miracle of grace!

As the Lord blesses us, my prayer is that it becomes a generational blessings in the lives of our children; His Word be a covenant that transcendent from generation to generation:


“And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.” Gen. 17:7

O Lord, thou hast made a covenant with me, thy servant, in Christ Jesus my Lord; and now, I beseech thee, let my children be included in its gracious provisions. Permit me to believe this promise as made to me as well as to Abraham. I know, that my children are born in sin, and shapen in iniquity, even as those of other men; therefore, I ask nothing on the ground of their birth, for well I know that “that which is born of the flesh is flesh,” and nothing more. Lord, make them to be born under thy covenant of grace by thy Holy Spirit!

I pray for my descendants throughout all generations. Be thou their God as thou art mine. My highest honor is that thou hast permitted me to serve thee; may my offspring serve thee in all years to come. O God of Abraham, be the God of his Isaac! O God of Hannah, accept her Samuel!

If, Lord, thou hast favored me in my family, I pray thee remember other households of thy people which remain unblest. Be the God of all the families of Israel. Let not one of those who fear thy name be tried with a godless and wicked household, for thy Son Jesus Christ’s sake. Amen.

Beloved as we desires, so shall the Lord do unto us. Every York holding us bound shall be broken in Jesus Name. We are release to do exploits and receive abundance in Jesus Name. be assured His Words are Spirit, are life (Jn 6:63).

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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