Your Name is higher far above other names, Your Name is Jesus Your Name is God. Your Name is higher far above other names, Your Name is Jesus Your Name is God.// What a Mighty God we serve, What a Mighty God we serve, What a Mighty God we serve, What a Mighty God we serve. I have the light God in me, I have the light of God in me, I have the Spirit of the Son of God, I have the light of God in me.

Father, indeed You are a light to my path, glory be to Your Name on high. Who is like unto Jehovah, great is my Father who art in heaven, let Your Name be Praise forever and ever in Jesus Name. How excellent are You Lord, be Thou magnify in Jesus Name. Thank You for being there always for us. How great is Thy works O Lord! We lift higher far above the earth. Let Praise, honour be ascribe unto Thee alone in Jesus Name.

Beloved, do God answers prayer, yes! He does. Let us sing alleluia to the One Who is able to do all things. Yes! His Name is Yahweh, great are His works, may Your Name be Praise forever and ever. Alleluia amen.

We are almost there and by the grace of God for everything we entrusted into the hand of God He satisfy our mouth with good things in Jesus Name amen.

The topic we will be considering today is such that can make you jump and touch the sky (maybe the heavens). Wow! “Much beloved.” my head is swelling that me of all people being address by my Father in heaven as “much beloved” wow! A shout offering to the Lord! to be loved of God is a promise He made to His children but the be much beloved is a special favour upon His chosen one (Rom 5:8, Dan 9:23). In songs of Solomon you will see where the use of much beloved was greatly use and for God to address as people so dear to His heart we ought count ourselves blessed. Praise the Lord.

Why is this reminder dear to a heart that is yearning to God? it will help to remind You who You are before God and also to let you know the value placed on as a child of God and having known that you be able to withstand the fiery dart of the devil against your faith. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were among the beloved of the Lord. They know they place in the heart of the Lord so when they were condemn to death, they were very convince that their God is able to deliver them, yes their God did show up not until they were thrown into the fierce fire God did show up and deliver them what an awesome testimony.

God did that aside their faith much more because they were among His much beloved. Praise the Lord. The Lord promise to love us to the end, we must run to obtain the promise given for His eyes are steady unto Thee that love and fear Him to preserve them to the end. (Dan 3:17)

We are not to give in the assaults of the devil against the children of God for God has not given us the Spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Tim1:7). May we continue in God’s love forever in Jesus Name.

We also read about the disciple addressing the saint of their time by such Name. Paul was among many that use it in all his letters to God’s people therefore my dearly beloved of the Father. Know therefore that God love you and you are so dear to Him and He is bound to do that which His mouth has spoken concerning you. If you are yet to see tarry for it must surly come to past according to His promise. Alleluia amen.

We will also see that God do not forsake anyone, he takes notice of your longings, desires, service to Him and as you enlist among the Lord’s armies, the Lord will guide you always; He will satisfy needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. Your people will be called the Repairer of Broken Walls, restorer of the Streets with Dwellings, You will be a Sought after according to the Word of the Lord (Isa 58: 11-12).

Come on dearly beloved, do you believe in God Your Savoiur? Then this Name is for you, come on for more:

“At the beginning of your supplications the command went out, and I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved; therefore consider the matter, and understand the vision.” Daniel 9:23

“For you are greatly beloved.” Could there be any words from God more welcome than these? Daniel was in exile in Babylon as a result of his nation’s utter defeat by the Babylonians. He desperately wanted to make sense of his circumstances. So he did what he had done so many times before: he prayed. God immediately dispatched the angel Gabriel.

Gabriel revealed that God had sent him to Daniel at the beginning of his supplications. God did not even wait for Daniel to finish his prayer. Why? Because God loved Daniel greatly. What a marvelous testimony! There had been times when Daniel’s love for God had been put to the test. Now, when Daniel was in need, God was quick to respond in love to him.

God wants to answer the prayers of those whose hearts are completely His (2 Chron. 16:9). God can accurately orient you to the events of your day. Media, public opinion, and political leaders cannot tell you the truth of your circumstances. Only God can. God loves you and will speak to you in His time.

His answer may come immediately as it did in Daniel’s case, or it may be delayed, but it will come (Dan. 10:13). If it seems as though everything is crumbling around you, and you wonder why you do not see God’s activity, take comfort in knowing that you are loved in heaven. If you are genuinely seeking God’s answers, you can go to your Father confidently with your questions. He will respond to you in love (Luke 11:5–13).

Even the shortest man in Jesus time was not lost in the crowd, for Jesus took special notice of him and made him have a special place in the Word of God which we are reading at our time. Beloved you have a special place in God’s heart just read on:

And when Jesus came to the place, He looked up and saw him, and said to him, “Zacchaeus, make haste and come down, for today I must stay at your house.” Luke 19:5


In our large world it’s easy to feel that we are nothing more than an insignificant speck in the midst of a multitude. Our world tends to depersonalize us, seeking to make us like everyone else, but God loves us in specific ways that are particular to us.

Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem to fulfill His assignment on the cross. The multitudes thronged around Him in such numbers that the diminutive Zacchaeus could not see Jesus unless he climbed a tree. Zacchaeus would have been satisfied simply to catch a glimpse of the great Teacher. But Jesus stopped, turned, and looked directly at him! In that moment, Zacchaeus was oblivious to the crowd around him. Thus began a special time with Jesus that radically changed his life.

Jesus will relate to you in ways that are unique to you. He knows your past; He knows what you will face in the future. Because He knows everything about you, His word to you will perfectly fit the circumstances of your life. You may be in a group of Christians who are listening to God’s Word, and you may hear things from Him that no one else hears.

Don’t become frustrated with others if they are not as excited about a truth from God as you are. Don’t be impatient with them if they are not implementing God’s Word in their lives exactly as you are. God will personalize His word to you. He will relate to each of your friends in a way that specifically meets their needs as well.

Yes God relate to us individual and like us to Him, enlist today if you have done that before now. He will bless you as you work in His vineyard.

I love this piece, what about you?

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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