Everlasting Father…everlasting Son… Immortal Holy Ghost be Thy glorify… x2 You are Glorious… You are Glorious ooo You are Glorious Lord…Glorious Lord … You are Glorious eeeeeh
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name…alleluia to You Father… You are God from Beginning to the End there is place for argument … You are God all by Yourself… Thank You everlasting King of glory… we worship and adore Thy Holy Name … Father You are God… from Beginning to the End there is no place for argument You are God all by Yourself…. Receive all our praises Father… receive all our honour Father… receive all our adoration… blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… our God is ABLE…. Shout alleluia…. our God is ABLE can you another alleluia…. Yes…
Our God is able Yes… He is able… I know He is able…I know my God is able to carry me through… Jesus is able yes He is able…I know He is able… I know my God is able to carry me through…
Yes More Than Enough is our God… All Sufficient, All Powerful, All Glorious is our God…. alleluia to the King of kings, the Lord of lords the one Who is and is yet to come… Praise the Living Jesus…. Alleluia….
Beloveth… we are approaching the end of this year and some of your desires and plans are yet to manifest… naturally you are concern… and doubt is beginning to set in… in fact you upset and you feel like putting your hands up… this message is for you…. may you are trusting God for the impossible and as the year is ending you are asking will God still show up….. Is possible the doctors have given their verdict and you have heard about miracles Jesus did and you are like will He also do my own… so you keep looking up and keep trusting in Him but now you are beginning to doubt if it ever come to past moreover the year is ticking fast to end. beloveth the Lord is here to address all these outstanding issues and yours is among ….
Let the story of Daniel encourage you… yes let it smooth your heart and give you hope in all the hopeless situations … is better late than never…. and a living dog is still better than a living lion…..
You are more than a dog… You are God’s own child, created in His likeness and He has a great plans for you…. are you excited… you must keep the fire on your altar glowing while… because it is impossible for God to lie… He cannot change… there is turning of shadow from Him… yes! what He says concerning you must surely come to pass… there must be a performance….
You must let the light shine You must pray and wait…. Don’t ever be tried of waiting… yes there so many reasons to be discourage … there are so many reasons to give up … but beloveth… keep moving… don’t stop…
It will shock you to know that an answer has been dispatch to you but there is hindrance on the way…
The hindrance can be self made or self imposed…. Someone is confused… no no you don’t need to be…. Are obeying the instructions you were given in the place of prayer… are you obeying God’s command. Are putting yourself in the love of God…. is becoming more complicating now? (Jude. 21).
Not at all beloveth…. the story below will clear it all…
Come along for more:
At the beginning of your petitions an answer went out, and I have come to give it, for you are treasured [by God]. So consider the message and understand the vision:—Daniel 9:23
“For you are beloved.” Could there be any words from God more welcome than these? Daniel was in exile in Babylon as a result of his nation’s utter defeat by the Babylonians. He desperately wanted to make sense of his circumstances. So he did what he had done so many times before: he prayed.
God immediately dispatched the angel Gabriel. Gabriel revealed that God had sent him to Daniel at the beginning of his supplications. God did not even wait for Daniel to finish his prayer. Why? Because God loved Daniel greatly. What a marvelous testimony! There had been times when Daniel’s love for God had been put to the test. Now, when Daniel was in need, God was quick to respond in love to him.
God wants to answer the prayers of those whose hearts are completely His (2 Chron. 16:9). God can accurately orient you to the events of your day. Media, public opinion, and political leaders cannot tell you the truth of your circumstances. Only God can.
God loves you and will speak to you in His time. His answer may come immediately as it did in Daniel’s case, or it may be delayed, but it will come (Dan. 10:13). If it seems as though everything is crumbling around you, and you wonder why you do not see God’s activity, take comfort in knowing that you are loved in heaven.
If you are genuinely seeking God’s answers, you can go to your Father confidently with your questions. He will respond to you in love (Luke 11:5–13).
What did you see?… what did you understand? In spite of Daniel persecutions and imprisonment Daniel did not give up on God nor refuse to pray… but can that be said of you…. Daniel stood his ground to continue in God’s service even to the point of death…. hummmmh is that your case or you are giving God deadline of which you will quite your service, stop praying and stop worshipping Him…
But Daniel did not allow opposition to hinder him from serving God…. He stuck with God and when eventual the devil put out his last joker God showed up….
What is that situation(s) that is questioning the power of God or God’s promises to you…. be calm… God will show up… He will not allow you to be put to shame… He will show up for you… yes like He delivered Daniel and some others who trusted in Him, He will do for you…
Like Daniel keep the fire glowing… pray and cease not…. something good is coming your way… just make sure that you are keeping watch… the package will soon be delivered… Daniel received answer to his petitions …. The angel of the Lord will deliver yours…. Amen!!!
Father, we thank You for Your love… we thank You for Kindness… We thank You for more greater things You will yet do…. Our package is coming in Jesus Name….
Further Reading: Matt. 9:28, Ps 34:5, 2Tim. 2:19, Ps 119:38, Isa 43:25.
Don’t forget that God loves you……. You much love….
Remain blessed in the Lord.