For the life You gave to me I came to say Thank You for Your son Jesus Christ who die on the cross I just want to say baba Ooo Ese 2x. Lord You are Faithful Faithful Faithfull Faithful Faithful faithful is the Lord. You are Faithful Faithful Faithful Faithful, Faithful Faithful faithful faithful is the Lord.
Father, Thank You for a glorious morning You made us to be part of this day. Thank You for giving us life in abundance Thank Your for showing forth Your might in our lives. We cannot Thank You enough for all You have done for us. we reverence Your Majesty we bow before Your presence.
If I forget Thee, O Jerusalem, let my right hand forget her cunning, if I do not remember Thee, let my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth; if I prefer not O! God above my chief joy. That is my heartfelt prayer unto You O Lord of mercy. Full of compassion to save and to delivery us from the every trouble at all sides.
Beloved, we never be ashamed to confess Jesus as our Lord and Saviour no matter what the enemies are planning or doing around us. The Word of God said that they shall scatter because their gathering is not unto God, in seven ways they will flew and never to gather again because the Lord will confuse their tongues as at was at the tower of Babel.
Do you remember what happened before the resurrection Lord Jesus? The apostles were afraid and hid in the upper room. And the Jews watch over the tomb to ensure that the disciples do not come and carry His body from the grave. But when the resurrection morning came nothing could hold Him bound. Not even the grave or the stone that was use to cover the tome was strong enough to stop Jesus from resurrecting as forth told in the Word.
Beloved, I may not know the power that feels it is mighty enough to stop Your destiny or to cut it short but I know that there a power that resurrected Jesus from grave and upon the authority of that power I stand this day to declare that Jesus is Lord and He is the Saviour of the Whole world and this same Jesus who having resurrected will come back in glory and take us who have leave according to His commands to us back to regin with Him in glory.
I also declare to you who is reading this devotional that same power that will resurrected Jesus is still alive and therefore anything in your life that is bound or in the grave is experiencing resurrection now in the Name of Jesus.
Beloved, that is only reason Jesus came that His death will bring life and healing to our mortal bodies and make us ready for eternal life at the end in the Name of Jesus.
The resurrection power is real and is able to set free and make whole tap into it now and be delivered in Jesus Name.
The power in the blood is bring judgment upon every enemies of our souls right now in the Name of Jesus. For the rod of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous; lest the righteous put forth their hands to do evil.
Beloved, you shall not be ashamed to profess that Jesus is Lord because He is indeed the Lord of Lord and He will also confess you before His Father in heaven if you persevere to the end.
Let’s get more from the message:
“Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.” Matt. 10:32
Gracious promise! It is a great Joy to me to confess my Lord. Whatever my faults may be, I am not ashamed of Jesus, nor do I fear to declare the doctrines of His cross. O Lord, I have not hid thy righteousness within my heart.
Sweet is the prospect which the text sets before me! Friends forsake and enemies exult, but the Lord does not disown His servant. Doubtless my Lord will own me even here, and give me new tokens of His favorable regard. But there comes a day when I must stand before the great Father. What bliss to think that Jesus will confess me then! He will say, “This man truly trusted me, and was willing to be reproached for my name’s sake; and therefore I acknowledge him as mine.”
The other day a great man was made a knight, and the Queen handed him a jeweled garter; but what of that? It will be an honor beyond all honors for the Lord Jesus to confess us in the presence of the divine Majesty in the Heavens. Never let me be ashamed to own my Lord. Never let me indulge a cowardly silence, or allow a fainthearted compromise.
Shall I blush to own Him who promises to own me?
Thank God to Jesus who will help our work to endure to the end. When our work passes through fire, may it will endure. Beloved, may that be the offering of our sacrifice unto God in Jesus Name.
Beloved, we believe in the sacrifice of the Lamb that saved us from eternal death and grant us grace unto eternal life.
Many could not be humbly enough to accept this great sacrifice that Jesus offered on their behalf but the truth is that our works of righteous is not worthy enough to grant us access into the presence of God.
Therefore come with the meekness that you are being offered by Jesus and be save. That is our faith in Christ Jesus and that faith we are not ashamed to profess before men that Jesus is the Son of God who died and resurrected from death and now seated at the right hand of God interceding for us. Praise the Name of the Lord Jesus:
“But the firstling of an ass thou shalt redeem with a lamb: and if thou redeem him not, then shalt thou break his neck.” Exodus 34:20
Every firstborn creature must be the Lord’s, but since the ass was unclean, it could not be presented in sacrifice. What then? Should it be allowed to go free from the universal law? By no means. God admits of no exceptions. The ass is His due, but He will not accept it; He will not abate the claim, but yet He cannot be pleased with the victim.
No way of escape remained but redemption—the creature must be saved by the substitution of a lamb in its place; or if not redeemed, it must die. My soul, here is a lesson for thee. That unclean animal is thyself; thou art justly the property of the Lord who made thee and preserves thee, but thou art so sinful that God will not, cannot, accept thee; and it has come to this, the Lamb of God must stand in thy stead, or thou must die eternally.
Let all the world know of thy gratitude to that spotless Lamb who has already bled for thee, and so redeemed thee from the fatal curse of the law. Must it not sometimes have been a question with the Israelite which should die, the ass or the lamb? Would not the good man pause to estimate and compare?
Assuredly there was no comparison between the value of the soul of man and the life of the Lord Jesus, and yet the Lamb dies, and man the ass is spared. My soul, admire the boundless love of God to thee and others of the human race. Worms are bought with the blood of the Son of the Highest! Dust and ashes redeemed with a price far above silver and gold! What a doom had been mine had not plenteous redemption been found!
The breaking of the neck of the ass was but a momentary penalty, but who shall measure the wrath to come to which no limit can be imagined? Inestimably dear is the glorious Lamb who has redeemed us from such a doom.
Glory be to Jesus the Redeemer and Savour of the Whole world. Thank You Jesus for saving my soul and that of the Whole world especially those who confess that Jesus is Lord.
Beloved, if You are yet to confess Jesus as Your Lord and personal Saviour click here now before it will be too late to so.
Glory be to Jesus
Remain blessed in the Lord.