Worthy are You Lord! You are Worthy to be praised. Father, we thank You for waking us up this morning, You gave breath to our nostrils, we can stand and walk around, we can move every parts of our body all to Your glory; in appreciation, we came to say Thank You. Let Glory, Honour, Adoration be unto You Who is Worthy of our praised.
We are trusting for a blessed day, a blessed week ahead of us. Thank You for we will shout alleluia at the end for what Your Mighty Hands will do for us.
Beloved, last week left us with a lots of questions about Who God actually is, about His ability to supply or meet all our needs, we also try to find out how well you know your God and why something people have problem with God. I will encourage you to go back to those devotionals and read in between lines for better understanding. It is loaded and will help you to find solution to some basic things you are believing God for.
The New Year is gradually turning into month. I want to know how well you are getting on. Are you taking command of the year on the altar of fasting and praying? Are you too busy even to pray and do a short meditation? No athletic appear on the finish line by wishing it. No captain wins the war by mere talking.
Every serious minded individual takes the beginning of every year serious. How you started matters a lot and make a huge difference. The captain in the above scenario sit down to analyze the troops he is confronted with and the armory at his disposal then he trains his solider in line with the weapons he has.
Failure to do plan the battle means losing the battle, putting the lives of his officers in line, it also means that his country will be overtaken by their enemies. He cannot afford that I guess.
You cannot casually walk through the year, you must take over the events of the year with the help of the Holy Spirit. So if you have not been fasting please start NOW, don’t just fast also pray, except were you have health challenge or you are pregnant, then make sure that the fire on your altar do not go off through constant prayer. Why? So that the deep things of the year be reveal to you, praise the Lord!
Beloved, what do you understand by New life in Christ? Incidentally, we did a whole month study on it in December last year, so am very sure we all fair knowledge of what it is all about.
Are you born again? You cannot have a new life without a change of what you are doing before now. So New life is dropping your old way of living and picking up a new stand in Christ Jesus. That is conforming into His “Image”. Praise the Lord. It means doing and living for everything Christ live and died for.
You don’t need to amend it; you just have to change it. A 360 decree turnaround. Praise the Lord!
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.—2 Corinthians 5:17
You do not become a Christian by asking Jesus into your heart. You become a Christian when you are born again. Jesus said, “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Saying a prayer or making a public commitment or signing a decision card will not save you. Only being born again will do that.
The apostle Paul said that when you are “in Christ,” the old things pass away. In the moment of your salvation, every sin you ever committed is forgiven. Healing for every hurt you have ever suffered is available. Love and acceptance are yours despite every failure you have ever experienced. Your past, no matter how difficult or painful, is completely and thoroughly provided for.
Some will seek to diminish the awesome reality of your spiritual rebirth. You will hear them say, “Even though you’re now a Christian, you must still undergo years of counseling to overcome the hurts you’ve experienced” or “You may be born again, but you’ll continue to struggle with your sin, and hopefully you will eventually gain victory in areas of your weakness.”
The problem is that we seek changes by our own will rather than by turning our lives over in faith to the One who has given us new life. The profound testimony of Scripture is that the blood of Jesus Christ and the death of the Son of God is sufficient to completely free you from your sin. Satan will seek to convince you that it is not. Whom will you believe?
Whose report will you believe God or Satan or His agents who will try to convince you otherwise?
Beloved, being born again do not end with your confession of it, it also means that you are going to be trained in the way of the Lord. It is only in Christendom we assume the help of the Holy Spirit without actually involving Him in what we are doing. That is why, when we miss it, we get frustrated and blame God and every other persons, things around us except ourselves.
Dearly, let us subject ourselves to the discipleship class in our local church; reading materials like the one you are reading now, also listening to tapes that will build us up and transform us into glory. Praise the Lord:
God wanted to make known to those among the Gentiles the glorious wealth of this mystery, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.—Colossians 1:27
The heavenly Father’s plan from the beginning of time was to place His eternal Son in every believer. If you are a Christian, all the fullness of God dwells in you. Christ’s life becomes your life. When Christ lives in you, He brings every divine resource with Him. Every time you face a need, you meet it with the presence of the crucified, risen, and triumphant Lord of the universe inhabiting you. When God invites you to become involved in His work, He has already placed His Son in you so that He can carry out His assignment through your life.
This has significant implications for your Christian life. Discipleship is more than acquiring head knowledge and memorizing Scripture verses. It is learning to give Jesus Christ total access to your life so He will live His life through you. Your greatest difficulty will be believing that your relationship with Christ is at the heart of your Christian life.
When others watch you face a crisis, do they see the risen Lord responding? Does your family see the difference Christ makes when you face a need? What difference does the presence of Jesus Christ make in your life?
God wants to reveal Himself to those around you by working mightily through you. He wants your family to see Christ in you each day. God wants to express His love through your life. There is a great difference between “living the Christian life” and allowing Christ to live His life through you.
On this note, we welcome you into another week of victories through the help of the Holy Spirit. The Lord is set to do the miraculous through you. Everybody may be tried of your case but watch it God choose you for a reason. He can never be tried of you, before that need arise He had made provision, all you need do is to find out from Him how to access it.
Watch out by the end of this week, we will testify of the goodness of the Lord! Praise the Lord.
Remain blessed in the Lord.