Praise the Lord O my soul Praise the Lord O my soul. Praise the Lord O my soul, Praise the Lord O my soul. It is a great thing to serve Jesus, it is great thing to serve the Lord, it is a great thing to serve the Lord walking in the righteous path, O walk walk walk walk walking in the way, O walk walk walk walk walking in the way, sister walk, walk, walk walk walking in the way, walking in the righteous path.
Father we thank You for You are Holy and forever You are God. Jesus we bless Your Holy Name Father in heaven. You are excellent, marvellous and righteous glory be to Holy Name forever and ever, I don’t know how to bless you Lord but I say thank you. Be thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, we serve a very big God, Whose Word are yea and amen! Indeed great are His Works. And He is greatly to be Praise. In this same as many as are trusting Him for salvation God’s Hand will perfect it in Jesus Name.
Our teaching for this week centered so much on becoming more like Christ. Having the image of imprinted in life; in our soul. Praise the living Jesus.
Beloveth, what a wonderful God we serve, His plans towards us are good and not evil. His faithfulness is forever sure, great is our God.
Having gone through all these teaching series did you notice or see any difference in your life? The truth remains that first of Holy Spirit in a life a man is to bring him to the point of true repentance. Yes genuine life of salvation comes along with trucks loads of God’s blessings.
Our topic for the day “New Life” is what the life of an individual will be like when he encounter Jesus. He became a new creation, old things pass away, behold all things become new as depict by bible text below.
Beloved, this is how the life of a man/woman who genuinely seek to be like Jesus. However, if you are yet to experience this transformation power of God rest not until you truly confess same. Praise God.
Don’t forget that today is our PCL and we will be bring your way some past hero and heroine whose lives were transformed and they carried out God’s perfect will while here on earth. Praise God.
Beloved most works of the kingdom were done by unsung hero without fun fare. They intention was to glorify God while here and they also know that God will reward. For the realized what God said in His Word and are willing to live it out.
Beloved, new life is what every child of God must desire to live hence the desire to be like Jesus. Beloveth, be a true ambassador of God’s kingdom, be like Christ. Praise God! Be yea transformed, glory be to God on high.
Another important thing to note is that having been saved do not allow anyone to talk you out from the salvation you have receive by many rituals. Beloved, you are save and you are save. Is the grand work of the Holy Spirit and no man should add to it. Live right by daily reading God’s word and attaining to believer’s fellowship so the word of God will be honour in your life- iron sharpens iron. Praise God.
Let’s discover more:
Therefore if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.—2 Corinthians 5:17
You do not become a Christian by asking Jesus into your heart. You become a Christian when you are born again. Jesus said, “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). Saying a prayer or making a public commitment or signing a decision card will not save you. Only being born again will do that. The apostle Paul said that when you are “in Christ,” the old things pass away.
In the moment of your salvation, every sin you ever committed is forgiven. Healing for every hurt you have ever suffered is available. Love and acceptance are yours despite every failure you have ever experienced. Your past, no matter how difficult or painful, is completely and thoroughly provided for.
Some will seek to diminish the awesome reality of your spiritual rebirth. You will hear them say, “Even though you’re now a Christian, you must still undergo years of counseling to overcome the hurts you’ve experienced” or “You may be born again, but you’ll continue to struggle with your sin, and hopefully you will eventually gain victory in areas of your weakness.”
The problem is that we seek changes by our own will rather than by turning our lives over in faith to the One who has given us new life. The profound testimony of Scripture is that the blood of Jesus Christ and the death of the Son of God is sufficient to completely free you from your sin. Satan will seek to convince you that it is not. Whom will you believe?
Beloved you are free and free indeed. In Christ you are a new creation therefore live like one. Let’s see some of our biblical heroes and heroine:
Most Of The Great Work Of God Is Done Quietly By God’s Unsung Heroes
In a day when everyone, it seems wants their name in lights or print, the idea of being an unheralded laborer for God goes down painfully. Yet, God’s true work is done without fanfare. For example, who ever heard of:
- At her funeral this quiet servant of God was exonerated for her “deeds of kindness and charity.” (Acts 9:36, 39) And what were her deeds? That of making underwear for others. UNDERWEAR! (Literally: “undergarments“)
- The little nondescript guy who saved a city. “There was a small city with few men it and a great king came to it, surrounded it, and constructed large siege works against it. But there was found in it a poor wise man and he delivered the city by his wisdom. Yet no one remembered that poor man.” (Ecclesiastes 9:14, 15)
God commands us to do His work without seeking recognition:
“When you do something for someone else, don‘t call attention to yourself… just do it — quietly and unobtrusively.” (Matthew 6:1, 2 – The Message Translation)
Even our private life of prayer with God is to go unnoticed:
“And when you come before God, don‘t turn that into a theatrical production either. All these people making a regular show out of their prayers, hoping for stardom!… Find a quiet, secluded place so you won‘t be tempted to role play before God. Just be there as simply and honestly as you can manage… ” (Matthew 6:5, 6 — The Message Translation)
The true servants of God understand that God does not take kindly to sharing His glory:
“My glory I will not share with another.” (Isaiah 48:11)
That is precisely why the real work of God is done quietly and humbly, and most often without the notice or appreciation of others.
Such service may appear to be sacrificial, but God’s mature servants are aware that the true rewards will be handed out by Him in eternity. And for this they are willing to wait!
Beloved, even our prayer life should go unnoticed, thank God for releasing this profound truth to us. I hope you have been following us on Wednesday as we learn more on prayers. God will enrich your life when you follow Him and learn more about Him.
May the teaching of this week reconcile many to God and help us live out life to His glory Amen! Praise God somebody
Have a wonderful weekend and seek more to be like Jesus in your dealings. Put in another way in every situation you are face always ask yourself “What will Jesus do.”
See you next week by God’s grace.
Remain ever blessed in the Lord.