Father, we thank You for the showers of rain this morning and the uncountable blessings You bestow on us daily. As an earthly father desires the success of his children so You spare nothing to ensure that we are not only comfortable but blessed; You bless our going out and our coming in. We thank You.
At the beginning of the week, we consider Noah godly influence in the lives of His children. Today, we will be rounding off the week with same Noah but now we will be considering his walk with God. Read further:
Noah, however, found favor in the eyes of the Lord.
These are the family records of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among his contemporaries; Noah walked with God.—Genesis 6:8–9
No matter how ungodly the environment you may be in, God will always find you and walk with you. Noah lived in perhaps the most wicked age in history. No one worshiped God. All the people worshiped idols and pursued their own sinful pleasures.
Noah’s neighbors were evil; every person he associated with in the marketplace, or along the street, or in public gatherings, ridiculed the very thought of being faithful to God. Every temptation imaginable was abundantly available to Noah. How oppressive such an environment would have been to a righteous person!
The people of Noah’s day were so wicked that God planned the most complete and drastic act of judgment recorded in Scripture. Nevertheless, Noah was not lost to God in the crowd of sinners. God noticed every act of Noah’s righteousness.
Noah had chosen to live uprightly before God despite what everyone around him was doing, and God had observed him. There may have been times when Noah wondered if it mattered if he lived a righteous life, since no one else was. Yet he continued, and his persistence in righteousness saved his life and the lives of his family members.
Are you constantly surrounded by evil? Do you struggle at times to live a righteous life when those you associate with each day have no concern for God? Find assurance in the life of Noah.
God watches you, even as He observed Noah. God will seek you out of the crowd every time, and He wants to bless you and your family just as He blessed Noah.
The most interesting thing about God is that he see deeds done whether in the dark or in the open – omnipresent nature of God. Maybe presently you are in a service or work where you have not been rewarded or promoted and you are being discouraged let today text encourage you.
Are you are facing some hard times, a difficult situation in your life, family or someone close to you, please encourage the person with this message. Be God’s hand and feet and encourage someone to smile saying “JESUS LOVE YOU THEREFORE HE CANNOT FORGET YOU”; for He constantly abides with His children. Consider further:
“For the Lord will not forsake his people for his great name’s sake; because it hath pleased the Lord to make you his people.” 1Sam. 12:22
God’s choice of His people is the reason for His abiding by them, and not forsaking them. He chose them for His love, and He loves them for His choice. His own good pleasure is the source of their election, and His election is the reason for the continuance of His pleasure in them.
It would dishonor His great name for Him to forsake them, since it would either show that He made an error in His choice, or that He was fickle in His love. God’s love has this glory, that it never changes, and this glory He will never tarnish.
By all the memories of the Lord’s former lovingkindnesses let us rest assured that He will not forsake us. He who has gone so far as to make us His people, will not undo the creation of His grace. He has not wrought such wonders for us that He might leave us after all.
His Son Jesus has died for us, and we may be sure that He has not died in vain. Can He forsake those for whom He shed His blood? Because He has hitherto taken pleasure in choosing and in saving us, it will be His pleasure still to bless us.
Our Lord Jesus is no changeable Lover. Having loved His own, He loves them to the end. Hope this has encouraged you further to keep being good like Noah, God did not forsake him; same God will never forsake you (Isa 49:15).
Devote time this weekend to search further in the life of Abraham, Jacob, David, the account of the children of Israel in the bible to discover more about God Faithfulness.
Till I come your way again next week by the grace of God,
Remain blessed in the Lord.