Holy Most Holy is the Lord God…is the Lord God…is the Lord God… Holy Most Holy s the Lord and God…is the Lord God Most High// I will call upon the Lord…Who is worthy to be Praise! I will glorify the Lord is Who is worthy to be Praise… The Lord reigneth blessed be the Lord …honour to the Lord…let the Lord of my salvation be exalted… The Lord reigneth blessed be the Lord…honour to the Lord… let the Lord of my salvation be exalted….
Yes Father be Thou exalted above all in heaven, on earth, in the sea and even in the grave…you are far above all…be Thou exalted Father above all… Merciful Father have You way again in our midst…do that which only You can do… Thank You for answers to prayers made on this altar… be Thou magnify forever and ever in Jesus Name…..
Beloveth how are doing today… our walk with God is a walk of faith… And without faith it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to Him must believe that He is and He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him… are you seeking with all diligent beloveth?
Wisdom is a principal thing …therefore get wisdom; Yea, with all thy getting get understanding….. (Prov 4:7). The wisdom to walk with God lies in a robust faith in Him … how better is wisdom than gold….yea to get understanding is rather to be chosen than silver (Prov 16:16).
Thank God for the gift of the Holy Spirit to the body of Christ through which the God is edify through us His children…
One of the great wonders of receiving the Holy Spirit is the sense of understanding and perspective it brings. In Ephesians, Paul refers to the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation.” It is so important that we aren’t trying to understand God simply from human point of view. His ways are above our ways—His thought above ours…we need His Spirit to help us see from His perspective.
I remember clearly when I first encountered the Holy Spirit, one of the first thing that I notice was how my prayer life changed… I can stay longer in the place of prayer having and enjoying sweet communion with God… I speak to Him and He will speak back to me… His Ever Presence even when I left the place of prayer was intriguing… Secondly I noticed how much more I was receiving from reading the Bible… The Word opens up to me in a greater dimension than it was before then…
Later on in Ephesians, Paul refers to the Word of God as the “Sword of the Spirit,” and the Apostle Peter says the writer of the scripture were “carried along by the Holy Spirit,” so we see clearly the synergy between the Word of God and the Spirit of God. They are impossible to separate and are most effective when working together in our lives.
Beloveth, what things within your faith and the scriptures have you struggled to understand and need to ask the Holy Spirit to help you with?
Another amazing benefits of being filled with the Holy Spirit is the hope that flows from Him…there is a sense of childlike innocence and wonder that captures us, an unexplainable assurance that all things will work for good. It is this hope residing within us that can become our greatest too to impact the world around us, I have found that hope overflows and bubbles up; it can’t be contained or keep down.
It is something that spills out in our words, our actions, our lives. As we put our trust in the God of all hope, He fill us with peace and joy, and a kind of spiritual chemical reaction takes place when the two things combine… a heavenly hope erupt from within us! It is hope, not birthed in mere positive thinking or wishful imaginings, but by the Holy Spirit, that is the most contagious substance in the world, and something our world right now is desperately crying out for.
Beloveth, do you believe in miracles? Ordinary people with great faith in God have seen miracles in their lives. Their faith has given them renewed hope as they trust God and believe all things are possible with Him. It is God who works all things out for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. You are God’s miracle. He wants you His miracle, to live with the Holy Spirit active in you. He has called you to pray in the Spirit with power and believe as you pray for the revival of your heart and a revival of those souls on your heart.
Beloveth are you remaining faithful to the Lord? the Lord yearns for us to remain faithful to Him. He is looking for those who will remain faithful with steadfast purpose. His purpose will be filled in us as we keep trusting and obeying Him. are you hearing the Lord calling you into service? Have you given Him your whole heart so that He can empower you with Holy Spirit and use you to spread His hope and love? The hopeless need Jesus. what will do to help these people….
Noah called his generation but the mocked him and they were utterly destroyed… But He walked in faith, refused to be unfaithful even when everybody around Him was. As a result he saved his family from the great wrath of God (Gen 7, 8:1,15-19). Jesus told us about His second coming and therefore is eminent that will go spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus to all the ends of earth starting from own Jerusalem, Judaea, Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.
Come and discover more:
Noah, however, found favor in the eyes of the Lord. These are the family records of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless among his contemporaries; Noah walked with God.—Genesis 6:8–9
No matter how ungodly the environment you may be in, God will always find you and walk with you. Noah lived in perhaps the most wicked age in history. No one worshiped God. All the people worshiped idols and pursued their own sinful pleasures. Noah’s neighbors were evil; every person he associated with in the marketplace, or along the street, or in public gatherings, ridiculed the very thought of being faithful to God. Every temptation imaginable was abundantly available to Noah. How oppressive such an environment would have been to a righteous person!
The people of Noah’s day were so wicked that God planned the most complete and drastic act of judgment recorded in Scripture. Nevertheless, Noah was not lost to God in the crowd of sinners. God noticed every act of Noah’s righteousness. Noah had chosen to live uprightly before God despite what everyone around him was doing, and God had observed him. There may have been times when Noah wondered if it mattered if he lived a righteous life, since no one else was. Yet he continued, and his persistence in righteousness saved his life and the lives of his family members.
Are you constantly surrounded by evil? Do you struggle at times to live a righteous life when those you associate with each day have no concern for God? Find assurance in the life of Noah. God watches you, even as He observed Noah. God will seek you out of the crowd every time, and He wants to bless you and your family just as He blessed Noah.
Beloveth, Noah did it…by faith we will also overcome evil with good…. Have faith in God…Put Your hope in the Living God and see the Power of God manifesting in great dimension in your life. Great encounter is taking place…position and be part of it… Amen….
Thank you Holy Spirit for being with me and opening my heart and mind to Your truth. I surrender to You all the thoughts and question that I am wrestling with. I ask that You help us to have the mind of Christ and see from Your perspective ….Lord today I affirm my trust in and dependence on you. I thank You that You are the God of all hope and have promised to make all things work together for the good those who love You. fill me again with Your peace and Joy as I put my Trust in You. Amen.
Further Reading- 1Cor.3:8, Ps 25:14, Act 1:8, 1 Cor 2:12-13, Jas 1:21, Rom 15:8, Acts 16:11,
Remain blessed in the Lord.