Everybody testify you are good You are good Jehovah You are good, everybody testifying You are good You are good Jehovah You are good//. Unquestionable You are the Lord, Unquestionable You are the Lord, Unquestionable, Unquestionable, Unquestionable You are the Lord. come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good.

Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Name, we exalt You we give You Praise adoration and honour belongs to You. Only You is our God, Only You I will serve, Only You I worship, and bow, only You I will serve. Thank You for the privilege to be in Your court and worship, sing alleluia to You alone. Thank You Father for the miracles You did in our lives in this blessed week, thank You for answers to prayers , and the gifts of health in mind and body, alleluia to You alone in Jesus Name.

Beloved, hope your week was wow! Glory be to God Who perform all things, what a Wonder He is! Yes! talking about wonders our Father is a perfect example to mention. He created the World by spoken Word, He calleth those things that be not as if they were, hill skip like a Lamb at His Presence, He make the clouds His chariot: He walketh upon the wings of wind (Ps 104:1- 35).

Jesus is a replica of His Father: He works in power and might. He did uncountable miracles (Matt 9:35; 12:!5; 14:25-29; 15:32-38, Lk 13:12, Lk 22:51).

Same way He empowered His disciples and Apostles in the days of old likewise in our day. Do you have the power Jesus gives or the power of the world? Do you possess any power at all in you, can you command in the Name of Jesus and it comes in to being?

That is what Paul the apostle was saying in the ministration below, we are not to engage in foolish talking or debates about the things the bible is silent upon. Some go to the extent of giving extrapolation meaning to what they think should be, we must keep away from such acts as we gain nothing from such exercise.

Beloved, let your take away from the PCL of today be that you must not engage in what the Word of God frowns at and still call yourself a child of God, come along we me for more:


For the kingdom of God is not in talk but in power.—1 Corinthians 4:20


Christianity is not moral platitudes, lofty intentions, and noble thoughts. The fundamental characteristic of God’s kingdom is power. Paul faced constant criticism about his work among the early churches. Some of his detractors would travel to cities such as Corinth and speak extensively about all that Paul was doing incorrectly. At times, people in the churches were enticed to believe the slanderous criticisms against the apostle.

Paul responded with a reminder that the test of a kingdom citizen’s authenticity was not the persuasiveness of his words, but the spiritual power of his life. Paul candidly acknowledged that some did not find him eloquent in speech (2 Cor. 10:10). Yet they could not question God’s power in his life. He had seen many people converted, and many churches were started through his ministry. He had been used to heal the sick and raise the dead through God’s power. Regardless of whether his words were eloquent, they carried spiritual power and authority that came from God.

You will encounter many people who seek to convince you of their opinions concerning the kingdom of God. They may speak passionately. They may even bring charts and graphs to prove their points! But the test of the validity of their words is the spiritual power of their lives. If a person speaks forcefully about a point of doctrine but is habitually sinning, his words are discredited by his life. If a person talks of the power of God but gives no evidence of victory in her life, her words are empty. It is much easier to talk about the victorious Christian life than it is to live it.

If you only have the appearance of godliness without any corresponding spiritual power (2 Tim. 3:5), ask God to cleanse you of your sin and to fill you with His Spirit so that your life is characterized by power.

Did you read that? We must not have the appearance of godliness without a corresponding spiritual power that characterizes a child of God! a victorious Christian life is not in mere talking but must be in living it out. If your life is characterize by sin, as the Holy Spirit to purge it out and make you clean.

We are not living a victorious life when our life is basking in sins, “No” and “Never.” We spent the better part of this month analyzing what a victorious living is. Is centered upon purity of heart and acts, so make sure you up and away from sins, may God help us all in Jesus Name. More below:

“Avoid foolish questions.” Titus 3:9


Our days are few, and are far better spent in doing good, than in disputing over matters which are, at best, of minor importance. The old schoolmen did a world of mischief by their incessant discussion of subjects of no practical importance; and our Churches suffer much from petty wars over abstruse points and unimportant questions. After everything has been said that can be said, neither party is any the wiser, and therefore the discussion no more promotes knowledge than love, and it is foolish to sow in so barren a field.

Questions upon points wherein Scripture is silent; upon mysteries which belong to God alone; upon prophecies of doubtful interpretation; and upon mere modes of observing human ceremonials, are all foolish, and wise men avoid them. Our business is neither to ask nor answer foolish questions, but to avoid them altogether; and if we observe the apostle’s precept (Titus 3:8) to be careful to maintain good works, we shall find ourselves far too much occupied with profitable business to take much interest in unworthy, contentious, and needless strivings.

There are, however, some questions which are the reverse of foolish, which we must not avoid, but fairly and honestly meet, such as these: Do I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ? Am I renewed in the spirit of my mind? Am I walking not after the flesh, but after the Spirit? Am I growing in grace? Does my conversation adorn the doctrine of God my Saviour? Am I looking for the coming of the Lord, and watching as a servant should do who expects his master?

What more can I do for Jesus? Such enquiries as these urgently demand our attention; and if we have been at all given to cavilling, let us now turn our critical abilities to a service so much more profitable. Let us be peace-makers, and endeavour to lead others both by our precept and example, to “avoid foolish questions.”

Beloved you have read it, let us therefore endeavour to walk in the power of God and avoid foolish chatting as it does not please our Father at all. May the Spirit of God help us where we are weak, strengthen us from the inner mind, help us to avoid what we should avoid and do that which is expected of us even if is painstaking. Praise the Lord alleluia.

Let us invoke the Spirit of God to cleanse our sinful life and make us vessel unto honour. let us sing this song:

Let the power of the Lord comes down in Jesus Name, Let the power of the Lord comes down in Jesus Name, Let the power of the Lord from comes down, Let the power of the Lord comes down.

Have a beautiful weekend, see you next week by God’s grace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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