Who can battle with the Lord, Who can battle with the Lord, Who can battle with the Lord, I say nobody. Who can battle with the Lord, Who can battle with the Lord, Who can battle with the Lord, I say no body. Great is Thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I need Thy Hand has provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto Thee.

Merciful Father we thank You we bless You Name, we adore Thee, we give You Praise, we adore You we glorify You Name forever in Jesus Name. Thank You for another blessed weekday You have He made us to be part of, glory be to in the highest in Jesus Name. Let the living Praise Your Name and let the earth rejoice for He is Great than the greatest, he is Mightier than the mightiest, He is older than the oldest. Great are you Lord.

Have Your way again Lord and teach us something new in Your Word today, and help us to obey your Word and let Your blessings fall on us even as we obey you in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, how was your day? Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Thank God for the fathers who made our day yesterday! It was a glorious moment; the men had their day with powerful session teaching us what an honorable and a fruitful father should be like.

An honorable Father must have  God as His Father and with a mind of always desiring to be like Jesus. He must be deliberate in making choices that will align him with the teaching of our of our Lord Jesus Christ. Is a choice to fight satan and its cohorts before they fight his family, though that makes him vulnerable but he will be protected if he never give up following Jesus as his Role Model , he must never back-paddle in the middle /path in  following Jesus. He must always keep steps with Jesus.

The fathers are founders. The bible said that He that findeth a wife findeth a good thing (Prov 18:22).

As a Father are you burden? Jesus extended an invitation to our fathers to drop their burden and pick up His own yoke that light which includes the following- Can He take something from your hands without you complaining?

Can He send you on a journey without you murmuring? A Father should be there in raining, dry, winter season for his family. Jesus knows the Way, are you choosing to follow him? When Apostle Paul saw the greater light he never went back rather he continued to follow Him (Acts 9:3).

Beloved, every choice is an experience, this experience can you move further or pull you down, Paul made a choice and followed it to the end. Problems make us to grow or go down. If you are keeping step with God, He will bless you but if you are not, well curse is looming (Deut 28:1 end).

Beloved when Jesus came to fig tree and found leaves but no fruits, He caused it. The fig tree was fruitless but leave-full (Matt 21:19-20). Every Father is expected to bear fruit, and he must take care of his home and others under his care.  Hear what Jesus said in Jn 15:7-8 “John 15:7 “If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatsoever ye will, and it shall be done unto you.”

Did you read that, “when you bear fruit, your Father Who art in heaven is glorify. Can you answer this question; are you bearing fruit for God as a Father?

We need fathers that they knees are close to the ground Ezek 9:5-6. As a Father do you stay in gap for your family? Do you fill the gap between the porch and the altar? May God help us to have fruitful and honorable fathers in our generation even those yet unborn in Jesus Name.

Like I said, it was an eventful day for the fathers yesterday, and my prayer for them is that every Father will honour God by living worthy and being fruitful in Jesus Name. If anyone is sick in the body, I speak healing into your life now in Jesus Name. May you receive the “Wholesomeness” as God promised us in Jesus Name. Beloved, none of our fathers will fail God and inherent causes to his home instead of blessing in Jesus Name. Praise the Lord!

Beloved, having considered the place of our earthly Father, let us also consider how we must relate with our Father in heaven. So many have missed it and brought our Heavenly Father to their level. Is so unfortunate how many address Him as if He is their mates or even their colleagues, though He brought Himself lower so that we can reach Him, He is ever closer to us than think, that does warrant the mess we are seeing in our society today. May God forgive us and help us to reverence His Name and observe Holy things in Jesus Name.

Join me to discover more:

1 Kings 7:1-51, Psalm 72:15-20, Proverbs 15:28-29, John 17:1-26

Not Just a “Father”

Holy Father, protect them by Your name.—John 17:11

John Calvin said: “That God’s name should be hallowed is to say that God should have His own honor of which He is so worthy, so that men should never think or speak of Him without the greatest veneration.”

One of the things that saddens me about the contemporary Christian church is the way that some believers refer to the Almighty in terms that drag Him down to a “good buddy” relationship. They refer to the great God of creation as “The Man Upstairs” or “My Partner in the Sky.” When people talk about God in such low-level terms, they do Him an injustice. And it’s not so much the terms but the image of God that lies behind those terms which is the real problem.

We must, of course, strike a balanced note on this issue, for Paul himself teaches us that the Holy Spirit in our hearts prompts us to call God not merely “Father,” but “Daddy” (Rm 8:15). Too much of the “Daddy,” however, can lead us, if we are not careful, into sloppy sentimentalism. I believe this is why, after the phrase “Our Father,” Jesus introduces us to another aspect of God—hallowed, holy, reverenced be His Name. It is right that we think of God in familiar terms such as “Daddy,” but it is right also that we remember that our heavenly Father is a God of majestic holiness and unsullied purity. A. W. Tozer was right when he said, “No religion has been greater than its idea of God.” Jesus put it into proper focus when He addressed God, not only as Father, but Holy Father.


My Father and my God, help me gain a healthy and balanced view of Your person, so that while I enjoy the familiarity of Your Fatherhood, I am exceedingly conscious also of Your holiness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Further Study

Heb 12:1-14; Ex 15:11; 1Sm 6:20; Isa 6:3; Rv 15:4

Where are we to look?

How do we become holy?

Beloved, we need to start weeping and confessing our sins as we have not hold God in honour as we ought to. Some of our fathers  have not even teach or correct their children when they go in error with regards to honouring God (gen 18:19). Confess your sin and ask the Holy Spirit to help you and teach you how to honour God more profusely going forward in Jesus Name. He is just a “Father” but “Our Heavenly Father.”

On this note dearly beloved we declare this week open and by His grace we will return with greater testimonies at the end to the glory of His Name amen! “Be fruitful” as commanded us by Jesus Amen!

Remain ever blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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