Glory be to the Lord in the highest Amen! Glory be to the Lord in the highest Amen! For His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!! for His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!! x2 // Take Glory Father… Take Glory Son…Take Glory Holy Spirit now and forever more…
Let the Spirit of the Lord comes down in Jesus Name… Let the Spirit of the Lord come down…Amen! Let the Spirit of the Lord from heaven comes down. Let the Spirit of the Lord comes down….
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name…we adore Thee. We give You glory, we give You honour…we worship You, we exalt Your holy Name…Matchless Jesus hallow be Thy Name… Let Thou Kingdom come and Thy will be down on earth… O Lord, we worship and adore Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name… Thank You Father for the gift this week… it has wonderful… so I return to give You Praise, to give You worship,,, hallow be Thy Name O Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name… Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth…is Friday morning…can you give a shout offering to the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes it has so wonderful this week to me specially and am very sure your case is the same…
Beloveth… the psalmist said “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty…. I did exactly that?… It is a statement of fact too… when you dwells in God’s Presence, evil shall be far from you… devil will bow at your feet… plans against you will fail, I was a living testimony… Just yesterday, God made this verse and some others iIwill give at the end a reality in my life…
I step into my place of work yesterday morning early because of this ministration, that day is usually an environmental day or sanitation day… so you clean up your environment… I develop the habit of ensuring that my environs are clean whether it was the day or not… so when I came into my office… I prayed but something usual happened that morning… I see myself not in a hurry but very relax and at point even when it was obvious to me that my mind was beckoning on me that I should go about my ministration and possible do one thing or the other … I declared it loud and clear… I said “ Father, I want to dwell in Presence this morning in an usual way”
Wow! That was it…. I eulogize my God and when my spirit was overflowed I got down to the business of the day…first my ministration so it was while doing that my first client came and I was like is it time to open, than looking at my laptop time… it was two minutes after … so I decide to open only to realize that my entrance door was padlock with local Government Environmental Padlock…
Wow! what went wrong but I was in shop…who, when I could not figure it out but long story short… they later came around demanding me to come out so that they can lock my shop, but who does that… so I went asking questions what was your reason for locking in the first place… I was told, I did not do environmental, then I asked what is wrong with my environment?
Then they have no answer to give … on realizing that they have even offended the law by locking the occupant inside, they started dancing round and giving one excuse to another until they eventually left… so these people went about locking shops indiscriminately of which I would have been a victim assuming I was not in… they were just looking for where to fill their pockets…
Beloveth… I did not tell you that my son came twice to call me for a meeting that I suppose to have with his trainer but I asked him not until am done with the ministration … secondly, God ordered my steps right to come into my office at the time I did… if not I would have been outside and I must pay a fine though without offense (you know the corruption prevailing in the society) and again God honoured me in a special way because I became a wonder to many that was also affected… eventually they have to paid or bribe their way through to get the key to open their shops…but God averted all these for me… Praise the Lord…
Beloveth, it pays to serve Jesus… to those that serve and seek Him in truth and in Spirit. He promised that they will not be confounded… and that was my testimony that day, I was not confounded…. I felt like a daughter of Zion, of which I am… I was so glad… too… God honoured me before those who questioned my God….. Wow! It really pay to be in God’s Presence, He honoured me and made me glad… shout alleluia …
You will experiences an usually breakthrough beloveth when you dwell in His Presence… demons will flee, principality will bow, satan will make mistake and will be confuse at the power that will bring you up from where he thought he put an end to you… (do you remember the resurrection morning?)
Beloveth the Word of God is Alive and Real… only believe…. I never saw it coming… but like I said, it was usual for me to pray when I come in my office in the morning but that day I decide to tell God I want to dwell in Your Presence … and I believe God shielded me from the confrontation that will have ensued if I heard them locking up my shop from outside and I was truly blessed if you ask me…
God is more than enough for me… when I was in His Presence He fought my battle… He gave me victory… what more can I say that truly God is mindful of you and I … as we will also see in our story text below… even when Zacchaeus was too short to see Jesus through the crowd, it did not stop him but rather he device a means to see Jesus … he climbed the tree just to see Jesus and Jesus truly honoured him and went with him to his house… that was a great honor to a man who was living in sin….
Beloveth, Jesus took salvation to Zacchaeus house and I believe is not only him that was saved… his entire house came to the Lord… that day… just by his decision to see this Jesus….
You may be thinking that God has forgotten you in that situation, in that hospital bed, in that unpalatable condition, left you in that jobless situation, that childless condition, without admission, without a help or a spouse… that financial crisis, if only you will believe that God is more than enough for you… God is all you need… He knows how to orchestrate your path and deliver you from all evil …
He has not forgotten you…you are not lost in the crowd … oftentimes our little mind tells us that God has forsaken us but that is a lie…from the pit of hell… from the fathers of all liars… satan…
Beloveth you are not forgotten; you are not lost in the crowd… Jesus demonstrated that Zaacchaeus… He is here again to do same to you… just make sure that you position yourself like Zacchaeus did… so when Jesus is traveling along to bless others He will spot you as He did Zacchaeus… come along with us for more:
When Jesus came to the place, He looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, hurry and come down, because today I must stay at your house.”—Luke 19:5
In our large world it’s easy to feel that we are nothing more than an insignificant speck in the midst of a multitude. Our world tends to depersonalize us, seeking to make us like everyone else, but God loves us in specific ways that are particular to us.
Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem to fulfill His assignment on the cross. The multitudes thronged around Him in such numbers that the diminutive Zacchaeus could not see Jesus unless he climbed a tree. Zacchaeus would have been satisfied simply to catch a glimpse of the great Teacher.
But Jesus stopped, turned, and looked directly at him! In that moment, Zacchaeus was oblivious to the crowd around him. Thus began a special time with Jesus that radically changed his life.
Jesus will relate to you in ways that are unique to you. He knows your past; He knows what you will face in the future. Because He knows everything about you, His word to you will perfectly fit the circumstances of your life.
You may be in a group of Christians who are listening to God’s Word, and you may hear things from Him that no one else hears. Don’t become frustrated with others if they are not as excited about a truth from God as you are.
Don’t be impatient with them if they are not implementing God’s word in their lives exactly as you are. God will personalize His word to you. He will relate to each of your friends in a way that specifically meets their needs as well.
Yes! That is how God relates to us… we are unique and thus he relate with us in an our uniqueness… may God help us all in Jesus Name….
May God open our eyes to see what He is doing in our individual lives …. May He never pass you by when He is set to bless others in your circle, Amen!!!!
Have a miraculous weekend in Jesus Name…. see you on Monday by God’s grace in Jesus Name…
Further Reading Jn 5:1-10, Ps 91:1-2, 1 Sam 2:9,1 Pet 2:6, Ps 34:5.
Today is the 9th day in the 9th month of 2022…. God special blessings is locating you today in Jesus Name…. I receive it Father… alleluia… Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord.