Everlasting Father, Everlasting Son…Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify…Everlasting Father…Everlasting Son… Immortal Holy Ghost be Thou glorify… // Come and see the Lord is good… Come and see the Lord is good… There is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is good… He give me victory… He gave me Peace of mind… come see that the Lord is good…come and see the Lord is good….

Alleluia somebody….our God is good…all the time … thank You Father for another beautiful week ahead of us …glory be to Your Holy Name… Everlasting Father Who is like unto Thee… O Lord You are God… There is none to be compared with Thee… Thank You for Your Love that faileth now… am so excited I want to celebrate You … Thank You Jesus… let us sing…

You are the Lord that is Your Name…You will never share Your glory with anyone… You will never share Your glory with anybody…Almighty God that is Your Name….

You are more than what we call You… you give us beauty for ashes …O! Father we exalt Your Holy Name… what more can we call You… The Beginning and The End is Your Name… The I AM that I AM.. Who can be compare with Thee Father… No One…NO One… Glory be to Your Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

Beloveth… how are doing today? Hope you are good? Thank God for the gift of another week, another day before us… alleluia to His Name…

We are here again to learn at Your Feet Father… of the truth Not One Word that You spoke to us has failed, not one and none will ever fail in Jesus Name…

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word with God and the Word was God…. All things were by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made…In him was life; and the life was the light of men…

I don’t know whether you agree with this statement of fact or you have something to say … in our text today we have a man testified to the goodness of God in his life… Not One Word has failed that He promised Him and I think we should say same with Him… not one Word He has spoken to us has failed … even we have not seen the manifestation… it will still not fail… though it tarred say Habakkuk… wait for it… because it will surely come, it will not tarry… (Habk.2:3) does this look contradictory… my answer is ‘No’…it’s not .. is playing on words (Pun)… the second ‘tarry’ means that it will not fail… Praise the Lord!!!

From the beginning or the foundation of the world… The Word of God has not fail…so it will not fail in my situation…God is faithful to uphold what He said in His Word and His Promises to me… How? He has the capacity to do so… He created the Word with a spoken Word… and it has remain so … it has never changed… even when Adam and Eve fall in the Garden, God promised us a Redeemer and He fulfilled same… Is only God that has keep all promised made… man mighty promised out of emotions or compassion but may not have the capacity to bring same to pass… but God can and will all the time..

Have you ever had the experience of having a promise made to you only to find that it was not kept… maybe you made a promise to someone and although you tried to keep it to the best of your ability circumstance didn’t cooperate and you ended up disappointing people. Either way promises are meant to be kept and as Humans, try as we might, we tend to fail in our commitments. On the other hand, God, the Maker of heaven and earth, our Heavenly Father, keeps His Word come what may. To better understand Jesus as the faithful One we must look closer at His Father who is the source of any and all faithfulness. The Hebrew word for faithful is “emunah”- steadfast, unchanging, firm. If there is any trait of God that sets him apart from every other worshipped deity- its faithfulness.

He is faithful to His Word. He is faithful to his people. He is faithful to those Who choose to follow Him. that is who our God is.

If you doubt God’s faithfulness- look around you and at yourself. It’s His Faithfulness that keeps us from perishing. The passage for todays describes God’s faithfulness to Joshua. When we look at the biblical narrative from Genesis to Malachi we find there is a repetitive cycle.

A cycle of – A Faithful God giving His people commandments to live by, unfaithful people who rebel against God, self inflicted repercussion, suffering, crying out in repentance, God responding in mercy and causing restoration of His people. In the midst of man’s inconsistency and sinfulness God stayed faithful.

The Bible through the Old Testament has close to 55 prophecies about Jesus. About His life, His birth, His youth, His work, His Kingdom and so on… the astonishing thing is that in Jesus not one or two of these but all of these were fulfilled. Our Father God is a promise Keeper in every sense of the word. He promised to send the Messiah and He didn’t fail us. What’s more is that He sent us His own son to save us and to restore us to Him.

Only God could care so deeply about us that he would keep His promise even if it meant sacrificing His One Son in exchange for all of humanity to be adopted into His family.

Beloveth, what has God promised you… even up till this time He will fulfill it… but you must do your part of the transaction … You must obey Him to the later… Joshua did… and God stood by him and He stand by you too… yours will not be an exception… come on for more:

“. . . and you know with all your heart and all your soul that none of the good promises the Lord your God made to you has failed. Everything was fulfilled for you; not one promise has failed.”—Joshua 23:14

Near the end of his life, Joshua took time with the Israelites to review all that God had done for them since they first began following Him. God had given them an impossible assignment: to conquer a foreign and hostile land with fortified cities and armies more powerful than their own. The Israelites were to go forward with nothing more than God’s promise that He would go with them and take care of them.

Now Joshua looked back over their experience and reminded the Israelites that God had kept every promise. They had experienced numerous victories and had enjoyed God’s provision for every need.

Sometimes hindsight gives us a clear picture of how faithful God has been. We are tempted during a crisis to wonder if God will be faithful to His promises. We focus on our problems, and our trust in God begins to waver. Twenty-four years after God promised Abraham and Sarah a son, they were still waiting on God to fulfill His promise. But in the twenty-fifth year, Abraham and Sarah could look back and see that God had been faithful.

As David was fleeing for his life, he may have been uncertain how God would keep His promise to make him a king. But at the end of his long and prosperous reign, David could review how God had kept every promise.

You, too, can rely on God’s faithfulness. Are you in a crisis? Hold to the promises of your Lord! He will not forget His promises to you. Look back over your Christian life and recount the many ways in which God has been faithful to His word.

Yes! God is too Faithful to fail… He is yet fail anyone … counting from the Old Testament…. So  He will surely come through for you also… there is a deliverance coming your way… and establishment of all His promises to us… just keep following Him and prayerful engage your Him… Amen!!!

On this note we declare this week open and to end we will see His faithfulness working our behalf Amen!!!

Further Reading- Deut 7:9, Ps 84:11, Ps 91, 1 Thess 5:18.


Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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