What shall I render unto Jehovah for He has done so very much for me. What shall I render unto Jehovah for He has done so very much for me. Nara nara ooo nara ekene, nara ekene mu ooo, Nara nara ooo nara ekene, nara ekene mu ooo.// who is like unto Thee O Lord! who is like unto Thee O! among the gods, who is like Thee You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising doing wonders alleluia, doing wonders alleluia.

I will worship my God ooo, I will shout alleluia, me I go worship my God ooo, my God doing for me. Father, we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore Thee, we give You Praise, adoration to Your Holy Name. great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise, greatly to be Praise, great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise Father You reign. Great are You Lord, Great are You Lord! great are You Lord great are You Lord.

Beloved, join me to worship the King of kings, the Ancient of Days, He is the Beginning and the End, the One Who is and Is yet to come blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name. Am still in my praise and worship mood, there is no time table to it, is not a ritual either, but it comes from the inner being when you make Praise a life style.

Beloved, I am I belong to Jesus, is that same with you? There is no gods that can be compared with our God. He is not made of wood or carves on a stone; He does not have a location neither is He stationed. The God I serve is God the Almighty, He is living God. He was not created rather He created all things; my God is a BIG and Wonderful God. Shout a befitting alleluia!!!

Our Lord Jesus is the begotten son of our God, He came down from heaven to reconcile us back to His Father, our Father, before Jesus died and resurrected from the dead and set free all that was held bound by the power death. Now he is seated at the right hand His Father, our Father interceding and drawing men to Himself.

Beloved, if you have Jesus you have everything. Because He is a Living God and He works in our lives to show Himself strong on our behalf. What a Mighty God we serve.

Do you believe in Jesus or in your wealth? Is Jesus your Personal Lord and Saviour? Jesus said “Whosoever shall confess me before the men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels God” (Lk 12:8)

Beloved, are born again in Christ Jesus? We are to confess Jesus because in Him is everything we will ever need. (Rom 10:9, 14:11) Praise the Lord!

Nothing is to be added to Him – Jesus. Join as we discover more:


2 Kings 18:1-19:19, Psalm 78:40-47 Proverbs 17:5-6, Acts 9:1-22


Who are You, Lord?—Acts 9:5

Max Muller, a writer on religious issues, once made this arresting statement: “You do not know the worth of your Christian faith until you have compared it to others.” The first article of belief we look at is the fact that God has appeared in this world in the Person of His eternal Son. Our faith is not the word of a prophet but the Word of the Son Himself. No other world faith even attempts to represent its great teacher as God incarnate. Yet we claim for Christ just that. As God, He comes to us from the highest, and He comes all the way.

I remember hearing a missionary to India say that he was forced to rethink his faith in the light of other faiths and other ways of life. “All the old shibboleths and modes of expression and accepted outlooks on life are challenged,” he said, “and one begins to see where the relevant lies.” He started discussions with Hindu, Buddhist, and Muslim leaders, as well as representatives of India’s many other religions. The gatherings were called “Round Table” discussions to suggest that everyone could present what they considered to be the distinctives of their faith. One could see flashes of truth, the missionary recalled, as people spoke from experience or from their sacred books. But whenever a Christian spoke and unfolded the truth of the Incarnation, the meeting would lapse into silence. Sometimes the silence would last for many minutes, only to be broken with the remark: “We have nothing in our faith that compares to that. Nothing!”


Dear God and Father, if You hadn’t come down to us, how could we have ever come up to You? What humiliation this must have meant for You. Yet what love. Our hearts sing with gratitude. Blessed be Your name forever. Amen.

Further Study

Ac 1:1-5; 1Co 15:1-8; Ac 9:1-6; 1Tm 3:16

What was Paul’s testimony?

How did he substantiate it?

Beloveth, there is no other Name in heaven; on earth that be compared with the Name of Jesus. At the mention of His Name every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is Lord! (Isa 45:23, Rom14:11).

Thank You Jesus for the Supreme sacrifice You made on our behalf. Glory be to Your Name on high. Of the truth there is no gods that be compared with You  Lord! Nothing can be added to Your Name to be healed, delivered and save, You are great standing entirely by Yourself, Praise the Lord! alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!!

On Jesus stands the faith of His people, we overcome by His Name, we are secured and absolutely nothing can be added to Your Name, Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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