Great is Thy faithfulness, Great is Thy faithfulness, morning by morning new mercies I see, all that I needed that hands has provided, great is Thy faithfulness Lord unto thee.// You are the Lord that healeth me, You are the Lord my Saviour, You send Your Word and You healed my disease, You are the Lord my Healer.

Yes my Father, You are my Healer, my Provider, my Protector, You are my all in all. Glory be to Your Name. I worship You forever and ever. Great are You Lord, blessed be Thy Name forever. Thank You for the gift of a new month with great hope and light that will illuminate us to do great exploits in life and in the kingdom, glory be to You on high forever and ever, we bow to worship You Who is above all, Great are You Lord, when You said a thing You have the ability it to bring it to Past, therefore we rest at Your feet to receive strength for the journey ahead. It can only be You Lord that will ensure our goings and our coming back, it can only be You.

You make a way where there seems to be no way, You part the Red sea for Your children to past through, who else can be compare with You, You are Unchangeable Changer, the Beginner and the End, Great are You Lord. thank You for all power belongs to You, in you is all our hope and it will bear through and will not fail in Jesus Name.

Beloved, how are today? Hope you are basking in the joy of the Lord my Savoiur, great are His works, His Name is Everlasting to everlasting. He is faithful from one generation to another generation, He is Name is faithful and so will not fail us, so let us continual put all our trust in Him knowing that Self Existing and therefore could all things. Nothing is impossible for Him to do and He honour His Word more His Name. Glory be to Him on high for God is above all.

He created the world with a spoken Word therefore can orchestrate anything to accomplish His purpose in your life and situation, so if God had said it He will bring it to past. I want to pray for you in case you are being challenged by doubt and you are afraid of what you are passing through or by what is happening around you now, I decree that the Spirit of boldness will encompasses you now and make your faith firm as Rock in Jesus Name. I also pray that you mind be made up to serve the Living and the Only True God and like Apostle Paul, You will declare the lordship of our Lord Jesus Christ over your life and household and that you will never be ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus.

So must you stand firm against any power or forces or situation asking you where is your God? That you will be bold enough to say that “your Father is in heaven and He is more than able to do everything,” glory be to You Lord, alleluia somebody. I want you to know that nothing will last forever except the Word of God, so whatever you might be going through now will one day expires then you will be free from it clutches however you must be strong and have an attitude of an overcomer, a conqueror spirit lest you are faint and lose out. Glory be to God on high.

The Word of God has gone forth ahead of us again this month and by the grace of God it shall accomplish all it has been sent forth to do, Praise the Lord. Apostle Paul asked the Romans “who shall separate us from the love of Christ?” right now am asking you who shall separate you from the love of Christ? I have many challenges of late and all put together was like let’s see if she can continue in her evangelism, making so much noise about God?

Can I shock you? Do you know that satan is a liar? He is the Father of all liars. Whatever he says has it root in deception, destroying the good God has done or is doing. Now when you are being asked what is in your life that is makes you shout so much about a God you see not, then you have the tendency to draw back, you may not be convince about the gospel if there are conditions in your life that can even make a fellow brethren to look down on you and hiss. In some cases they will allude it to your sinful life style.

Come on, I have a word that will answer your adversaries, I gave it back to back to satan last week and my feet was strong on the ground again against the assaults he was putting forth in my life and ministry. The word surged up like a fire in bone and I confess it loudly and strong as I was walking along the way and the Spirit of God gave me an answer to my many questions. Apostle Paul said “I am not ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ”

Wow! I shouted it out yes! satan no matter what you think you are doing, hear this “I am not ashamed of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.” and will never be. I did not stop at that. I called on my mentor and share my concerns with her and she gave a Word and  prayed with me, afterward I am free from that assault. That is why we kept emphasizing of the need to read and meditate on the Word of God, it a sure sword to cut asunder every fiery dart of the enemy against your soul. It does not take anything to back slide, don’t be deceived.

You are born again hundred year ago is not a guarantee against your standing firm during your trialing moments. Often times it comes like a flash in your mind and if care is not taken, if you have no Word to come against it immediately and dismiss it off, you may become a culprit/victim and you might blaspheme against God. God forbids but we must always do the needful to avoid the unexpected from happening.

All through the week I kept thanking God for having a special love for me and to all who trust in Him. He guides us jealously, wow! God is in all of it with you no matter what you may be passing through. He has the power to command anything into being. You also have been giving the same power but we rarely exercise it. And I believe that God will help us going forward we will declare the Lordship of our Lord Jesus in every encounter and declare Lord above all. Praise the Lord.

Be bold to say like Habakkuk said 17 Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls: 18 Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation. 19 The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds’ feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. Habakkuk 3:17-19 (KJV).

And declare as Apostle Paul said 37Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:37-39 (KJV) .

Let us discover more:  

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?Romans 8:35


Nothing you could ever experience, no matter how terrible or frightening, could ever separate you from the love of God. No tribulation and distress you might ever suffer could be so intense that God’s love for you is not even more fervent. No persecution could be so painful that God’s love cannot bring comfort. Famine might starve you of food, but you will never hunger for the Father’s love. Poverty cannot strip you of God’s compassion, just as even death itself is incapable of robbing you of your heavenly Father’s infinite love.

If you base your view of God’s love on your circumstances, you will become confused. There may be times when you will ask, “How could a loving God allow this to happen to me?” You may begin to question what you find clearly stated in the Word of God. God promised that you would never be separated from His love; He did not say that you would never face hardship, persecution, poverty, or danger. If you doubt that God could love you and still allow you to experience difficult experiences, consider the life of Jesus. If you allow the death of Jesus on the cross to forever settle any questions you might have about God’s love, you will approach difficult circumstances with confidence. Knowing that there will never be anything that could separate you from God’s perfect love, you will watch to see how God expresses His love in each circumstance.

Don’t ever judge God’s love based on your circumstances. Instead, evaluate your circumstances from the perspective of God’s love.

Beloved, when you get the understanding of what I am telling you now, you will always smile at your challenges because you know that you are not alone, God is in it with you. That alone is the confident you need. If God is in it with me, I will eventually overcome, it might difficult but if the One whom nothing is impossible is it with you then you are an overcomer, come on someone shout a big alleluia!

Don’t ever joke with salvation dearly beloved, the price is far above rubies, it cost Him the blood of His dear Son and that effort must not be wasted. So be confident that God will show up, if it not from were you are looking at, He will show up in his own way but the best way and on time too. Praise the Lord.

The next ministration is going to help us to understand our role in the kingdom work. No work is more relevant than the order, every ministry is instituted by God for His own glory, alleluia! Amen!!! Let’s discover more:

“Neither shall one thrust another; they shall walk every one in his path.” Joel 2:8


Locusts always keep their rank, and although their number is legion, they do not crowd upon each other, so as to throw their columns into confusion. This remarkable fact in natural history shows how thoroughly the a Lord has infused the spirit of order into His universe, since the smallest animate creatures are as much controlled by it as are the rolling spheres or the seraphic messengers. It would be wise for believers to be ruled by the same influence in all their spiritual life.

In their Christian graces no one virtue should usurp the sphere of another, or eat out the vitals of the rest for its own support. Affection must not smother honesty, courage must not elbow weakness out of the field, modesty must not jostle energy, and patience must not slaughter resolution. So also with our duties, one must not interfere with another; public usefulness must not injure private piety; church work must not push family worship into a corner. It is ill to offer God one duty stained with the blood of another.

Each thing is beautiful in its season, but not otherwise. It was to the Pharisee that Jesus said, “This ought ye to have done, and not to have left the other undone.” The same rule applies to our personal position, we must take care to know our place, take it, and keep to it. We must minister as the Spirit has given us ability, and not intrude upon our fellow servant’s domain.

Our Lord Jesus taught us not to covet the high places, but to be willing to be the least among the brethren. Far from us be an envious, ambitious spirit, let us feel the force of the Master’s command, and do as He bids us, keeping rank with the rest of the host. To-night let us see whether we are keeping the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace, and let our prayer be that, in all the churches of the Lord Jesus, peace and order may prevail.

Yes! Let us check ourselves and make sure we are keeping unity among the brethren Praise the Lord. We will make it at the end in Jesus Name. Our position will not be vacant, we must wear the crown which will fit no one else except us, glory be to God on high. Praise the Lord.

We will keep our rank and be useful in God’s kingdom service in Jesus Name.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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