Unto Thee o! Lord do I lift up praise let me not be ashamed. The evil surrounds us and plot evil against God’s anointed servants but in vain do they gather in glee, for the hand of the Lord will deliver the righteous and His Faithfulness will preserve them from the cunning of the enemies.
Lord, Your children have gathered again not unto man but unto You, manifest Yourself again afresh to them. Speak to us in accent loud and clear that we may hear you and obey your biddings in our individual lives in the Name of Jesus.
We worship You Lord, we praise Your Name, we magnify You, be thou exalted O! Lord.
Beloved, when the Lord calls you, will you answer? Will you say immediately, Lord, here I am like Samuel or will give excuses why the Lord should choose another other than you like Moses did.
Hear me child of God, when the Lord calls, He except a prompt responds from you, like Samuel you may not understand it at the first and second call but like he did, he went to someone who knows and understand better to be guided therefore he did miss the call upon his life neither did he miss the timing of his calling as well.
Though the vision may tarry like in the case of David but it will eventually come, for the Lord will ensure that it surely comes, the important thing remains that you cut the vision and you are running with it.
What happens when an individual refuses to respond to His call? Firstly, God will call another person and your vision becomes stall because the mandate and the auction to function will leave you to another, so even when you decide to pick it up, as nothing you lay hands to do will function you will sought it with tears like Esau.
For the rest of what is likely to happen, let read more from the message below:
“Lord,” another of His disciples said, “first let me go bury my father.”—Matthew 8:21
Often our struggle as Christians is not in deciding whether we should obey Christ but in obeying immediately. We may acknowledge our need to follow Christ and commit ourselves to do what He has told us. Yet when God reveals His will to us, that is the time to obey! God’s revelation of His will is His invitation to respond immediately.
Some would-be disciples pledged their willingness to follow Jesus, but they told Him they were not ready yet. In Jesus’ day, a Jewish man was expected to care for his elderly parents until they died. One man wanted to wait until his father died before going with Jesus. This would be an honorable delay. The man had to choose between this important responsibility and heeding a call from the Lord. Yet God knew this man, and He knew the man’s father. God would have taken care of the man’s father, if he only would have followed Jesus. This was an opportunity to walk with the Son of God, yet the concerns of this life were competing for priority with obedience to God.
Timing our obedience is crucial. Invitations from God come with a limited opportunity to respond. Some opportunities to serve Him, if not accepted immediately, will be lost. Occasions to minister to others may pass us by. When God invites us to intercede for someone, it may be critical that we stop what we are doing and immediately adjust our lives to what God is doing. Missing opportunities to serve the Lord can be tragic. When an invitation comes from God, the time to respond is now.
In the Old Testament, Orpah missed her work with God while Ruth carried the Divine mandate by immediate obedience. Moses sent out twelve spies to Jericho, ten of them missed their Mandate to work with God except for Caleb and Joshua (Num 13:1- 33). Their names were not mentioned again for exploits, which also end their ministries because they all died in the wilderness.
In the New Testament, the young man mentioned above missed the opportunity to work with God. Judas also missed to fulfill his ministry due to greed and another called to take His place (Acts 1:15-26), while the rest of the disciples of Christ fulfill their ministries. Here are others among many that fulfilled their ministries (Acts 16:27-34; Zacchaeus – Lk 19-1:10) Paul the Apostle also fulfilled his ministry (Eph 3:1-13; 2 Tim 4: 6-8).
Mary Magdalene, not only followed Christ to the end but she also gave her best (Jn 12:3). How? Someone is asking. Let get to the next message for better understanding:
“You must not sacrifice to the Lord your God an ox or sheep with a defect or any serious flaw, for that is detestable to the Lord your God.”—Deuteronomy 17:1
God’s love moved Him to sacrifice that which meant the most to Him—His only Son. Our response, if we truly understand His love for us, is the desire to give back to God that which means the most to us.
The Old Testament reveals that God set forth high standards for the sacrifices He required of His people. A worthy sacrifice had to cost the people something. As their hearts shifted away from God, the people began struggling to give God costly offerings. They would bring blind, lame, and sick animals, assuming God could not tell the difference (Mal. 1:8). God saw what they were doing and declared their offerings to be in vain (Mal. 1:10). Throughout the Old Testament period, God was setting the stage for the ultimate, perfect, and sinless sacrifice of His Son for the sins of humanity.
The offerings we give back to God reveal our hearts’ condition. A heart that overflows with gratitude for God’s love will respond in selfless devotion. If we are unwilling to sacrifice our time, our possessions, our money, or our energy, we indicate that we do not love God as He desires. God takes delight in the person who gives to Him cheerfully out of a loving heart, a person who understands that God is the source of everything he has and who knows that God will more than compensate for whatever is sacrificed for Him (2 Cor. 9:8).
If you struggle in giving your best offerings to God, pause and reflect on what God sacrificed for you. Trust Him and give Him the best that you have because you love Him with all your heart.
Beloved, how well are we giving our best to the Lord and His cause? God gave us His best (Jn 3:16; Rom 8:32). Most of us are guilty of this offence. This is a call to repentance and decision to always give our best in everything. Be it services, kindness or cash, and the Lord will accept our offerings, tithes, and sacrificial giving (seed sowing).
Finally, where ever you been called to minister, be it intercession, choir, teaching, counselling, healing, hospitality, prophet, be it in secular or the body of Christ, one thing is in important – give your best.
Enjoy your weekend why meditating on quick to respond to God’s calling and giving.
Remain blessed in the Lord.