I will exalt You Lord… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies…Your banner over me is love… alleluia!!! I will exalt You Jesus for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over is love… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name…I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name…I will lift up Your Name…I will lift up Your Name…above every other Name….// Let the Living water flow over my soul…let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart…all my care and burden unto Thee I come…..
Our Father we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… Thank You Father for Who You are!!! Alleluia Jesus… Thank You Father for upholding Your Name in our live… Lord we worship and adore You Lord…. alleluia to You Jesus … how can we thank You enough for all the good things You have done for me… it can only be You Lord… alleluia Jesus… blessed be Thou Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name…..
Beloveth…today is TGIF… are you excited? Faithful are you Lord… I hope you are blessed with this week teaching… so sorry about the technical challenges here and there… we serve a God Who wants and plan ahead of our successes… He want us to live Holy, stand Holy, and speak Holy…alleluia!!!
Thank God we have brethren that had run this race ahead of us…. successfully… before the coming of Christ and the Holy Spirit living inside of us… at our time is gonna be a lot more easy… because the Christ has redeemed us with His Blood and have given us the gift of the Holy Spirit to teach, comfort and help us in our hour of needs…
Beloveth… we are expected to live a conquerors lifestyle… showcasing Christ everywhere we go… yes we are overcomers through the Blood of Jesus, through the confession of our mouth and believing in our heart that Jesus is Lord….
We are called to represent Jesus everywhere and at all time… we lift Jesus higher and higher dearly beloved… we are called to live a surrender lifestyle… we must willing to be use by God… alleluia somebody…
God is looking for men and women who will surrender themselves back to Him… irrespective of how wealth, knowledgeable, successful, they have gone in life… because of all our “being” belongs to Him but He wants you to willing surrender all back to Him…
We must see that we do God’s work willing and wholeheartedly, not gurgling or complaining … may God help us and sustain us till the end in Jesus Name…
Now! is the acceptable time beloveth… let go and let God… Alleluia beloveth….
“Lord,” another of His disciples said, “first let me go bury my father.”—Matthew 8:21
Often our struggle as Christians is not in deciding whether we should obey Christ but in obeying immediately. We may acknowledge our need to follow Christ and commit ourselves to do what He has told us. Yet when God reveals His will to us, that is the time to obey! God’s revelation of His will is His invitation to respond immediately.
Some would-be disciples pledged their willingness to follow Jesus, but they told Him they were not ready yet. In Jesus’ day, a Jewish man was expected to care for his elderly parents until they died. One man wanted to wait until his father died before going with Jesus. This would be an honorable delay.
The man had to choose between this important responsibility and heeding a call from the Lord. Yet God knew this man, and He knew the man’s father. God would have taken care of the man’s father, if he only would have followed Jesus. This was an opportunity to walk with the Son of God, yet the concerns of this life were competing for priority with obedience to God.
Timing our obedience is crucial. Invitations from God come with a limited opportunity to respond. Some opportunities to serve Him, if not accepted immediately, will be lost. Occasions to minister to others may pass us by.
When God invites us to intercede for someone, it may be critical that we stop what we are doing and immediately adjust our lives to what God is doing. Missing opportunities to serve the Lord can be tragic. When an invitation comes from God, the time to respond is now.
Yes! when an opportunity fall on us may not miss it in Jesus Name… may we live ready to obey the Master in all things in Jesus Name… pray the Holy Spirit will help you…make your spiritual antenna strong enough to partner with God in service in Jesus Name…
In the Spirit of “Now” in the service of God … use every opportunity to see what God is doing in the lives of those around you … Amen… Trust God that He will minister this teaching in your heart and you will live serving Him as a result in Jesus Name…
We come against every Spirit of distractions from serving God in Jesus Name… Every power that want to relegate our calling to the background be destroyed in Jesus Name… yes… let us lift up our hands and heart in total surrender in God’s service in Jesus Name…. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Have a wonderful weekend… see you on Monday God’s willing… in Jesus Name…..
Further reading:- 2Cor.5:20, 1Cor.2, 1Cor 1:18, Ps 25:14, Rom.10:15, Jude.21, Ps 118:8, Joel 3:16.
Remain blessed in the Lord.