Glory and honour power Majesty be unto God our Lord! Glory and honour power Majesty be unto God our Lord! // I will magnify the Lord (I will magnify the Lord) Who is worthy to be Praise (Who is worthy to be Praise) the Lord reigneth blessed be Thy lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted, the Lord reigneth blessed be Thy lord, honour to the Lord, let the Rock of my salvation be exalted.
Our heavenly Father be Thou exalt above other gods, You are highly lifted up there is no one like You. Heaven and earth adore You. blessed Redeemer, hallow be Thy Name. Thank You for a beautiful day You have made and see we should rejoice and be glad in it, glory, honour, adoration belong to You alone in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are you doing today? hope you are experiencing God’s goodness in your life and endeavours, our God is a Great and Mighty, He made the heaven and the earth, am sure someone is saying “Evangelist can you say something else “I have been hearing that for a long time, do you have something fresh to say.
Well I think what you have been hearing still stand and will stand till Jesus come back in His glory to take us along to the place where He prepared for us. However, in addition to that I will say “God never fail” He will meet with you even at that point of your need, He will meet with You for He loves you with an everlasting love, He cares for You and His promises concerning you shall be fulfilled, none of His promises will fail, just hang on the and He will meet with you. Praise the living Jesus.
We have an interesting topic before us and I am sure you will learn one or two things from it. Though the teaching presented “godliness” but we want to consider it in two folds – godliness and worldliness”
Often times we spent time wanting to be like God that we often forget Who God is. We read from cover to cover on how to live a life pleasing to God that we fail to see who God is.
Do you know who God is? The knowledge of who God is will make you stand strong in the face of any impeding danger. If you know that God created the heavens and the earth then you will understand that nothing can ever happen without His knowledge. He is the Master planner and the Chief Orchestrator, He will bring to past everything to perfect His plan and purpose in every life, therefore, we must wait on Him until He bring His plans for us to past.
We must not be so concerned about how to live a godly life that we fail to know the nature of God, Himself. Knowing God helps us to keep trusting Him even when all odds are against us, He will neither leave us nor forsake us for He has a price tag placed on your life.
He gave Jesus for your sake therefore He will always defend and preserve you against all odd (Jn 3:16).
Neither striving for godliness nor be so worldly engrossed is two extremes that are dangerous to our Christian faith. We cannot be more holy than the Holy God neither will we forsake God and make heaven.
So in all of it, we must allow God to be at the center of it all and when we do that we know that we are in the right direction and God will see us through every thick and thin as we go along the path of righteousness. Praise the Lord!
Come and along with us for more:
Hosea 4:1-7:16, Psalm 140:6-13, Proverbs 30:10-12, Revelation 2:18-3:6
“Nutty” Is the Word
Your loyalty is like the morning mist and like the early dew that vanishes.—Hosea 6:4
A danger that we must acquaint ourselves with as we discuss the need to contemplate God more deeply is that of becoming more interested in godliness than in God Himself. Theologian Jim Packer puts the point effectively when he says that “moving in evangelical circles as I do, I am often troubled by what I find. While my fellow believers are constantly seeking to advance in godliness, they show little direct interest in God Himself. When they study Scripture, only the principles of personal godliness get their attention; their heavenly Father does not. It is as if they should concentrate on the ethics of marriage and fail to spend time with their spouse!” He goes on to say: “There is something narcissistic, and, to tell the truth, nutty in being more concerned with godliness than about God.”
I think “nutty” is the right word.
I knew a man who went to every seminar he could find on the subject of marriage, and whenever he came upon a new idea or a deep insight, he would reflect for hours on its wonder and profundity. The only trouble was he never got past the reflecting stage, and while he indulged himself in new and profound ideas, his wife was left languishing at home.
How sad that a man can take more interest in the principles that undergird his marriage than in the partner whom he has pledged to love, honor, and cherish. Let’s be watchful that we don’t care more for the principles of godliness than the God we are called to praise and please every day of our lives.
Gracious and loving heavenly Father, forgive me, I pray, if I have been caught up more in the mechanics of my faith than in the dynamics of it. May nothing ever become more important to me than my relationship with You. Amen.
Further Study
2Tm 3:1-5; 2Ch 25:1-2; Isa 29:13
What is one of the signs of the last days?
What is said of Amaziah?
Are you showing more interest in godliness than you show in knowing God Himself than there is problem. The problem is that you fall like that house built without a foundation when strong wing and storm come against it will fall leaving no stone on top of each other. But if you spend your time studying and knowing the nature of God and Who God is, than you will be like that house built on the Rock, when rain, storm and wind come against it will stand because it is built on the Rock –Jesus, Who maketh intercession for us before his Father that we will know Him better and the power that raised him from death (Matt 7:24-27, Heb 7:25).
If your case is that of “worldliness”, you solution is simple, – Raise up from where you are at this time of your reading like the prodigal son “pray to return back to your Father” your Father is waiting for your return, He will welcome you back and hold a feast for you, that is how Excellent our Father is.
Settle to know more of God than learning how to please Him, when you know Who He is, His nature will overtake you and He will input His righteousness in you and you it shall be well with you. May God give you more understanding in His Word in Jesus Name.
Remember this always- “but the word of God enduerth forever- 1pet 1:25. The Word of God is living and active and sharper that any two-edged sword, and piercing even to the divining of soul and Spirit, of both joints and marrow, and quick to discern the thoughts and intents of the heart (Heb 4:12). Don’t for that the Lord said “ My Word which comes from mouth, it shall return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it (Isa 55:11). Also remember that “God is light, and in him is no darkness at all” (1Jn 1:5)
I want to declare this unto God –“ …I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.“ Ps 40:8
Remain blessed in the Lord.