I will exalt You Lord… For Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… Alleluia… I will exalt You Jesus… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your Banner over me is love… // Glory, Honour Power and Majesty belong to Christ Amen!!! Alleluia…x2
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adored Thee, we give You Praise… we glorify Your Holy Name… we worship and give You Praise… all glory belongs to You O God… Alleluia to the King of kings… Praise be to You Lord… Alleluia… Amen!!!
What a privilege to come into Your Presence… at this moment… Alleluia… we serve a Living God… Alleluia. Who walks in the affairs of men… He will not let our feet be move… Glory be to God… Alleluia!
Beloveth we are in the last lapse of this month… so far so good… Our God has been good to us… He lead us besides the “Still Waters”… He restores our soul… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…
Yes the journey so far has been good and smooth… if you ask me… we begin the year with so much in prayers and fasting… and situation cannot but be in line with what the Word of God said…
Beloveth… we must not lose hope in Christ Jesus… we must continual look steady upon Him for Him alone is Worthy of our Praise Alleluia…. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
However, as we journey with God’s promises ahead of us… the surest and the quickest way to bring it to past is to ensure that we obey every instructions from God… aside faith we are call to obey every Word of God spoken or written…
Adam and Eve fall in the Garden when they disregarded God’s instructions to them concerning what tree to eat from and that to avoid… (Gen.2:15-17)
Beloveth, on one occasion the Lord instructed Moses to strike the rock once and on another occasion the Lord instructed Him to speak to the rock… but he strike rock not once but twice and God was displeased…. And that caused them their (Moses and Aaron) leadership position into the promise land….(Exo.17:6, Num.29:6-13).
Beloveth… do not disregarding instructions that will bring God’s promises to you… Praise the Name of the Lord…
The Lord has promised us restorations as a token for the year…. Then hear this beloveth, “Our latter years will be more fruitful than the former”…in Jesus Name… Praise the Name of the Lord.
Beloveth… by the grace of God we will obey every instruction given to us by the Lord as we come across in our teachings and as He specifically instruct us … we will obey… Yes… we will not disobey God’s instructions to us… so that the Promise of God to us will come to pass… alleluia…
Obedience brings blessing… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Join us to discover more alleluia!!!
Obedience Brings Blessing
“Observe and hear all these words which I command thee, that it may go well with thee, and with thy children after thee for ever, when thou doest that which is good and right in the sight of the Lord thy God.” Deut. 12:28
Though salvation is not by the works of the law, yet the blessings which are promised to obedience are not denied to the faithful servants of God. The curses our Lord took away, when He was made a curse for us, but no clause of blessing has been abrogated.
We are to note and listen to the revealed will of the Lord, giving our attention not to portions of it, but to “all these words.” There must be no picking and choosing, but an impartial respect to all that God has commanded. This is the road of blessedness for the father and for his children. The Lord’s blessing is upon His chosen to the third and fourth generation. If they walk uprightly before Him, He will make all men know that they are a seed which the Lord has blessed.
No blessing can come to us or ours through dishonesty or double dealing. The ways of worldly conformity and unholiness cannot bring good to us or ours. It will go well with us when we go well before God. If integrity does not make us prosper, knavery will not. That which gives pleasure to God will bring pleasure to us.
Did you read that… worldly conformity and unholiness cannot bring good to us… and if integrity did not prosper us … evil will not … therefore we look up to the only Wise God whose Word never fail… May His Spirit teaches us way to go and things to do that glorify His Name alone… Let all glory and honour be given to Him alone in Jesus Name… Amen… Alleluia…
Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…. Jesus is Lord… Amen!!!
On this note beloveth we declare this week blessed and honoured in Jesus Name… Amen… and we shall return at the end with greater testimonies in Jesus Name Alleluia!!!
Further Reading- Prov.8:17, Gen.1:16-17, Isa.60:20, Jn.17:9-10, 2Cor.4:8,
Remain blessed in the Lord.