Everybody testify You are good… You are good Jehovah… You are good… everybody testify You are good… You are good Jehovah… You are so good…// I will lift up my voice… I will gladly sing of what You have done and for Who You are… You are the song that I sing… melody in voice… the reason I sing is to praise Your Name… He reigns… He reigns… Jesus reigns, He reigns forever more… He reigns… He reigns…Jesus reigns…O! He reigns… forever more!!!

My Father My Father I Thank You… You are indeed a Good God… blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!!

What more can I say to the King of kings… the Lord of lords… The Ancient of Days…. The Lion of the tribe of Judea… Alleluia O my God… Great is Thy Faithfulness… Alleluia Amen!!! Thank You for Your Defense and Protection… Indeed You are my Refuge and my Defense O Lord… I bow in honour, in Adoration, In Worship, In Humility unto You O Lord… You fight all my battles and win… To You be all the Glory, all the Honour, all Adoration, O my God… in heaven You are God… on earth You remaineth the same, even in the deep… You are God… Praise the Name of the Lord Alleluia! Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Beloveth… I don’t know about you but for me… I will serve this God till I die and meet Him in glory… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!!!

Lord I Praise You… I Praise You O Lord… in my life… Lord I see what You are doing…one more time Lord.. I lift up my voice in Praise of Your Name…O Lord… I lift up my voice in Praise of Your Name… Praise the Name of the Lord…..alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Father I worship You forever…I will worship You everyday… O Lord I will worship forever… I will worship You everyday…

What shall I render to You… what shall I render to You… what shall I render to You O Lord!!! I will exalt Your Name and shout alleluia… I render praises to You O Lord…

My beloveth… Our God is more than what we call Him… Yes.. He is more faithful and Ever Faithful… Great is our God… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!

What will you do when it seem that all you have built over years… 5years, 10 years, 15years, 20years, over 25 years labour suddenly went  down the drain simply because you want to obey God…. How do you explain it to an onlooker…

What will you do if your negativities in life are mocking your worship of God…. beloveth what will you do… seek revenge, walk away and trust God for recompense.

Is not as easy as we say it “Walk away,” No! Is not as easy at all… your natural self… will want to fight… Your natural self will seek revenge… but the Spirit man in you will suggest that run and hide under the shadow of the Most High God… Yes He will whisper to you hang on till I make your enemies under your feet… Beloveth… we are like them that dream dreams… O my God… I cannot stop worshipping You… for all you have done for me… My mouth will continue Praise Your Holy Name for all You have done, is doing and will continue to do for me… O Lord receive all my worship… let it come up to You as a sweet sacrifices of Praise forever and ever Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!

Beloveth… I want to share this experience with you… is good to serve God… after what happened to me and my experience with my burnt meter… I was so upset partly because the people who out of pity I extended light to might have gone behind me and connected some other people without my knowledge… am not sure though or they connected more devise than they initial propose to do… I don’t know… I am not the Holy Spirit… as I went about the repairs and I made up my mind not to engage or continue with them… looking at the huge losses I would have incurred… but when I came across this message I became weak in my spirit… I was telling myself “not me.” I will never do it…

But when my eyes were opened and the Holy Spirit allowed me to see God’s Great mercy that He showed me in spite of all… He made me to see that God was seriously out behind the scene to ensure that there was no loss… beloveth… I weeped… afterward I changed my mind but on a condition that the cost of repairs should be bear by them…. God want me to see beyond what was happening… the hearts of men are desperately wicked…

They simply backed out rather them empathizing with me on what happened… they went their ways… then I now know that what the devil intended for evil…was cancelled by God…God did not allow satan to have the final say over my life… He knows the end from the beginning… He also hear and knew the evil intention of every heart… but for you who serve and worship Him… He promised He will never leave nor forsake you…

I became a wonder to them that God saved me again… beloveth it might seem illogical and prove to be costly to obey God… but “God Got your back”… nothing will go wrong when you step out in the Name of the Lord… nothing will shame you when you are standing on the Lord side… in this experience I learnt a lot… I learnt so many things I never know and I also got the assurance that truly the Lord is good all the time… He did not fail me… He did not forsake me…. He will never fail you nor forsake you…. never and never … beloveth…

So what is that issue that is effecting you or asking you where is your God… I believe my story will encourage you to obey God and His leading… allow Him to be in front… He will show all you need to know… seeking revenge is not the only way to pay back wrong being done to you… God will make it more beautiful for you at the end if you listen to Him…

Join us to discover more on how this couple treated their own injustice… and learn… we learn every day… come along:

Obeying God May Seem Illogical And Prove To Be Costly

“I’m going to sue that #@*&+|$^ company into the 4th Century! I’m taking them to court for giving me one month’s severance instead of the six we agreed upon in the contract!”

So said Sam in his fiery reaction to the mind games his boss had been imposing on him in order to force his resignation. As I listened, I could feel the hair rising on the back of my neck. Managing to keep my composure, I suggested we look at a few passages of Scripture:

Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to him the other also. If someone takes your cloak, do not stop him from taking your tunic. Give to everyone who asks you, and if anyone takes what belongs to you, do not demand it back. Do to others as you would have them do to you. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners do thatBut love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.” (Luke 6:27b-33, 35) (See Romans 12:18-21)

Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harshChrist suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth. When they hurled their insults at him, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, HE ENTRUSTED HIMSELF TO HIM WHO JUDGES JUSTLY.” (1 Peter 2:18, 21b-23)

Later, after Sam and his wife had carefully analyzed the above passages, they decided to leave the company graciously, and accept whatever compensation package the management decided upon. What surprised them was the strong opposition they received from “Christian” relatives who insisted they go to court and demand their “rights”.

Could the key to how we respond to injustices be determined by our understanding of that little phrase, “HE ENTRUSTED HIMSELF TO HIM WHO JUDGES JUSTLY”? Isn’t it only as we see God as the One with the final word that we are able to obey Biblical imperatives that may seem to defy human logic?

It is important for us to understand that at some point God will equalize the books for the injustices visited upon us, and that He will reward us for our uncompromising obedience to His Word, difficult as that obedience may appear at the time. (2 Thessalonians 1:6; Acts 17:31; Revelation 16:5, 6; Matthew 25:34; 1 Peter 1:4)

QUESTIONS: Have you settled it in your heart that you will obey Christ and His teachings, whether they “makes sense” or not? Are you willing to pay the price of that obedience, whatever the cost?

Did you read the Bible verses attached in the ministration… go back and read them if you did not…It is the Word of God and it has it promises and reward… and must be fulfilled…

Yes! Our obedient at a time might seems illogical but God will shield you from all harm and pain… He did it for me… He will also not forsake you in your hour of crisis out of obedience … Alleluia… Amen!!!

Keep your faith secure in the Lord… He is Your Ever Present Help…. He will not fail you neither will He forsake you… Amen!!!

Further Reading – Prov.14:27, Ps.117:1-2, Acts.13:39, Jas.1;6, Heb.12:1, 1Jn.5:4, 1Cor.4:10

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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