I am thanking You Lord for Who You are, what You have done in my life Lord! I am thanking You Lord for Who You are, what You have  dan sakeri Baba.// O Lord we are very very grateful for all You have done for me! O Lord we are very very grateful we are saying thanking You Jesus!

Glorious God, Wonderful King, Marvelous God I bow before the throne! Glorious God, Wonderful King, Marvelous God, I bow before the throne! I bow before the throne to worship at Your feet You are marvelous God. I bow before the throne to worship at Your feet You’re the glorious God. All hail the power of Jesus’ Name! Let angels prostrate fall x2; Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all. Bring forth the royal diadem, and crown Him Lord of all.

Our God is faithful, he is our Lord forever more, Great is His faithfulness, how excellent, how wonderful are You Lord! Who is like unto Thee Father. You are the Lord, that is You Name! You will never share Your glory with anyone, you will never share Your glory with anybody Almighty God that is Your Name!

Father receive our Praise this morning in Jesus Name. Our Father in heaven O God! Hallow be Thy Name, let Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven, receive our praises, receive our adoration in Jesus Name.

Beloved, is our prayer session, Praise the Lord! Faithful is our God. I believe today as we shout our prayers up, answers will come down in Jesus Name! Beloveth, we owe God all the gratitude we could ever have in our life, thank God for His love that covers all our shortcomings, our weakness, and our inadequacies, Thank God for His everlasting kindness He promise us as His children, glory be to Your Name on high in Jesus Name.

Beloveth, today’s meeting is one that might touch our past, that we might be connecting our past experiences with the presence experiences. How has it been with you? Do you see your past achievement as better than what is happening now? Do you always wish to go back to Egypt because the free fish, cucumbers, watermelons, leeks, onions and the garlic that was there? (Num. 11:5) (GW).

Or have you lost your favour with your Maker? You use to have a sweet communion with your Father, like in the days of old, God comes down into your inner chamber and have sweet communion with you, but it is no longer so; I want to know that God has not change but it is you that has created the gap you are seeing today.

Is it possible you have forsaking the place of prayers? You do not mediate on God’s Word again? It may also be that you started creating excuses about your neglects? Sin no longer gets you irritated as it use to? You are not on fire for the Lord as you use to.

Come along with us for more:

“Oh that I were as in months past.” Job 29:2

Numbers of Christians can view the past with pleasure, but regard the present with dissatisfaction; they look back upon the days which they have passed in communing with the Lord as being the sweetest and the best they have ever known, but as to the present, it is clad in a sable garb of gloom and dreariness.

Once they lived near to Jesus, but now they feel that they have wandered from Him, and they say, “O that I were as in months past!” They complain that they have lost their evidences, or that they have not present peace of mind, or that they have no enjoyment in the means of grace, or that conscience is not so tender, or that they have not so much zeal for God’s glory.

The causes of this mournful state of things are manifold. It may arise through a comparative neglect of prayer, for a neglected closet is the beginning of all spiritual decline. Or it may be the result of idolatry. The heart has been occupied with something else, more than with God; the affections have been set on the things of earth, instead of the things of heaven.

A jealous God will not be content with a divided heart; He must be loved first and best. He will withdraw the sunshine of His presence from a cold, wandering heart. Or the cause may be found in self-confidence and self-righteousness. Pride is busy in the heart, and self is exalted instead of lying low at the foot of the cross.

Christian, if you are not now as you “were in months past,” do not rest satisfied with wishing for a return of former happiness, but go at once to seek your Master, and tell Him your sad state. Ask His grace and strength to help you to walk more closely with Him; humble yourself before Him, and He will lift you up, and give you yet again to enjoy the light of His countenance.

Do not sit down to sigh and lament; while the beloved Physician lives there is hope, nay there is a certainty of recovery for the worst cases.

Beloved, have you discover what your case is? If you can diagnose your case then is very easy to apply a solution to it. Praise God!

The Great Physician is in the house run up to Him and you will be happy you did not waste a single time again. Run up to Your Father and get the required help at hour of your need. Do not neglect the extended grace, take it and apply same to your situation now and you will never remain the same in Jesus Name.

Arise and lift up your voice to the Holy mountain and the Lord will hear, He will come and no longer be silent. Look steady unto Jesus, give Him all He deserve and it shall be well with you in Jesus Name. Amen Alleluia Amen!!!!!!!

Father, we come to Your Holy Mountain and we cry to you, lift your countenance upon us and show us your favour in Jesus Name!

Beloved, pray and believe it is done in Jesus Name (Jn 16:23-24).

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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