He is are a Great God…He is a Great God for all I know…// You are a Mighty God, The Great I am.. Alleluia! Alleluia!! You are Mighty God You are the Great I am Alleluia… Alleluia!

Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… We adore Thee… we give You praises… All honour belongs to You… All adoration unto Thee… Father we worship Thee… receive all the Glory… all the honour, all adoration, blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!!

He is Great God… He is Great God … He is a Great God for all I know… blessed Redeemer we Thank You… for yet another opportunity to be in Your Presence… alleluia!!! Today we pray and answers will come speedily in Jesus Name…

Beloveth, good morning, are you happy? Are you celebrating Jesus… Sincerely it is good for to know that Jesus died for me… wonderful to know… Faithful is our God… Praise the Name of the Lord…

Like we treated some weeks back… “Hope in God keeps us alive and fuel our faith to performance” A hope formed on God’s Word will endure to the end… because we have the assurance that it will speak at the end…..

Beloveth, our Lord Jesus… though He is the son of God prayed earnestly and miracle became a lifestyle… same way it should be for us if we spend time praying… miracles will be following us… as He did to our Lord Jesus….

When you knee before God in your closet… beloveth… you stand before men unashamedly in the open… therefore what more can we say rather to ask us to imitate Jesus by praying at all time, all occasion, all situation…at all time… knowing that answers will come… let us pray more, believe more and doubt less…(1Tim.3:16).

Jesus on several occasion declare that “I know my Father hear me always”… and it come to pass that what he is praying for is done… we therefore urge us to pray as Jesus prayed, live as Jesus lives, speak as Jesus speaks… beloveth… let us then desire to be like Jesus….

On Becoming Like Jesus

If we desire to be like Jesus Christ, then there are four of His characteristics we are to emulate

  1. Give up all our rights:

“Let Christ Jesus be your example as to what your attitude should be. For He, who had always been God by nature, did not cling to His prerogatives as God’s equal.”

Prayer: “Lord, I relinquish all my rights: To family. To finances. To recognition. To pleasure. To quietness. To health. To privacy. To be loved. To be treated with respect. To justice.

  1. Become nothing:

“[He] stripped Himself of all privilege.”

Prayer: “Lord, I surrender my position. My status. My heritage. My career. My capabilities. My resources. My experience. My reputation. My education.

  1. Become a servant:

[“He consented] to be a slave by nature and [be] born as a mortal man.”

Prayer: “Lord, I abdicate my desire to climb the social and economic scale. I renounce all my rights. I ask you to give me a heart to serve you and others on your terms, not mine. Lord, I love to be regarded by others as a servant; help me to be joyfully willing to be treated as a servant.

  1. Surrender to His Lordship in total obedience:

And, having become man, He humbled Himself by living a life of utter obedience, even to the extent of dyingthe death of a common criminal.” (Philippians 2:5-8 – Phillips Translation)

Prayer: “Lord, I choose to obey you on your terms, not mine. Whatever the cost: Loss of health. Status. Finances. Family. As did Jesus, I pick up the cross you have assigned me, and by your grace I will carry it to the death. In Jesus Name. Amen.

And as we you do all that is recommended above… Jesus will make you to seat in the heavenly places with Him… I am a living testimony… Praise the Lord…

So am not giving up… I will keep walking with Him till the end of time… alleluia!!! I guess that is your decision as well in Jesus Name…

Our Father in heaven, hallow be Thy Name… let Thy kingdom come… and Thy will be done on earth…. Hear us our Father and let our cry comes up you as a Living sacrifice we pray… Above all help us to be like Jesus…. Amen.

Let us pray:

Further Reading- 2Cor.3:17, Acts.21:14, Lk.1:18, Mk1:Prov.17:27, Eph.6:10, Rom.6:4, Col.3:15, Mk.1:35, Mk.6:56, Heb.11:1.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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