Thanks, Thanks, we give You thanks for all You have done… You are so good… my soul have find rest… O God! we give You thanks….// I will exalt You Lord for Thou has lifted me above Your enemies… Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Jesus … Father….
Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… we magnify You Ancient of Days… Who can be compared with Thee… Blessed Redeemer we worship and adore Your Holy Name… alleluia to the King of Kings… The Lord of lords, the One Who is and is yet to come… come let us honour His Holy Name…
Jehovah! Jehovah!! Jehovah!!! Jehovah You are good… Jehovah You are good O! Jehovah… Jehovah You are Great ooo Jehovah, You are Great ooo Jehovah…
What manner of Man is Jesus… Alleluia!! What manner of Man is Jesus alleluia!!!!!!!!!!
Let our praises come up to You Father as a sweet smelling sacrifice before Thee Father… we pray Thee Amen!!!
Beloveth… how are you doing? God knows what you are passing through and He has put in place those things to caution it… but we need to ask Him.. we also need to find out where, what and how to get to it… alleluia somebody… so the need for fellowship, the need for intimacy… with Your Maker and those things will fall on your lap … Praise the Lord…
We are looking at an important topic today one and most important reason why you were saved… remember we say… we are saved to serve… and this service includes many arms but most importantly to us now is Soul-Winning… The topic before us says “On Caring Enough To Confront.”
Oftentimes we found it difficult to confront our beloved ones, friends, neighbours and colleagues when they erred… living carelessly and committing sins… we are suppose to confront them…
I was surprise when my youngest son defines sin while teaching us during our house fellowship last Sunday… He defined sin as “Simple Instruction Neglected…” Wow! That is one of the benefits of attending Sunday school…in my local church… is part of the service…. Surprised? Do you attend the Sunday school? If not, start now…is never too late… You have nothing to loss.. You have everything to gain… Praise the Lord…
That’s where you ask questions and share your experiences… so it helps you to grow into maturity spiritually… I was happy… do you know what … when he studied the manual and discover that the teaching of the day was confronting his actions (Matt 21: 28-31)… He quickly went and did all the chores I have been singing like a song and he kept saying “Mummy I will do it,” “Mummy I am coming.” I was surprised he cleared everything before it was time for fellowship… because I will put it to him and will use him as my own example of the Bible reference… (laugh).. so he quickly did everything… because I don’t believe in saying what Abraham did or what Samuel did.. … looking at the teaching if confronted with same situation will I do the same or learn from their mistake?…
So I usually tell my children to narrow or relate with the study or teaching to ourselves by putting our names there… let’s put ourselves in the teaching… that is what is called cross-examining yourself or taking stock of your life… and seek to amend or improve where necessary… instead of studying the Bible and be saying David, Saul. Paul failed or disobey God…….having known that is bad or is a sin… will you want it to be said of you that you did the same.
So when you put your name there… and see if you will like to be referred to in that manner… if not then refrain from doing same… Praise the Lord!
Beloveth… back to the topic… we are saved to serve and today we are asking ourselves if we care enough to confront our erring spouse, children, parents, siblings, friends, neighbours and colleagues or will fail to do so… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth, have you ever confronted anybody you know or seen going the wrong way?… The Bible said if you don’t and that sinner dies in that sin,… the blood is on your head… his/her blood will be required from you… (Ezek.3:16:21). So what then are you suppose to do?
We are to preach, teach, caution, warn the person about the impeding danger(s) that awaits him/her if he/she fails to repent… Praise the Name of the Lord… somebody!!!
Beloveth, we are meant to be correct such individual with love…
Come along with us for more…
On Caring Enough To Confront
A few years ago my wife and I spent the evening in the home of friends who were highly respected in the Christian community. While backing the car out of their driveway, I commented to her that I felt there was something amiss in the family.
Then I second-guessed myself with, “Well, I could be wrong… it’s just an impression. Besides, we shouldn’t meddle in other people’s lives.” Soon we were home and the thought dismissed.
Two years later the couple was divorced: The culmination of years of deep-seated, but well-hidden family problems. The wife and children were left devastated and desolate.
The question I must ask myself when faced with friends who may be in trouble is, “Do I care enough to confront them?”
Or am I more worried about their rejection of me? About being wrong? Or about “getting too involved?”
Jesus cared enough to confront. When challenged by Peter to not go to the cross He retorted,
“Get behind Me, Satan… you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.” (Matthew 16:23)
Pretty stiff confrontation, wouldn’t you say? Yet Christ’s love for Peter is unquestioned.
James, the half brother of Jesus writes,
“If anyone has slipped away from God and no longer trusts the Lord and someone helps him understand the Truth again, that person who brings him back to God will have saved a wandering soul from death, bringing about the forgiveness of his many sins.” (James 5:19, 20 – Life Application Bible)
The opposite of love may not be hate but indifference. Therefore, when I choose to not confront a brother who may be in trouble, it is possible that I simply do not care… at least enough to confront?
That kind of indifference is not evidence of Calvary love.
Beloveth, you read it all from the Master Himself when He had the same experience … so going forward be ready to confront anyone who you know or see going astray… Do not put up indifference attitude… love enough to confront the individual and as you do so, the Lord will deliver such one from hell… you depopulate hell and increase the Kingdom of God… alleluia!!!
Let us start now if you have not been doing so…. Praise the Name of the Lord….
Further Reading- Jer.31:34, Ps.86:5, Gen.15:1, Prov.22:9, Prov.14:27, Ps71:16, Ps.17:8, Matt.7:1.
Remain blessed in the Lord