You are the Lord let Your Name be glorify…x2 We give glory and honour… You are the Lord… let Your Name be glorify… Who is like unto Thee O Lord…who is like unto there… You are glorious in holiness… fearful in Praising …doing wonders alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!
How excellent is Your Name O Lord! … Thank You Everlasting Father… Thank You for being God unto us…O Lord we give You praises adoration and honour… Eternal Rock of Ages Thank You for the gift of a brand new week… Abba Father… receive our praises…receive all honour…glory alleluia…. forever and ever in Jesus Name…..
O Lord! Who can be compared with Thee… let Your Name alone be worship… Thank You for the month of April… Awesome is Your Name… O Lord….we cannot Thank You enough for the Great and Might things You have done for me… Come and have Your way… It can only be our Father that breaks the hands of the enemies over our lives and situations…. we return to give You praises… be Thou exalted O Lord forever and ever in Jesus Name…
(Song) Thank You Jesus You are the owner of my life… Alpha Omega You are Worthy to be Praise… in all generation… there is on one like You… Alpha Omega You are Worthy to be Praise…
Beloveth … welcome to the last lap in April… Wow! Jesus is good…all the time… Jesus is good…now we lift our voice in worship and acknowledge the Presence of the Almighty God in our midst… we declare that He reigns forever and ever in Jesus Name…
O Lord You reign You Ancient Zion City Kadosh Kadosh You are Mighty on Your Throne…. O Lord You reign! You are Ancient Zion City Kadosh Kadosh… You are Might on Your own… Praise the Living Jesus……….
Beloveth…our theme this month enjoined us to “Fulfill mandate”… Are doing exactly that?… Are you fulfilling mandate? Praise the Name of Jesus….
Fulfilling mandate among other things is living in God’s Will for our life which soul winning is part of it… beloveth… are you living out Christ kind of life-style… He went about doing good… doing His Father’s business… healing the sick… delivering the oppressed and demonic…
We should also be doing same… but is that the case in this generation… rather we see people creating the own ideology and values… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth, we must live our life bearing in mind that we are created to live out God’s glory in our everyday life… Amen!!!
We must read and mediate on the Word of God… for God commanded us that Let His Word dwell richly in us… amen!!! and as we do.. living knowing that when temptation is knocking at our door… like He did to Peter… and Jesus prayed for Him and he was delivered (Lk.22:31)… and Jesus said to Him when you have overcome strengthen others….
Beloveth… we must fulfill mandate… we must fulfill destiny… Yes… we are going to heaven alone… rather we must reach out to others… our family members, children, spouses, relations, neighbor and friends …we must tell them that Jesus saves … Jesus delivers alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!
On Creating One’s Own Ideology… Rewriting One’s Own Values
Decades ago, C. S. Lewis penned this somber warning:
“The diseases that will certainly end our species… if it is not crushed, (is) the fatal superstition that men can create values; that a community can choose its ‘ideology’ as men choose their clothes.”
We as a nation have done exactly what C. S. Lewis warned against. Reminiscent, is it not, of Israel’s condition in her depravation:
“In those days there was no king in Israel; all the people did what was right in their own eyes.” (Judges 17:6)
And as a result, America today is facing a crisis of values of monumental proportions. Some observers are terming it a “Civil War” of values.
Tragically, this deterioration of values has profoundly impacted your lost associates: Most of them sense that there is something terribly wrong in the Land. But because they are generally lacking in a Biblical perspective, they have scant idea how we as a People got to this point, much less how they can personally escape from it.
Let me ask you a question: “As a believer in Christ, are you also writing and embracing your own brand of “Christian“ values… your own ideology, that conveniently accommodates your quest for personal freedom?”
If the answer is “yes,” then your lost friends are being deprived of observing in you two important realities that a life of obedience to Christ would have revealed:
(1) The magnitude of their lostness, and
(2) The fact that there is a way out of their life of bondage.
In this age of disintegrating values, may I urge you to respond to Paul’s passionate challenge:
“That you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life… ” (Philippians 2:15b-16a)
Beloveth, live as God own children, make His Word your manual… meditate there… ask the Spirit of God to help you when you are in need… and guide you when you need counsel… equip you for war and soul winning when the need arises…. That way you will live out God’s plan and destiny for your life Amen!!!
Further Reading- 2Chr.31:2, Phil.4:5, Jas.2:26, Matt.11:30, Tit.2:7, Heb.3:4, Ps.86:5, Rom.12:11
On this note we declare this week open and blessed in Jesus Name… we will return with greater testimonies at the end in Jesus Name….
Remain blessed in the Lord.