Be Thou exalted O Lord above all heavens… be Thou exalted O Lord above all earth…let the glory be above all the heaven… let Thou glory be above all the earth…// Glory, honour, power and majesty…. Be unto God our Lord… glory, honour, power and majesty… be unto Christ our Lord…
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name.. we adore Thee..we give You Praise we acknowledge Your majesty… we worship and adore Your Holy Name… Thank You for Your undying love… indescribable love… Almighty and everlasting God… Who can be compared with Thee…
(Song) You are God from beginning to the end there is no place for argument… You are God all by Yourself…. You are God… You are God …from beginning to the end… there is no place for argument You are God all by Yourself….
Father You are God all by Yourself…we worship You Father..we adore Thee O Lord be Thou exalted forever and ever Amen!!! alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth… how are you today?… We hope you did experienced the power of resurrection……. The Spirit of God told me during the worship time on Easter Sunday that there is an experience that goes with every Word of God… you can talk about what God is doing (Power)… but it is better when you encounter or experience the same thing (Power) in your life and situation… Praise the Lord… (1Cor.4:20).
This bring us to know that and believe what was written in Heb.13:8- Jesus is the same… yesterday, today and forever… so what the power of God did in the life of Jesus and in the time of the apostles He is able to do in our time… but until you experience it …it will remain like a story or folktales to you…
Therefore beloveth… I decree into your lives and and my life… that we are lifted… from every graves, every tombs, every pits, every valleys, every shadows of death, every limitations, every obstacles where we have been held captive in Jesus Name…. yes we are coming out… yes the power of grave, tombs, pits, death, limitations and obstacles are broken in our lives in Jesus Name… The power that raised Jesus from death is enthrone over our situations in Jesus Name…
O! We are coming out from every thing/power that held us bound and we enthrone Jesus to reign and superintendent over all that pertaining to us …in Jesus Name… beloveth receive you raising… go into your victory… in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… our Lord Jesus received help and was raised from death by God … it therefore means that for everything we need done in our lives… We need the help of the Lord to get it done… Yes! We receive help from above in every area we need God’s interventions in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… we see a new you emerging in Jesus Name… from now onward …. You are unstoppable in Jesus Name… yes… as we have spoken into His ear… so shall our Heavenly Father do unto us in Jesus Name…. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Beloveth through the help of the Lord we will finish well… nothing will hinder us… in Jesus Name… for every step of the way… we ask that God will step in for us… no more limitations in Jesus Name… every besetting sins are removed in our path/lives in Jesus Name… O! Jesus is coming through for us… let somebody shout… alleluia!!!!!
Come along with us for more:
On Finishing The Race Well
Why is it so few people end the Christian life well? Here are a few observations I have made over the years:
- A failure to comprehend and rest in the grace of God. (Psalms 103:10-14; 2 Timothy 2:1; Hebrews 4:9-11)
- A failure to live a life of disciplined priorities. (1 Corinthians 9:24-27; 1 Timothy 4:7; 2 Peter 1:5-8)
- A failure in our earlier years to deal with sins and other debilitating issues. (1 Timothy 5:24; Galatians 6:7, 8)
- A failure to handle finances in a biblical manner. (Deuteronomy 8:17, 18; 1 Timothy 6:6-10; Luke 6:10-13; Romans 13:8; Proverbs 6:1-5)
- A failure to deal Biblically with the sexual area of life. (Matthew 5:27-30; 1 Thessalonians 4:3-7)
- A failure to grasp God’s sovereignty and grace in responding Biblically to bitterness, disappointment and disillusionment. (Isaiah 14:24; Romans 8:28-30; Hebrews 12:14, 15)
- A failure to live a life of sacrifice rather than a life of ease. (Luke 9:23, 24; 2 Corinthians 5:15)
- A failure to live a life of transparency, accountability and fellowship. (James 5:16, Proverbs 27:17; 1 John 1:7; Hebrews 10:24, 25)
Beloveth…. do you want to finish your race well… save up this guidelines… follow it to the later… it will help your journey… May God help us not to fall by the way sides in Jesus Name… we will finish well… and strong in Jesus Name… Amen!!!
Further Reading: 2Cor.4:8, Heb.10:36, Jas.5:15, Eph.5:17, 1Cor.6:20, 2Cor.3:17….
Remain blessed in the Lord.