Come and see the Lord is good…. Come and see the Lord is good… there is nothing He cannot do… come and see the Lord is good… // I will lift up Your Name Higher… O Jehovah… Alpha Omega… I will lift up Your Name higher… O Jehovah… Alpha Omega… I will lift up Your Name higher…

Greater than greatest… Higher than highest… Taller than the tallest,.. that is our Father… He is the Ancient of Days… how glorious You are… O Lord!

I will exalt You Lord… for Thou has lifted me above my enemies… Your banner over me is love… I will exalt You Jesus… for Thou has lifted me… above my enemies… Your banner over me is love…

Our Father we bow in worship and glorify Your Holy Name.. we adore Thee… we give you praises… Thank You for the month of March… our month of lifting… wow… the Lord is good… all the time our Lord is good…

Wow… this is the end of this month… today marks the end of this month… but hear me…. this month will not end for you except it drops your last minute blessings… in Jesus Name…

Everything the Lord has embedded in this month for your lifting must come forth… so if you know that which your heart is desiring… beloveth call forth in the Name of Jesus… remember we told you to speak into this month at the beginning of this month… hear me… call in those things that be not as if they are….

Beloveth… the Lord is waiting for the coming of your feet…therefore do not delay… step out in faith and receive your portion in the Lord …. Praise the Name of the Lord… alleluia!

Beloveth we will be ending this month with the teachings of Apostle Paul  who said “I counted all things dung… that I may win Christ… for the excellency knowledge of Christ Jesus.

Yes Apostle Paul worked so hard in preaching the gospel of our Lord Jesus… to every persons he came across… his position helped Him to take the gospel beyond the ordinary and common man… beyond the Jews but to the gentiles according to God’s mandate to him…

Taking our topic into account… Paul  mentored Timothy… as a spiritual father… he also nurtured Silas while in the missionary journey… he was selfless in His mentoring… even up until now his teachings are still outstanding in mentoring men and women in ministry… His books in the bible is very useful in teaching sound doctrines and live outstanding lifestyle as commanded by God… Praise the Name of the Lord…. alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Come along with us for more:

 On Firing Greatness In Others

All of us have known or observed those rare individuals who seem to be able to take what is average and forge it into greatness:

  • A disinterested student
  • A failing company
  • A discouraged athlete

Look into the eyes of the person on the street and more often than not you will see disappointment. Unfulfilled aspirations. People who have settled into second best. In all probability, whatever dreams they once had have failed to translate into reality.

Oh, there are the exceptions to be sure.

But what you dont often see in people’s eyes is that spark… that sense of anticipation… HOPE.

I have a question for we who have tasted of the richness of Christ and have come to understand the greatest challenge ever meted out to mankind – that of going and making disciples of every nation:

Must we too be consigned to that same category of dashed dreams, disappointment, and run-of-the-mill subsistence?” I would like to believe the answer is a resounding “No!

Listen to Robert K. Greenleaf: “Servant leaders are healers in the sense of making whole by helping others to a larger and nobler vision and purpose than they would be likely to attain for themselves.

The prophet Isaiah gave us the secret to fulfilled dreams and hope in writing, “If you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then shall your light rise in darkness, and your gloom will become like midday and the Lord will continually guide you, and satisfy your desiresand you shall be like a watered garden… ” (Isaiah 58:10, 11)

Back to Mr. Greenleaf: Those servant leaders who are great for God understand what it means to take that “average” person and serve him in Jesus’ name. They know what it means to bring healing to him by helping him “to a larger and nobler vision and purpose than [he] would be likely to attain for [himself].

That is, the servant leader knows the importance of believing in him, investing his life in him, and pouring out his soul for him. He understands what it means to take him to the top of the mountain and help him gain a vision of what he can become for God… To fire in his soul a passion for greatness that is characterized by a life of sacrificial service to others.

And in so doing, the servant leader himself will also be lifted out of the quagmire of self-absorption and despair to become a watered garden from which others may freely drink.

Beloveth… are you here with us… have you seen what it means to fire greatness into the lives of others… that is what commanded us to do in the kingdom work… giving hope to the hopeless and to those who are hurting… may God may you an instrument of honour in nurturing others to greatness in Jesus Name…

Beloveth… we are at the end of today and this month teaching… we trust God to have touch your life in an unprecedented way… we also believe God that He will still show forth in your life in any way you are desiring of Him and  the Name of the Lord will be highly exalted… Amen!!!

We ask you to pray your way into the month of April… pray that the new month will arrive with favour, blessings, grace and mercy of God … The power of God will make manifest in our lives in a way we have never seen before… in Jesus Name… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See in the new month by the grace of God… have a robust weekend and may the new month answers in your favour in Jesus Name…

Further Reading: Isa.48:17, Lk.20:36, Phil.3:8, Heb.4:3, Heb.9:15, Jas.2:22, 1Cor.16;14, 2Tim.1:19.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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