Glory be to God in the highest Amen!!! for His mercy enduerth for ever Amen… For His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!! 2x…// I will lift up Your Name…( I will lift up Your Name) I will lift up Your Name… (I will lift up Your Name)I will lift up Your Name above every other Name… O Lord…
Faithful God we lift up Your Name… We lift your head O ye gate, Let the King of Glory come down… Yes.. You Everlasting King come down and have Your way again today in our midst… Let Your Name be glorify… In heaven You are God… on earth You remaineth the same… Blessed be Thy Holy Name forever and ever in Jesus Name…
Beloveth Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia… Alleluia.. Amen!!! Thank You Jesus for Who You are… Everlasting to everlasting He is God… His mercy enduerth forever… We lift His Name higher…. We exalt His Name forever more…. Amen!!!
Our God is Good… forever more!!! We lift up His Holy Name and let the King of glory come in… O Lord be lifted high in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!
Beloveth as we pray today… we lift our voice unto God and we ask that our voices be heard in heaven… we pray that the ministering angels of the Lord will be ascending and descending taking up requests and bring down answers from the Throne of Mercy in Jesus Name…
You are the God that answers prayers… surely You will answer us…
Beloveth, how do one live a “Blameless” life… Is it still possible in this time and age… Can it be said that God finds you worthy, holy, meek… etc as He said of Moses, Abraham, Noah, David and so on… Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!!!
And Spirit of God declared “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well please.” Today Jesus is our Master… He is our Mentor… Jesus is our Light… O Lord help us to be Just Like You are… Amen!!!
Come along with us to discover more:
On Leading A “Blameless” Life
- “But Dwight, there is no way you can stay in business without shading the truth.“
- The sign on the condominium announces, “75% Sold“. I happen to know that the figure is 40%. The owners are highly visible Christian businessmen in the community.
The Scriptures correctly indict the human race in observing, “All men are liars.” (Psalm 116:11)
So, what is the standard for believers who domicile, socialize and make their living in a world of liars? Answer: To be “blameless”:
“The righteous man leads a blameless life… ” (Proverbs 20:7)
In this context “blameless” is defined as:
(1) INTEGRITY: That is, there is congruency between what you verbalize and what you practice: WYSIWYG: What You See Is What You Get. No one can point the finger at you and legitimately cry, “Hypocrite“!
(2) SIMPLICITY: “My heart is not haughty, O Lord, nor my eyes lofty; Neither do I concern myself with great matters nor with things too profound for me.” (Psalm 131:1)
Over the years I have observed that maturing Christians are continually taking steps to simplify their lives rather than allowing them to become increasingly complex.
As Gandhi once said, “There is more to life than increasing its speed.“
(3) INNOCENCE: Jesus talked about the virtues of childlikeness: “I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)
Are not simplicity and innocence trademarks of children? The more complex our lives become, the more we are inclined to loose our innocence.
QUESTION: How would your lost associates describe your life?
As phony? Inconsistent? Fake? Or as Authentic? Real? Genuine?
How you answer that question defines whether or not you are in fact a righteous person as evidenced by your blameless life.
The answer to this depends so much on how you have pattern your life style…
Peradventure you are not anything near to what was describe above… there is chance for you… Jesus saves, Jesus delivers and He makes whole… therefore run to Him and ask Him to help you to live a worthy life…
The sure mercy of David will be available for you and the blessings of Abraham will speak for you…
Beloveth, our righteousness is like a filth rags before God but through the Blood of Jesus we have access to the Throne of mercy… Amen!!! Alleluia…..
Our Father in heaven as Your people call on your Name today hear us and make us worthy of you in Jesus Name… Make our life a sweet savor of You in Jesus Name Amen!!! Alleluia somebody!!!
O Lord show us mercy… unlimited mercy… that will speak generations after we have gone in Jesus Name Amen!!! Amen!!! Amen!!!
Beloveth… let us pray!!!
Further Reading- Tit.2:7, 1Chr.28:9, Gen.12:2, Isa.41:17, 1Pet.1:15, Phil.4:6.
Remain blessed in the Lord.