We are gathering together unto Thee until the Lord… we are gathering together unto Thee… unto the Lord shall the gathering of His people be… we are gather together unto Thee unto Jesus…// Jesus we are here for You… We are here for You.. Jesus we are here for You… Holy Ghost come and take control ….… Jesus I am here for You… Jesus I am here for You… Jesus I am here for You… Holy Ghost come and take contol…..
Our Father we are here for You…. Thank You Most High God for Your mercies that enduerth forever… O God we worship and adore Thee… Father we exalt Your Holy Name… How Wonderful, How Precious You are Lord… Ancient of Days… You are too Wonderful to us… We worship You Lord… be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Beloveth, the first week of this year gradually has gone… hummmh… have you started your year or you are still resting from the activities of last year… It will surprise you that many have settle this year at the pray altar while some are still battling to sort themselves out and so many are not doing any thing… where are among these three categories of people?
Is important we seek the face of God as we embrace the year… seeing His face means we seeking for directions… yes… directions of where to go, what to do or how to go about what we are engaged in… beloveth… we cannot not be motionless… that is a dangerous state to be… this year we must not be stagnated either, physically, emotionally, or spiritually… the Lord will help us to keep moving in faith… while waiting on His manifestation… Praise the Lord somebody!!!
Beloveth… we want to commit ourselves afresh to the service of God if you are yet to do so… or rededicate yourself again to this course… This is crucial to us as to guide us in the path of righteous living… yes… we have to rededicate ourselves to God’s service as that is the only way ensure that we are on the Lord sides… Praise the Lord somebody!!!!
We must as a matter of fact also work towards bring others to God’s service through evangelism and making them dedicate themselves to God’s service… this is very important and crucial as people is inhabit of taking resolutions at the beginning of the year… this is the best way to capture them for Christ and get them establish too… Praise the Name of the Lord….
It is also important to key into the Lord’s bidding to us early in the year…
Come along beloveth for more:
On Making Disciples
Jesus’ final command to His disciples was “GO, MAKE DISCIPLES.” (Matthew 28:18-20).
Tell me, are you obeying Christ’s command to MAKE DISCIPLES?
If your answer is, “I’m very busy in Christian activity,” you will have some serious answering to do at the Judgment Seat of Christ (See 2 Corinthians 5:9-11).
“Activity is no substitute for productivity. Productivity is no substitute for re-productivity.”
Christ MADE DISCIPLES, who in turn were commanded to MAKE DISCIPLES, who in turn were to MAKE DISCIPLES: Spiritual reproduction. He told us to do exactly the same: “Go therefore and MAKE DISCIPLES of all nations… teaching them (your disciples) to observe all that I have commanded you (part of which is the making of disciples)… ” (Matthew 28:19, 20): Spiritual multiplication.
Paul put it this way, “And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” (2 Timothy 2:2)
Paul discipled Timothy, who in turn was to disciple faithful men, who in turn were to teach others, who were to also teach others. Spiritual multiplication. Spiritual reproduction: MAKING DISCIPLES.
Tell me, are you MAKING DISCIPLES? If not, why not?
When God evaluates us for the substance of our lives, the question will be asked, “Did you lay the foundation of Christ in people‘s lives?” That is the gold, silver, and precious stone that will stand the test of fire. It is called MAKING DISCIPLES. Everything else will be burned as dross (1 Corinthians 3:10-15).
Tell me, are you MAKING DISCIPLES? Or are you just busy in Christian activity?
Did you get it? We are to keep at it… spiritual reproduction…. Have you heard that before… you must keep at it… try as much as possible to have many spiritual children….
Imagining how this will be possible… never mind the Lord… the Lord will show you how and what to do… Praise the Name of the Lord…. alleluia!!! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do forget to seek his face as the year progresses… you should be in control… not the other way round….
See you on Monday by God’s grace….
Further Reading: 2Tim2:1, Ps 34:7, 2 Thess.3:3, Isa 41:17, 1Jn.2:12, Matt.10:8, Neh.13:31…
Remain blessed in the Lord.