What a Wonderful God! What a Marvelous God! He has done marvelous things for me… what a marvelous He chose marvelous things in my life the things that are impossible, the things that money cannot buy they are things He dey for me ooo … What a Wonderful God… What a marvelous Father! To You Lord…be all the Glory… To You Father be all the Honour… To You Lord be all the Glory and Adoration forever more….// Let the Living water flow over my soul…Let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart…all my care and burden unto Thee I come… Jesus, Jesus Jesus…. calling Him Father, Father, Father, Father… calling Spirit, Spirit, Holy Spirit of God… Spirit……
Our Father we thank You we bless Your Holy Name…we adore Thee… we give You Praise… we adore Thee, we magnify Thee, blessed be to Your Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!! Thank You for the miracle of sleeping and waking up… Thank You for perfection of our organs O Lord! Thank You for safety and protection granted us in all we placed in your Hand…Alleluia to You Father we worship and adore Your Holy Name forever and ever Amen!!!
Alleluia Joy…Alleluia Joy…Alleluia Joy will be on that day…. Alleluia Joy…Alleluia Joy…Alleluia Joy…will be on that day… yes that day when we will sup with Jesus what a joy that will fill our heart and faces…. Beloveth is gonna be a glorious day indeed …let somebody shout a believing alleluia!
Beloveth we are still considering our theme for the month….Divine Mercy and Grace… today we will be considering what ‘Mercy’ and ‘Grace’ are not….
So many school of thought had said one thing or other against “Grace and Mercy’… they are pissed once you mention ‘By God’s Grace’ or ‘By God’s mercy….’ Some said is a hiding place for the lazy minds and hands… some said it is a breeding ground for immoralities, vices and some laxities we are seeing in Christendom today.
So briefly we will be considering what Grace and mercy are not… so that we will be properly guided as walk/work with God.
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? (Rom 6:1).
After reading our opening verse, our first thoughts might be: Just as I thought! Grace and Mercy only apply when I am doing well and my best behaviour. They don’t apply when I continually mess-up even though I don’t want to.
No, that line of thinking is not true. Yet, the Lord Jesus’ lavish gifts of grace and mercy are not a license to live carnally.
These twin sisters of the Bible are not like a GET Out Of Jail Free Card in the monopoly game. If we willfully sow into our fleshly desires with abandon, not thinking about who we are hurting, whether we are opening doors for the enemy, or caring less about what God thinks, His grace and mercy have limited effect upon our lives. Nothing stop God from extending His grace and mercy, but we are walking right past them, bring death into our souls (Rom. 8:5-6).
Yes. What we do – does matter. But where our heart is matters more to God (1 Sam.16:7). There is a world of difference between a person who could care less what the Lord is thinking about their lives and one who cares deeply but finds themselves entrenched in doing or living in stuff they don’t want. Paul writes the Word above before he begins describing his own anguish of not doing what he should and doing what he shouldn’t (Rom.7:14).
Because of his personal struggles, Paul knows the Power of Grace. Because of his own failings, Paul knows the dynamic of God’s mercy (Rom 8:1). Both are our springboard to freedom. Yet, there is one thing more.
Jesus came full of grace and truth (Jn 1:14). In Him, we cant have one without the other. Grace is His extravagant broad place of freedom and healing, but grace has nothing to work without the truth of facing head-on our struggles, stuff, and sin. Just as the Lord told the adulterous woman that no one, including Himself, condemned her, He also spoke His truth to her- go and sin no more (Jn 8:11).
Grace and mercy are the platform we stand upon. His truth is what sets the captive free.
Are you here with us… so what do you think “Divine Mercy and Grace is in your own words?
Are you blessed with today’s’ teaching? Thank God for the gift of Your Spirit in our lives and situations…when we key into what God is doing in our life or those around us beloveth, God Who made you will help you… With His obtained Grace and Mercy you will be on Mission for Him… He uses men to accomplish His plan as we read also in our teaching below…
Philip was greatly used by God to bring a turnaround in the life of Eunuch of the Ethiopian… that brought him to the saving knowledge of God and he was baptized after which the Spirit of God took him to Azotus where he continued in God’ work.
Are you available for God’s use…? In that your office, space… can you deliberated be on mission on God? Come along with us for more:
The Spirit told Philip, “Go and join that chariot.”—Acts 8:29
Missions is God finding those whose hearts are right with Him and placing them where they can make a difference for His kingdom. Some of the great missionaries in history did not live long lives, but their lives dramatically affected eternity.
God had access to Philip, and the Book of Acts gives the exciting account of how God used Philip’s life to take the gospel to the ends of the earth. Philip was preaching powerfully in the city of Samaria (Acts 8:5). So mightily did God use him that the entire city was rejoicing at the miracles God was doing (Acts 8:6–8).
This would be any evangelist’s fondest desire, to see an entire city responding to the gospel through his preaching. Yet Philip was not activity-centered in his Christian life. He was God-centered. Philip was not preoccupied with expanding his reputation as a great preacher or miracle worker, he was concerned that his life remain in the center of God’s activity. When he was instructed to leave his fruitful ministry, he did not hesitate (Acts 8:27).
God continues to seek those as responsive as Philip to go on mission with Him. The reason God has not brought great revival to more places is not that He is unable or that He is unwilling. He first looks for those willing to have their lives radically adjusted away from their self-centered activities and placed into the center of God’s activity around the world.
Have you seen the activity of God around you? What is God presently inviting you to do? How are you responding?
The Divine Mercy and grace receive to be all God created to be…like Philip may you fulfill destiny in Jesus Name… receive God’s mercy and grace and fulfill destiny in Jesus Name.
Beloveth… in your closet today as you pray ask God for the grace to be all He has created you to be… ask for His mercy on judgments due to you… receive mercy and live in the liberty which Christ has bought for you in Jesus Name…
Our Father in heaven we rest in Whom You are…have Your way and use us to the glory of Your Name… in Jesus Name…
Beloveth… let us pray…
Remain blessed in the Lord.