You are mighty God the great I AM… Alleluia! Alleluia!…x2/// What a Mighty God we serve… Alleluia!!! What a Mighty God we serve Alleluia… heaven and earth adore Thee Angels bow before Thee…what a Mighty God we serve…. Alleluia!!!

You are the Most High God… You are the reason why we are singing Jehovah You are the Most high God Jehovah You are the Most High…. Jehovah You are the Most high God….

Our Father we bow down before You in worship, we exalt You Holy Name… We magnify You Jesus… There is none like Thee… Alleluia… to the King of kings… The Lord of lords… The Ancient of Days… Glory! Alleluia!!!… Thank You Father for showing Yourself Mightily on my behalf, family, ministry and career… Be Thou exalted O Lord Amen… Amen!! Amen!!!

Beloveth… we serve a Living God… shout alleluia!!! Our God is Good… so Good and Great… Alleluia… Thank God for the Grace for today… Yes! We will magnify His Name forever…. We Praise Him everyday… We will glorify His Name forever… We will adore Him everyday… Praise the Name of Jesus…. Alleluia!!!

Beloveth our emphasis like we have mention is on Evangelism… “Bring sinners back to Christ”… “Winning the Lost…” if that what you prefer… so how do you do you intend to achieve that?

Below is the list of what we think that we help you immensely

So join us as we go through these and adopt it or modify to suit the overall purpose… “Win The Lost”

On Winning The Lost

Proclaim the message,

Press it home on all occasions,

Convenient or inconvenient;



Reproof, and


With all the patience that the work of teaching requires.” (2 Timothy 4:2, 3 neb)

So wrote Paul to Timothy.

The ideal conditions for sharing the faith or plucking the fruit will rarely be there:

Whoever watches the clouds will not plant; Whoever looks at the clouds will not reap.” (Ecclesiastes 11:4)



Sow your seed in the morning and at evening let not your hands be idle,

For you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that,

Or whether both will do equally well.” (Ecclesiastes 11:6)

God has sovereignly placed you in the midst of lost people who desperately need to hear the message of Christ’s love.

From you. Today.

Beloveth, remember we started the week with emphasis on going about going about sharing Christ “Wholeheartedly”… Yes… Are you ready to do just that?… Don’t give excuses… Just make sure you pray always, ask God for the enablement… Yes daily grace to keep going and making disciples as we were commanded to do…

Don’t look back, obstacles are abound to show up …don’t get stuck… ask for wisdom to overcome and when you do… keep going forward…. Backward never…. alleluia… Amen!!! (Josh.24:21, Phil.2:13).

Somebody shout alleluia…. It is command that must be obey…”Win the lost” even the heaven counts you “Wise.” (Matt.28:18-20, Prov.11:30) (KJV).

Further Reading – Eph.2:5, Jn.5:14, Ps.84:11, Ps.139:24, Heb.3:13, 2Thess.3:3, Jn.12:26, Gal.5:16, 1Pet.1:3-4, Ps.130:8, Gal.1:4.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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