Everlasting Father, thank You, Immortal Holy Ghost thank You. Everlasting Father Everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be thou glorify.// I will lift up my voice, I will gladly sing not for what You have done but for Who You are. You are the song that I sing, melody in my voice, the reason I sing is to praise You Lord.

Our Father, we praise You, we bless Your Name for ever and ever. You are God That is Your Name, Your glory You share with no one. Glory be to Your Name forever and ever in Jesus Name. Thank You Father; thank You Lord.

Beloved, praise the Name of the Lord. Our God is good. All the time. Thank God for the grace to be in His Presence. Glory be to God in the Highest.  Faithful is our God. His Word is Yea and Amen! He will never fail us or disappoint us. His Name is Beginning and End. Praise God. Therefore, He knows the end from the beginning.

Today’s topic is whoop! Am excited at it, what about you? “One with God is majority. Beloved, in God there is no limitation to His goodness that endureth forever. He is Reliable, Dependable, and Great. Faithful is He. No one has ever run to Him for Help and is turn back. No one has ever come to Him for Healing and He refuses to heal. No one has ever call on Him in hour need and was left unaided, praise God!

Indeed one with God is majority. Nothing is too difficult for Him to do. He is God. He can use anything to accomplish His purpose in our life. God can use your enemies to enlarge you. Are you surprise? Read Exo 12:35-36. Gen 12:14-19.

Beloved, where are saying in your heart now that you want God to partner with you? God is ready as without Him we can do nothing neither can we outside Him.

Beloved, if God is with you; nothing will be impossible to you because God will make it easy for you. Come along with me to discover more:

“One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.” Joshua 23:10

Why count heads? One man with God is a majority though there be a thousand on the other side. Sometimes our helpers may be too many for God to work with them, as was the case with Gideon, who could do nothing till he had increased his forces by thinning out their numbers. But the Lord’s hosts are never too few.

When God would found a nation, He called Abram alone and blessed him. When He would vanquish proud Pharaoh, He used no armies, but Only Moses and Aaron. The “one man ministry,” as certain wise men call it, has been far more used of the Lord than trained bands with their officers. Did all the Israelites together slay so many as Samson alone? Saul and his hosts slew their thousands, but David his ten thousands.

The Lord can give the enemy long odds and yet vanquish him. If we have faith, we have God with us, and what are multitudes of men? One shepherd’s dog can drive before him a great flock of sheep.

If the Lord sent thee, O my brother, his strength will accomplish his divine purpose. Wherefore, rely on the promise, and be very courageous.

I believe someone is encourage by this ministration. Is important we consider also what kind of Christian are you a Parochial or World Christian? Let’s find out:

 Are You A Parochial Or World Christian?


Jesus made it abundantly clear that you and I are to think globally:

Go and make disciples of all nationsYou shall be My witnessesto the ends of the earth.” (Matthew 28:19a; Acts 1:8b)

As a business or professional person, you are uniquely positioned to help fulfill The Great Commission in three ways:


It takes money to get the message of the Cross to the ends of the earth. If God has given you the gift of making money (Romans 12:8), then you have a unique opportunity and responsibility to distribute resources toward His causes.

The late Dr. Richard C. Halverson wrote:

“There is a greater problem than need — Greed! — Commendable as it may be, compassion for the hungry and starving is not the best we can do — as long as we give simply out of our abundance, and allow such giving to justify continuing acquisition beyond our needs…


It has been estimated that by the year 2000, 85% of the world’s lost lived in countries closed to traditional missionary entry. The only other means of personal “access” is through the business and professional person.

Today, most developing countries are crying out for the kind of expertise you possess. But this is big league stuff, so only those possessed of courage, vision, know how, and determination need apply


Because the majority of the developing countries still recognize the West for its advanced expertise, you as a business or professional person have leverage to influence.


One acid test in answering that question is to take a hard look at the ledger in your checkbook. Does the pattern of your check-writing over the past several months reflect a person possessed with a PAROCHIAL OR WORLD PERSPECTIVE?

For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21).

Beloved, you have read it and you heard it too. The only way the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ will get to end of the world as said by our Master Jesus is to get our children and every other person in our care to be educated so that we will continual have disciples parading at corridor of power.

Someone is blessed. Someone’s eyes of understanding has been open to the truth of the gospel and it power of influence. He/she is going to make a positive move towards ensuring that someone is getting the required education. Praise God.

Once again let us be glad that if God is on our side we are on TOP. Praise God.

Remain blessed in the Lord.


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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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