Every living soul Praise the Lord… Every living soul Praise the Lord…. Are you are a living soul.. I am a living soul I will Praise the Lord… Every living soul… Every living soul Praise the Lord…// The Most High reigneth…. The Most High reigneth… The Most high reigneth in my heart today… x2
Our Father, we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… We Adore and Glorify Your Holy Name… Alleluia… Thank You for today for another opportunity to sit at Your Feet and learn of Thee… Alleluia… Father all Glory belong to You again and again Alleluia… Thank You Jesus…
What more can we say to a Father, Who can do all things… To Him be all the Glory, All Honour, All Adoration… All Power, forever and ever Amen…. Thank You for answers to prayers… Father; You too much… alleluia!
Beloveth… today is our Faith Clinic Alleluia… The Power of God will manifest here like never before… Yes… Our Father will come and not delay any further… alleluia… Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth Praise the Name of the Lord… our Lord is Good.. all the time the Lord is Good… I am so excited to be here.. Talking about Jesus… Wow! Let us sing this song… Do you remember this song… when I was young, we use to sing it…
(Song) Whenever you see me talk about Jesus.. He is the owner of my soul…x2 He is the Owner, He is the Owner, He is Owner of my soul…x2
Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia…
Indeed, Jesus is the Owner of my soul… My heart, spirit, soul and body belong to Master Jesus… Alleluia…
Beloveth, you got to confess about Jesus and also believe in Him… You don’t confess Him only when things are going on well… You confess Him daily and every where… for me at very little opportunity I have, I talk about Him… even the deaf will hear… alleluia… I don’t care if gets you offended… as for me I preach offensive Jesus…
Beloveth, if you don’t make you stand very clear..ehhh I pity you… You know why… satan and his cohorts are very subtle and diplomatic… before long you will compromise and that what I don’t want… so I make my stand clear as soon as I am coming contact with you… so you know what to discuss with me and what not… yeah…
I cannot wait for the right time… for me every time is right … for you to know what I stand for… sorry if you don’t like that…
However don’t get me wrong… I have some other religion friend sure yes I do… but they know that is Jesus and Jesus alone for me… I will always make them know that if they will believe they have same testimony like me… right…
Beloveth, the kingdom of God suffereth violence and only the violent take it by force… The Bible did not say the meekness or simple or the silent …no no no the Bible said “By force”… so when the devil come to show himself through any means or style… I will show myself ten times over… (10x)… because my Father is in charge not him…. alleluia…
Listen don’t be seeking for dates… “The Bible does not give us dates; it gives us signs to recognize the times”… So open your eyes and if you cannot understand the season … Pray and ask the Holy Spirit to interrupt for you… alleluia…
Don’t be an looker Christian… Be ready at all times… The Bible said “Be ready “To preach in season and out of season”… You should not be a Christian that’s needs to fast and pray before you receive Word from the Lord… You must so ready that you receive Word ahead of their happenings… Praise the Lord…
What I am saying is that you must be a “NOW” Christian… Apostle Paul said we should pray all kinds of prayer and supplication … in the Spirit… alleluia and watch unto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints….(Eph.6;18). So what are you waiting for… there is no excuse that will work on the “Judgment Day”… that is ‘The Day of the Lord”…. does that gives you concerns?
I hope someone is blessed…
Come along with us for more:
One King, One Lord
“And the Lord shall be king over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord, and his name one.” Zech. 14:9
Blessed prospect! This is no dream of an enthusiast, but the declaration of the infallible Word. Jehovah shall be known among all people, and His gracious sway shall be acknowledged by every tribe of man.
Today, it is far from being so. Where do any bow before the Great King? How much there is of rebellion! What lords many, and gods many, there are on the earth! Even among professed Christians what diversities of ideas there are about Him and His gospel! One day there shall be one King, one Jehovah, and one name for the living God. O Lord, hasten it! We daily cry, Thy kingdom come.
We will not discuss the question as to when this shall be, lest we lose the comfort of the certainty that it shall be. So surely as the Holy Ghost spake by His prophets, so surely shall the whole earth be filled with the glory of the Lord.
Jesus did not die in vain. The Spirit of God worketh not in vain. The Father’s eternal purposes shall not be frustrated. Here, where Satan triumphed, Jesus shall be crowned, and the Lord God Omnipotent shall reign.
Let us go our way to our daily work and warfare made strong in faith.
Did you read that… ‘go our way to our daily work and warfare made in strong faith’… Praise the Lord…
Don’t give up, don’t step down… Keep it up… Let the fire blast at the altar, and the Faith keep rising… alleluia!!! Amen!!!
Further Reading – Isa.45:23, Isa.58;11, Gal.5:1, 1Tim.4:16, Isa.42:16, 2Cor.5:17, Heb.13:8, Ps.117:2, 1Pet.2:24, Isa.54:10…
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu