Father, we are here for You, thank You for Your various and special blessings you bestowed in our lives at the altar of prayer, yesterday. You are indeed Wonderful and Glorious God.
Beloved, do you know why I believe in Jesus, do you also know why He is so great? One with Him is Majority. Even if a million foes surround you, you are a winner in the Lord Jesus.
Are you excited by this good News? We have various account in the bible to buttress these, let’s go a little further to discover more:
“One man of you shall chase a thousand: for the Lord your God, he it is that fighteth for you, as he hath promised you.” Joshua 23:10
Why count heads? One man with God is a majority though there be a thousand on the other side. Sometimes our helpers may be too many for God to work with them, as was the case with Gideon, who could do nothing till he had increased his forces by thinning out their numbers. But the Lord’s hosts are never too few.
When God would found a nation, He called Abram alone and blessed him. When He would vanquish proud Pharaoh, He used no armies, but Only Moses and Aaron. The “one man ministry,” as certain wise men call it, has been far more used of the Lord than trained bands with their officers. Did all the Israelites together slay so many as Samson alone? Saul and his hosts slew their thousands, but David his ten thousands.
The Lord can give the enemy long odds and yet vanquish him. If we have faith, we have God with us, and what are multitudes of men? One shepherd’s dog can drive before him a great flock of sheep. If the Lord sent thee, O my brother, his strength will accomplish his divine purpose. Wherefore, rely on the promise, and be very courageous. For the Lord will surly gather His own and none shall be missing:
“He shall gather the lambs with His arm, and carry them in His bosom.” Isaiah 40:11
Who is He of whom such gracious words are spoken? He is THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Why doth He carry the lambs in His bosom? Because He hath a tender heart, and any weakness at once melts His heart. The sighs, the ignorance, the feebleness of the little ones of His flock draw forth His compassion. It is His office, as a faithful High Priest, to consider the weak. Besides, He purchased them with blood, they are His property: He must and will care for that which cost Him so dear. Then He is responsible for each lamb, bound by covenant engagements not to lose one. Moreover, they are all a part of His glory and reward.
But how may we understand the expression, “He will carry them”? Sometimes He carries them by not permitting them to endure much trial. Providence deals tenderly with them. Often they are “carried” by being filled with an unusual degree of love, so that they bear up and stand fast. Though their knowledge may not be deep, they have great sweetness in what they do know. Frequently He “carries” them by giving them a very simple faith, which takes the promise just as it stands, and believingly runs with every trouble straight to Jesus. The simplicity of their faith gives them an unusual degree of confidence, which carries them above the world.
“He carries the lambs in His bosom.” Here is boundless affection. Would He put them in His bosom if He did not love them much? Here is tender nearness: so near are they, that they could not possibly be nearer. Here is hallowed familiarity: there are precious love-passages between Christ and His weak ones. Here is perfect safety: in His bosom who can hurt them? They must hurt the Shepherd first. Here is perfect rest and sweetest comfort. Surely we are not sufficiently sensible of the infinite tenderness of Jesus!
What a sweet comforting Word from our Savior this day, even the weak He forsake not. Therefore, are you yet to come to the Lord, (ie accept Jesus as your personal Saviour) you have no excuse, for He has gone ahead of you and died on the cross, so that you may live. Gather yourself together, you faithful one and tap into victory already won. Just come as you are and you will find a place for your weary soul. Click here to accept Jesus NOW!
Remain blessed in the Lord.