Everlasting Father, everlasting Son, Immortal Holy Ghost be thou glorified, 2x.// Lord, You are so good, blessed be Thy Name 2x, In heaven You are the Lord, on earth, You reigneth forever, O Lord! I praise Your Name blessed be Thy Name.
Heavenly Lord we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name, we adore You we glorified Your Holy Name. Thank You for all that You have made for our comfort and discipline, blessed be thou Holy Name forever and ever. Blessed Redeemer, help us this day to fear You and hallow Thy Holy Name, help us Lord to obey all You have commanded us to do. Take away from us complaining and murmuring we ask in Jesus Name.
Beloved, just we have mentioned in our pervious teaching, Patience in a nutshell is “waiting.” They go hand and in hand. When you are characterized by patience, you are willing to wait on the Lord for His timing, you are willing to wait for other people whose personalities annoy you. And you are willing to wait for God’s answer when you are experiencing difficulties.
God compares His people to eagle.” But those who wait for the Lord shall change and renew their strength and power, they shall lift their wings and mount up as eagle, they shall run and be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired” Isa 40 :31.
I believe God chose to like us like eagle to motivate us to rise to our potential in life and to encourage us to wait on Him and find our strength in Him.
Isaiah promises that when we wait on God and spend time with Him, becoming more like He is, we will renew our strength. That little prefix re means “to go back again, to be made new, to go back to the beginning of something.”
When we wait on God, our strength is made new again; we can fly as eagles do, over the storm of life, we can walk and run and not faint. We can approach situation in which we have grown weary with fresh energy and passion. We are encourage, energized, and less likely to want to give up when success eludes us.
Beloved, one reason eagle symbolize strength is that they know how to make their strength work for them. They don’t expand their energy needlessly. Just as the great bird know how to allow the thermal currents of the physical world to carry them, “eagle Christians” understand the currents of the Holy Spirit. They perceive the moving of the Spirit and can flow through life easily, without strain, striving, and undue stress.
Beloved, this comes from waiting on God which enable them to go through life with strength, power and vitality.
The benefits embedded in waiting as often characterize in patience are to enormous to neglect or overlook else you see yourselves going against the current which is a certified death warrant.
Today’s teaching will further help our understanding while we must as a matter of fact apply patience if we are to dominate all the forces raising against us as tide.
Come along with me as we through:
One Of Our Problems With God Is That He Seems To Be On A Different Time Schedule
Living as we do in the fast-paced world of deadlines and a “Time is Money” paradigm, the idea of waiting around for God to do something comes off as impractical, mystical, and… well — Irritating. We can
identify with the guy who prayed for patience, “Lord, I want patience, and I want it now!!“
And yet… that is often what God expects us to do: Wait. We have to admit that His sense of timing often mystifies us:
- He calls Abraham, promises him a great nation and then waits 25 years before allowing him to have his first son, Isaac. (See Genesis 12, 16).
- He allows the Nation Israel to languish under Egypt’s heel for 430 years of slavery before calling Moses to their rescue. (See Exodus 12:40).
- And when He finally does call Moses, He first has him out tending sheep for 40 years. (See Exodus 2, 3)
Certainly we can concur with God’s statement, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways, My ways… ” (Isaiah 55:8)
So let me ask you: Are you usually rushed? In a hurry? Driving toward a goal? Anxious about getting things done?
Could it be that from time to time you get out in front of God by pushing things your way… accomplishing your agenda on your time table?
Our Sovereign Father who knows the end from the beginning, promises to make “All things beautiful in His time.” (Ecclesiastes 3:11).
Everything God intends, will happen: “Surely, just as I have intended so it has happened, and just as I have planned, so it will stand.” (Isaiah 14:24)
Perhaps we need to be reminded that the Scriptures usually equate rushing with sinning:
“It is not good for a person to be without knowledge, and he who makes haste with his feet errs.” (Proverbs 19:2)
So take heart dear friend in Christ. Rest in the Psalmist’s admonition to “Let go, relax, and know that I am God.” (Psalm 46:10)
Our loving Father is profoundly interested in every detail of your life. He will see you through to the end… if you will let Him do it His way and on His timetable.
Did you just finish reading the first message? When God is saying be patient before me He knows what He saying as you were just reminded in Isa 14:24. Beloved, will discover more benefits in obeying God’s injunction in the next message, come on let go:
The Lord shut him in.” Genesis 7:16
Noah was shut in away from all the world by the hand of divine love. The door of electing purpose interposes between us and the world which lieth in the wicked one. We are not of the world even as our Lord Jesus was not of the world. Into the sin, the gaiety, the pursuits of the multitude we cannot enter; we cannot play in the streets of Vanity Fair with the children of darkness, for our heavenly Father has shut us in.
Noah was shut in with his God. “Come thou into the ark,” was the Lord’s invitation, by which He clearly showed that He Himself intended to dwell in the ark with His servant and his family. Thus all the chosen dwell in God and God in them. Happy people to be enclosed in the same circle which contains God in the Trinity of His persons, Father, Son, and Spirit.
Let us never be inattentive to that gracious call, “Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee, and hide thyself as it were for a little moment until the indignation be overpast.”
Noah was so shut in that no evil could reach him. Floods did but lift him heavenward, and winds did but waft him on his way. Outside of the ark all was ruin, but inside all was rest and peace. Without Christ we perish, but in Christ Jesus there is perfect safety.
Noah was so shut in that he could not even desire to come out, and those who are in Christ Jesus are in Him for ever. They shall go no more out for ever, for eternal faithfulness has shut them in, and infernal malice cannot drag them out.
The Prince of the house of David shutteth and no man openeth; and when once in the last days as Master of the house He shall rise up and shut the door, it will be in vain for mere professors to knock, and cry Lord, Lord open unto us, for that same door which shuts in the wise virgins will shut out the foolish for ever. Lord, shut me in by Thy grace.
Am hearing a lot of sigh as sign of relief. Beloved, faithful is our God, He can never fail you but you must wait for Him, for He is the One with the time table not you. Hastening as you just read was likened to sinning.
Therefore, let us wait on the Lord for renewal of strength to attain greater height. Praise the Name of the Lord! Alleluia.
Patient beloved, be patient.
Remain blessed in the Lord.