(Every living soul) Every living soul Praise the Lord. Every living soul Praise the Lord. Are you are living soul, I am a living soul Praise the Lord. (Every living soul) Every living soul Praise the Lord.// Everybody testifies You are good, You are good Jehovah, you are good! Everybody testify You are good! You are good Jehovah, You are good.

Yes! Our Father is a good God! His mercies enduerth forever, Our God is a good good God! What a wonderful God we serve, We give You Praise Father, we adore You we give honour, heaven and earth are full of Your glory, thank You Father for the gift of the month of June, thank You for Your manifold blessings, healing, protection, deliverance, restorations, safety, provisions, Your works in our lives are too numerous to mention, be Thou exalted in Jesus Name!

Beloved, we will be saying goodbye to this month to the glory of God, it has been an month full of His Spirit and Presence all the way. It was also full with temptations and sickness, the enemy attacked but God gave us victory, alleluia somebody!!!!!!! The Lord overcame for us and wherefore we are glad, Praise the Living God!!

I particularly has a every reason to Praise and thank God for the month of June, what about you?  Beloved, let us give our voice unto the Lord, for Him alone is worthy of our Praise!!!!!!!!!! Alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!!

Glory be to God in the highest amen! Glory be to God in the highest Amen! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen!! For His mercies enduerth forever Amen!!!!!!!!!!!! I will magnify the Lord! Who is worthy to be Praise, I will glorify the Lord! Who is worthy to be Praise the Lord reigneth, blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord! Let the Rock of my salvation be exalted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lord reigneth blessed be the Lord, honour to the Lord, let the Lord of my salvation be exalted.

Before, we bid this month goodbye; we want to assure you that your blessings packaged for this month must locate you and be a blessings to you. in case your spirit is weighed down by the risen of this end of the month, just remember that a thousand years is like a like a day to the Lord. we live in time and God lives in eternity therefore He will do it at His our time not yours.

We want to remind you about Noah, Rachel and Hannah, Joseph and Mordecai in the Bible, from human view, it seems as if they have been forgotten, but not by God, He remember them and brought to past His promises to them. Same will be your portion, the Lord will not forsake you forever, He will remember you to do you good.

In psalms 24 verse 1, the psalmist said, “ the earth of the Lord and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.” Does that in any way comfort your spirit? It was built up my confidence because I know everything is in His Palm, Praise the Lord!

Come along for more:

“Only ye shall not go very far away.” Exodus 8:28

This is a crafty word from the lip of the arch-tyrant Pharaoh. If the poor bondaged Israelites must needs go out of Egypt, then he bargains with them that it shall not be very far away; not too far for them to escape the terror of his arms, and the observation of his spies. After the same fashion, the world loves not the non-conformity of nonconformity, or the dissidence of dissent, it would have us be more charitable and not carry matters with too severe a hand.

Death to the world, and burial with Christ, are experiences which carnal minds treat with ridicule, and hence the ordinance which sets them forth is almost universally neglected, and even contemned. Worldly wisdom recommends the path of compromise, and talks of “moderation.” According to this carnal policy, purity is admitted to be very desirable, but we are warned against being too precise; truth is of course to be followed, but error is not to be severely denounced.

“Yes,” says the world, “be spiritually minded by all means, but do not deny yourself a little gay society, an occasional ball, and a Christmas visit to a theatre. What’s the good of crying down a thing when it is so fashionable, and everybody does it?” Multitudes of professors yield to this cunning advice, to their own eternal ruin.

If we would follow the Lord wholly, we must go right away into the wilderness of separation, and leave the Egypt of the carnal world behind us. We must leave its maxims, its pleasures, and its religion too, and go far away to the place where the Lord calls His sanctified ones. When the town is on fire, our house cannot be too far from the flames. When the plague is abroad, a man cannot be too far from its haunts.

The further from a viper the better, and the further from worldly conformity the better. To all true believers let the trumpet-call be sounded, “Come ye out from among them, be ye separate.”

May the Spirit of God give you understanding of His teaching in Jesus Name. We cannot serve God effectively if we don’t separate ourselves from world. We cannot be best used by the Lord if we are not available for His use. Remember in Matt 25:34-40, as much you have done it to any these ones of Thy brethren; you have done same to me. Every power holding us captive by the risen of this ministration may God destroy the as He destroyed Pharaoh in Jesus Name. Whatsoever problems or  challenges that has held us bound be broken right now in Jesus name.

We must worship our God in the place chosen by Him in Jesus Name. Every power that is standing against the reopening of God’s worship place be consumed by fire of the Holy Ghost in Jesus Name!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloved, are you available and usable? The Lord will not and will never forsake you, He show up as He did for Abraham, Noah, Rachael, Joseph, Hannah, and so many others that trusted in the Lord for their deliverance. Let that comfort you and bring joy to your heart and make you to offer ceaseless worship unto the Lord! Praise the Lord! Alleluia!  Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloved, the month is ending today but God is not done with you yet, are you in doubt? You don’t need to worry at all, just make sure you are trusting in the Lord! Keep trusting in the Lord no matter what may be.

To the glory of God, we have come to the end of this month, and we will be stepping into the new month in a grand style. Pray and pray for the month of July to delivery God’s goodness and mercy unto us that believe and trust in Him. Glory be to God on high! Alleluia somebody!!!!!!!!!!

See you next month by God’s grace. Alleluia Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love dearly.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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