Come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. come and join me sing, come and see the Lord is good, come and see the Lord is good, there is nothing He cannot do, come and see the Lord is good. Miracle worker, you are a miracle worker, come and do a miracle, miracle today, You will do a miracle, a miracle today. Destiny Helper, You are my Destiny Helper, come and help my Destiny my destiny today, You will help my destiny, my destiny today, Your Name is Yahweh, Your Name is Yahweh, You are a Miracle Working God, Your Name is Miracle Working God, Your Name is Yahweh.
Gracious Father we thank You we bless Your Name on high, we worship You we exalt You we give You glory, honour adoration in the highest. Dear Father if all my body will be full of tongues is not enough to worship You for all You have done for us from the beginning of the year to this day. Faithful are You Lord! You are faithful to be Praise, Father You reign, Great are You Lord, You are greatly to be Praise, Father You reign.
Thank You Lord for Your goodness and for Your wonderful works to the children of men to the children of men, glory be to You on high, blessed be Thy Name O Lord! For You are alone are worthy of our Praise Thou Lamb of Calvary to receive our praises and worship, all glory, all honour be ascribe to You alone in Jesus Name.
From January up until December You Wonderful, You are Gracious, You are Glorious, blessed be Thy Name O Lord!
Join to sing this song of Praise to God.
For all You have done for me, For all You have done for me, For all You have done for me, For all You have done for me, Thank You Lord, thank You Lord, For all You have done for me, Thank You Lord, thank You Lord, For all You have done for me.
(in case there are things you are trusting God but you are yet to receive than sing along with me)
You can never never fail, You can never never fail, You can never never fail, You can never never fail. Thank You Lord, thank You Lord for all You have done for me. Thank You Lord, thank You Lord, for all You have done for me.
Glory be Jesus in the highest!!!!!!!!!!!!!. Beloved, am so glad to welcome you to the last Month of this year 2018 – Our year of Victorious Living, where God has demonstrated in our lives that He is able to do more than we can ever imagine or ever think we can do, beloved, our God is good to us and He continue to be good to us now and forever.
Looking back from January to date, I own it all to my God Whose Name is Impossibity possible”, the Ocean Divider, the Mighty Man in battle, the One Who is and is Yet to come. Glory be His Name alleluia Amen! What about you?
Join me once again to salute God for the month of January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, and December. Offer praises to His Holy Name! for Him Alone is Worthy!!!!!, glory be unto Him in Jesus Name Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloved, by the grace of God we are pleased to welcome you to this special month December our Month of Crowning victory through Ceaseless Praise and Worship (2Chr 20:1-30; Ps 36:1-12; Ps 65:1-13, Ps 100:1-5).
Yes! for the Lord will walk in the midst of His people and crown with us victory, grant us peace on all sides through ceaseless Praise and Worship to Him alone in Jesus Name.
Beloved, are ready to use praises and worship to win the remaining victory in this year? Then listen to the instruction of the Lord as we going through the days of the month, the Lord will lie ambush for your enemies, those who derive joy in spoiling you, the Lord will spoil and the very place of pain will be your place of plunder in Jesus Name.
Those things that have poised difficult, the Lord will hew down, they will destroyed themselves, their precious possession will fall into your hands with ease in Jesus Name. Since they derive joy in destroying so will the Lord destroy their strongholds over your life and you will possess their possession.
Beloved, is there are sin that has built a stronghold in your life, the Lord God Almighty will break it and you be free from it forever in Jesus Name. Any stronghold of sickness in your life, as you Praise and worship the Lord, the Lord will lay ambush for it and it will be destroyed and it place in your life will never be known again in Jesus Name.
Is barrenness your case, the Lord Whose Right Hand doeth good, will bless you and your barren field will be turn to fertile land and into vegetation in Jesus Name.
Beloved, is your case financial embarrassment, with your eyes you will see the strongman destroyed by the Mighty Power of God as You Praise in Jesus Name.
Beloved, the Lord will go ahead of us, make every crooked path to be straight, and every hill to be low and every valley to be filled in Jesus Name. Arise O Lord! Let our enemies be scattered in Jesus Name Amen!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on for more:
“The Lord, he is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.” Deut. 31:8
In the presence of a great work or a great warfare, here is a text which should help us to buckle on our harness. If Jehovah Himself goes before us, it must be safe to follow. Who can obstruct our progress if the Lord Himself is in the van? Come, brother soldiers, let us make a prompt advance! Why do we hesitate to pass on to victory?
Nor is the Lord before us only; He is with us. Above, beneath, around, within is the omnipotent, omnipresent One. In all time, even to eternity, He will be with us even as He has been. How this should nerve our arm! Dash at it boldly, ye soldiers of the cross, for the Lord of hosts is with us!
Being before us and with us, He will never withdraw His help. He cannot fail in Himself, and He will not fail toward us. He will continue to help us according to our need, even to the end. As He cannot fail us, so He will not forsake us. He will always be both able and willing to grant us strength and succor till fighting days are gone.
Let us not fear nor be dismayed; for the Lord of hosts will go down to the battle with us, will bear the brunt of the fight, and give us the victory.
Victory will surely be ours in Jesus Name:
“The Lord mighty in battle.” Psalm 24:8
Well may our God be glorious in the eyes of His people, seeing that He has wrought such wonders for them, in them, and by them. For them, the Lord Jesus upon Calvary routed every foe, breaking all the weapons of the enemy in pieces by His finished work of satisfactory obedience; by His triumphant resurrection and ascension He completely overturned the hopes of hell, leading captivity captive, making a show of our enemies openly, triumphing over them by His cross.
Every arrow of guilt which Satan might have shot at us is broken, for who can lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? Vain are the sharp swords of infernal malice, and the perpetual battles of the serpent’s seed, for in the midst of the church the lame take the prey, and the feeblest warriors are crowned.
The saved may well adore their Lord for His conquests in them, since the arrows of their natural hatred are snapped, and the weapons of their rebellion broken. What victories has grace won in our evil hearts! How glorious is Jesus when the will is subdued, and sin dethroned! As for our remaining corruptions, they shall sustain an equally sure defeat, and every temptation, and doubt, and fear, shall be utterly destroyed.
In the Salem of our peaceful hearts, the name of Jesus is great beyond compare: He has won our love, and He shall wear it. Even thus securely may we look for victories by us. We are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. We shall cast down the powers of darkness which are in the world, by our faith, and zeal, and holiness; we shall win sinners to Jesus, we shall overturn false systems, we shall convert nations, for God is with us, and none shall stand before us.
This day let the Christian warrior chant the war song, and prepare for tomorrow’s fight. Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.
We shall cast them down by our faith in God, our zeal and in holiness , our sinful nature be cast off and we will draw sinner to Christ, for God will be with us and none shall stand before us in Jesus Name.
Beloved, come along with us through the month as the Lord will delivery our victory to us effortlessly as the battle before us is not ours but the Lord in Jesus Name.
Once again dearly beloved, welcome to your month of Crowning Victory with Ceaseless Praise and Worship, do not slumber.
Remain blessed in the Lord.