Jesus You are my good God…I will forever follow You….There is nothing You cannot do..I will forever follow You… O! Jesus! x2// Unquestionable You are the Lord! Unquestionable You are the Lord! Unquestionable You are the Lord! Unquestionable You are the Lord!
Father indeed You are God… in heaven, on earth and beneath the earth You are God… What a Wonder You are! What can we compare You with… who can be likened unto Thee… In Heaven You remaineth God… Ancient of Days… You are Marvelous, Father we worship and adore Thee… Thank You for the gift of a brand new day, new week, and new month.. We cannot thank You enough for past months…Thank You for Mercies, Grace, Love, kindness and Strength… Lord Jesus…It can only be You and You alone…Excellent are You Lord! Wonderful is Your Name…Arise O Lord! Come and take Your place in our midst… let Your Name alone be glorify forever and ever Amen!!!
Beloveth… we walked in God’s blessings and miracles all through last month our Month of Abundant Blessings in Christ Jesus… and again we are here at this moment to hear Your Word for the season…. We know and we believe that the Lord will do us good, not evil… He will lift us up and forward not stagnate or back ward in Jesus Name….
The month of August is a month of New Beginning… The Lord is taking away everything hitherto that has caused us Pains, Discomforts, Tears, Sorrow, Sickness, Failures, Distress and Anxiety, He is taking it away…. And He is giving You a New Name….. Where you have been barren He is making You Fruitful…. Beloveth where you have been rejected… He is making an Opening for you… Where you have fail… the Lord is making a new vision… He making you desirable… Yes! The Lord is set to make you beautiful … you are entering into your season of greatness and wonders…
Wow! The Hand of the Lord is coming mightily upon you, your family, your career, your ministry and He is turning it around for good… Everything, hitherto has asked you where is your God; we come and rejoice with you, Praising the God you serve… alleluia somebody!!!
Beloveth, join us we sing this song….
You are here, Moving in our midst, I worship you, I worship you, You are here, Working in this place, I worship you, I worship you, You are here, Moving in our midst, I worship you, I worship you, You are here, Working in this place, I worship you, I worship you Way Maker, Miracle Worker, Light in the darkness, Lord that is Who You are! You take away my fear x2
Beloveth, do you believe in the Mightiness of All Powerful God? if you do… then you are in the right place….one more thing… you must show your allegiance to the All Powerful God…In Whom there is no impossibility… that is my Father… the God of my Father… alleluia somebody…
Come and see the Lord is good! Come and see the Lord is good! There is nothing He cannot do… Come and see the Lord is good….
Permit me to announce to you the mind of God for us in this month of New Beginning… beloveth, You are welcome to Our Month of Deliverance Through the Blood of Christ Jesus…. Isa 49:24-26, 2 Cor 7:1, Ps 55, Heb 10:1-18, Rev 12:11…
Wow! Having receive God’s Abundant blessings… His Hand is delivering you now from all that caused you to panic… delivering you from whatever that is contending with your blessing… the Lord God Almighty putting an end to it/them… Just make sure that your heart is loyal to Him…
Come along for more:
A Loyal Heart
“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to show Himself strong for those whose hearts are completely His. You have been foolish in this matter, for from now on, you will have wars.”—2 Chronicles 16:9
If your heart is loyal to God, you do not have to look for Him, He is already looking for you! God told King Asa that He continuously watches for those who are steadfast in their commitment to Him. When He finds them, He makes His presence powerfully evident to them.
King Asa had experienced God’s awesome power when he faced a menacing army from Ethiopia (2 Chron. 14:9). God gave Asa victory, despite the overwhelming odds he faced. In spite of this miracle, the next time Asa faced an enemy he failed to trust God. Even though the army Asa faced was smaller than the one God had previously defeated, Asa’s faith in God faltered. God encouraged Asa to take courage in knowing that God never rests or sleeps. He is never distracted, but diligently seeks individuals whose hearts are completely committed to Him.
Life’s challenges sometimes seem impossible. Do you feel you are too weak to fight the battle? Don’t give up! Keep your heart loyal to God, for He constantly watches over you, and He desires to demonstrate His strength in your life. God is willing and just as capable of giving you victory in your current challenge as He was with those in times past.
The question is not whether God is looking for His people, but whether His people are seeking Him. Take comfort in God’s promise that He watches over you and He wants to give you victory.
Yes… Jehovah the Man of war is contending with all that are contending with you… watch as He delivers you from all your adversaries in Jesus Name…
Further Reading- Heb10:36, Rev 3:10-13, Ps 89:15-18, 2Cor. 5:7, 2Tim1.12-14.Ps 55:16
Join us as we continue and conclude our song – Way Maker…
You are here, You are here, Touching every heart, I worship you, I worship you, You are here, You are here, Healing every heart,I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you
You are here, Turning lives around, Turning lives around, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, I worship you, You are here, You are here, Mending every heart, Mending every heart, I worship you
I worship you, I worship you, I worship you.
We call you “way maker”, Miracle worker, Promise keeper, Light in the darkness, My God, my God, That is who you are.We call you “way maker”, Miracle worker, Promise keeper, Light in the darkness, My God, my God, That is who you are. Lift up your hands
You wipe away all tears, You mend a broken heart, You’re the answer to it all. You wipe away all tears, You mend all the broken heart, You’re the answer to it all (to it all) Jesus
Way maker, Miracle worker, Promise keeper, Light in the darkness
My God, my God, That is who you are, Way maker, Way maker
Miracle worker, Promise keeper, Light in the darkness, My God, my God, That is who you are
No one knows, What he’s done for me, I don’t know about you, I don’t know about you, But that’s why I Praise, The way I do, I just wanna surprise him, Come on….
Once again beloveth… welcome to Our Month of Deliverance Through the Blood of Christ Jesus… Please keep in touch with Holy Spirit by coming to drink from the fountain daily… We appreciate you… Don’t forget also that heaven is real and Jesus is coming soon.
On this note we declare this week open and we will return with testimonies at the end in Jesus Name….
Go and excel in Jesus Name….
Remain blessed in the Lord.