Let the Living Water flow over my soul…Let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles our heart…all our care and burden unto Thee I come… Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Calling Father, Father, Father, calling Him Spirit, Spirit,
Spirit, Spirit. // Come and see oooo, come and see! Come and see ooo, come and see! Come and see what the Lord has done…it is marvelous in our sight, come and see what the Lord has done…it is wonderful in my life…
Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… Thank You for the month of May… it was a rewarding time in Your Presence… we want Thank You for all You did from every facets of our life… We worship and adore Your Holy Name… Alleluia to You Father, we glorify You Jesus … Another glorious month is here again all to the glory of our Father, the Maker of heaven and earth… Father, we worship and adore Your Name… forever and ever in Jesus Name…. Thank You for the gifting of this month… Thank You for help to access every bit of it… Jehovah You too much… Thank You for all what You have lined up for us as Your children to receive of You… again You will magnify Your Name… Your Name will lifted for the world to see cause in so doing we will fulfill Your mandate here on earth and there await for us a glorious crown of glory in Jesus Name….
Beloveth happy new month….praise the Name of the Lord! Alleluia!!! You made it through to another glorious month that our God has ordained to bless you, reward you richly as you obey His commandments, Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are indeed happy to have you around again as we begin a fresh journey with the King of our life this month… Thank you for being there.… Thank you also for reaching out to God’s people around your space… God Who sees will reward and bless you according in Jesus Name….
A new dawn is here again and I tell you what God has set to for us eyes have yet seen …neither has it enter into the mind of man… He will walk in our midst and reveal Himself afresh to us… Yes! afresh to us …is gonna be an interesting moment, every tick of the clock is promising to be so rewarding and evident of God’s Unchangeable Character… Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Join us as we declare God’s Word to us in the auspice month He has ordained us to be part of … beloveth our God; Your father is set to have you back to Himself… and He extend His own invitation to you and we hope you will jump at it…
We are glad to declare to you the theme for this month. The theme of this month as we received from the Lord is “Our Month of Divine Encounter in Christ Jesus….” Song 1:4, Ps 18, Heb 11:6, Ps. 72, Jn 3:16, 1 Jn 2, 1 Jn 2:1-10
Is someone making a joyful noise? Are celebrating God’s goodness to us…what a Wonderful God we serve… Praise the Lord… alleluia!!!
Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest… Hosanna, Hosanna, Hosanna in the highest….
My God is awesome, He can move the mountain….
My God is awesome, He can move mountains
Keep me in the valley, hide me from the rain
My God is awesome, heals me when I’m broken
Strength where I’ve been weakened, forever He will reign
My God is awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome
My God is awesome, awesome, awesome, awesome
My God is awesome, Savior of the whole world
Giver of salvation, by His stripes I am healed
My God is awesome, today I am forgiven
His grace is why I’m living, praise His holy Name
Beloveth is only by His mercy and grace that you and I were saved and deliver from the snare of the fowler, from the noisome pestilence… His mercy and grace kept us under His Feathers and Wings and we were not consumed… It was His mercy and grace that kept us terror of by night; arrows that fileth by day, from the pestilence that walketh in darkness and preserved us from destruction that wasteth at noonday… Is His mercy and grace that keep us from the thousand that fall at our sides… O what a wonderful Father we serve… If you are the one the Spirit of God is referring to here, shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!
Beloveth, are you ready to have a definite encounter with Your Maker? Then you are at the right place and you have also made a right choice… Congratulations… The Holy Spirit is ready to help you in daily walk in the choice you made now as the day go by… so always be on the look out to see how, where, and what God is saying or doing per time… so that He will at the center of its all…Praise the Name of the Lord!!!!!!!
Join us discover more…
Friends of God
“No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.”—John 15:15
You do not choose to be a friend of God. That is by invitation only. Only two people in the Old Testament were specifically described as “friends of God.” Abraham walked with the Lord so closely that God referred to him as His friend (Isa. 41:8). Moses spoke to God face to face as a man speaks with his friend (Exod. 33:11).
By His very nature God is a friend to us. He loves us with a perfect love and reaches out to us with salvation when we can offer Him nothing in return. It is quite another thing when someone has a heart so devoted to Him that God initiates a special friendship. David’s heart was totally devoted to God (1 Kings 11:4).
Although David was not sinless, he loved God. David hated sin (Ps. 103:3); he loved to worship God (Ps. 122:1); he took genuine delight in God’s presence (2 Sam. 6:14); he loved to speak about God (Ps. 34:1); he was keenly aware of his transgressions (Ps. 51:3–4); and he delighted in offering gifts of song, thanksgiving, and praise, asking for nothing in return (Ps. 100). So closely did David walk with God that his words were on Jesus’ mind as He hung upon the cross (Matt. 27:46).
Jesus called His disciples friends. He said He would disclose to them things that the Father had shared with Him, because they were His friends. There developed such an intimate friendship between them that He would share what was on His heart with His friends.
If you cannot describe yourself as a friend of God, commit yourself to seek after God with all your heart.
Beloveth, we are blessed people of God, His lovable and adorable children… today we are having a double portion in God’s court… a new month celebration, we also have an opportunity to prayer and be heard… so we are going to make a full utilization of them all…
Are you are friend of God as you have read above? If you are not click here to join this family God… remember partaking of the benefits from God’s Banquet is only available to sons and daughters, friends inclusive… so if you want to enjoy your life going forward… just a click here is all you need to do and you will be enlisted…
Beloveth, pray to be a friend of God that while you are here or when you are long gone … they will refer to you ‘as friend of God…’ you generation will be blessed as that is God’s promise to us… pray a prayer that must heard and there will performance at the end Amen!!! This month God’s blessings will locate you to bless you as you bond yourself in His Word daily… All you will share with people is good news of God’s doing…. Come and see ooo….
Join us a we sing this song….
I am a friend of God….
I am friend of God…I am a friend of God He calls me friend….
Further reading Rev 22:17, 1 Cor 4:10, Jas 1:6, 2:26, Rom 5:1, 1 Thess 5:17, Ps 72:12.
Remain blessed in the Lord.