For all that You have done, I will sing alleluia! for all that You will do I will shout alleluia! For all that You have done I will sing alleluia, I will shout alleluia, thank You Jesus!!! ohhh I gam buru alleluia, oohhh agam para alleluia para… oohh agam buruu alleluia para alleluia para, pa gara Eze Jesus.// You are worthy O Lord! (You are worthy) You are worthy O! Lord, You are worthy Lord! You are worthy O! Lord! You are worthy Lord! You are worthy Lord! You are worthy Lord Mighty God! You are worthy Lord! You are worthy Lord! You are worthy Lord El-shaddia!!!

Take glory Father, Take glory Son, Take glory Holy Spirit now and forever more!!! O Father in heaven O! God! we worship and adore Thee for all that You have done for us from January to this day, tour Father we worship Thee for all that You are yet to do! Be Thou exalted forever and ever O! Lord!

Thank You for the gift of a month, the last month in this year of Divine Lifting, a month where God will once again showcase His Power and love in the midst of His people… beloveth our God is too much, my heart just went out for all His doing in my life, family and career this morning, I was appreciating the Trinity for their wondrous works/walks with me and all that pertaining me all through this year. Father I bow before Your throne and worship You. it can only be You…

Father, it can only be You that would have done it, I can not thank You enough, if my whole body is full with tongues it wouldn’t still be enough… be Thou exalted forever and ever Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Beloveth, what a wonderful God! what a marvelous God, He has done marvelous things for me, what a wonderful He use to do wonderful things in my life. the things that are impossible.. the things that money cannot buy, they are things He has done for me ooo, what my mama cannot do, what my papa cannot do… He has done it again and again… alleluia…..

Holy Spirit Thou welcome in this place! Holy Spirit Thou welcome in this place! Omnipotent Father we call upon You. Thou art welcome in this place!!!!!!

Beloveth, our God is a good God!!! Yes He is! We are glad to welcome you to the last month of this year our year  Divine Lifting, the month God will showcase His undying love for the mankind He created, we welcome you dearly beloved into Our month of Praise and Consolations in Christ Jesus (Ps 48, Ps 75, Ps 98,Lk I:26-38-55).

Praising the Lord always! Praising the Lord always! Praising the Lord with all my heart, Praising the Lord with all my heart always… alleluia my Lord is good! Alleluia my Lord is good!!! Alleluia my Lord is good, Yes He is good to us….

Indeed our Lord have been good to us, what more can we say, than to say “thank You Lord” for bring to pass in our lives all Your promises throughout the months, this month will not an exception, for You will once again fulfill the promises of  the month in our individual life, family, career, and ministry and we will yet Praise Your Holy Name in Jesus Mighty Name we adore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Beloveth, as we enter into the month with prayer, the Lord will show forth and as we will lift up our voices to Praise the Lord our God, He will console and comfort us from all sides, all through the month the Lord show forth His Praise-  for every of your shame; He will give you double of His blessings. He is turning your ashes to beauty, and your desolate places to places of habitations, the Lord will recompense you all you lost for His sake. He will make a way where there seems to be no way. Burdens will be lifted off your shoulder and by His Mighty Hand yokes shall be broken as we will lift our voices in appreciation of Who is, He will crown our year with beauty in Jesus Name…

Don’t be shaken, don’t panic, be focus, be sensitive and be loyal to Him alone and your mouth will be fill with rejoicing as the year comes to an end in Jesus Name….

Come along with us for more:

“O that I knew where I might find Him!” Job 23:3

In Job’s uttermost extremity he cried after the Lord. The longing desire of an afflicted child of God is once more to see his Father’s face. His first prayer is not “O that I might be healed of the disease which now festers in every part of my body!” nor even “O that I might see my children restored from the jaws of the grave, and my property once more brought from the hand of the spoiler!” but the first and uppermost cry is, “O that I knew where I might find HIM, who is my God! that I might come even to His seat!”

God’s children run home when the storm comes on. It is the heaven-born instinct of a gracious soul to seek shelter from all ills beneath the wings of Jehovah. “He that hath made his refuge God,” might serve as the title of a true believer. A hypocrite, when afflicted by God, resents the infliction, and, like a slave, would run from the Master who has scourged him; but not so the true heir of heaven, he kisses the hand which smote him, and seeks shelter from the rod in the bosom of the God who frowned upon him.

Job’s desire to commune with God was intensified by the failure of all other sources of consolation. The patriarch turned away from his sorry friends, and looked up to the celestial throne, just as a traveller turns from his empty skin bottle, and betakes himself with all speed to the well. He bids farewell to earth-born hopes, and cries, “O that I knew where I might find my God!”

Nothing teaches us so much the preciousness of the Creator, as when we learn the emptiness of all besides. Turning away with bitter scorn from earth’s hives, where we find no honey, but many sharp stings, we rejoice in Him whose faithful word is sweeter than honey or the honeycomb.

In every trouble we should first seek to realize God’s presence with us. Only let us enjoy His smile, and we can bear our daily cross with a willing heart for His dear sake.

Beloveth, you are here and you have read it all. only a slave that run away from the scourging of His Master but a true child runs home and kiss the very Hand that smote Him. as the year comes to end many are the plans we set from the beginning of the year yet unrealized but we will not abandon our Maker, our Father, we will go Him and continue seeking Him till He fulfill our heart desires.

Let us continue in our prayer till He shows us mercy and bless us. He will console and comfort us as we rises our voice to heaven. May He show us mercy according to His Word to us in Jesus Name….

May God answer you as you pray today in Jesus Name….

Our Father we come before you with our mouth full of Praise arise and take Your place in Jesus Name.

Once again pray and don’t faint. We welcome you to Your month of Praise and Consolations” Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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