Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God, we bow before Thy Throne… O! Lord! Glorious God, Beautiful King, Excellent God we bow before Thy Throne, we bow before Thy Throne, we worship at Your feet… we bow before Thy Throne You are a Glorious King…x2 I am Thanking You Lord for who You are, what You have done in my life Lord… I am Thanking You Lord for who are, what You have done Dan Sakari Baba…

Our Father, we bow in adoration of You Father for the Great and Mighty things… You have done for us… Almighty and Everlasting God… We worship Thee… We honour Thee… we exalt Your Holy Name alleluia!!! Thank You for the gift of Your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ… Who went to the Cross to pay our debt…. He did pay in full… therefore we rejoice and we are glad… alleluia…

Father Thank You for taking away shame and reproach away from us… Satan planned for evil but the Lord turn it around for good… He planned to see the end of us… but God turn it around for our good… Praise the Lord… alleluia…

Beloveth… what more can we say… that if God be for us who can be against us… For He did not spare His Only Son but He gave Him up for our salvation… alleluia…

Beloveth, Christ is Risen… The tomb is empty… He brought our salvation in full with His Blood, who He else can do that? I am so excited that the power of death and grave could hold Him; rather he was raised from the death accordingly as He said…

The victory that He bought for us is so outstanding because the power of death, satan and hell is subjective to Him… Yes! The Lord rose from death and now we are no longer a slave to sin, death or satan… even sickness has no hold on us… Alleluia!

Today is the first day of the month and also an Easter Monday… beloveth when Jesus rose from the death.. He went ahead of them to Galilee as He told them but they did not even remember rather they went into hiding for the fear of scribes and the Pharisees.

So why on the way, He met two of His disciples on their way to Emmaus and after expounding the word to them as they travelled together, He opened their eyes at the breaking of the bread, they went back to tell the remaining about they encounter.…Jesus is risen. Alleluia!

Beloveth this month of April is significant because Christ defeated all His enemies and hand over Victory to us…. satan, death and hell, sickness… The month of April is designed to be an “Overcomers” month for us because the Power that quickened Christ from death is present to quicken our mortal bodies though very fragile but strong have been quickened by “The Resurrection Power Alleluia!

So this month beloveth, whatever is on our way has been overcome by Christ… we enter into the covenant of “The Winners by Adoption”… Alleluia!

Because Christ overcame; I will also overcome satan, sickness, sin, diseases, death and Hell as Jesus did…

So beloveth we are glad to welcome you to the team of overcomers as we declare this month Our Month of “Victory Assured Through The Blood of Jesus Christ.” According to the Word of God to us…. Alleluia! 1Cor.15:57, Eph.5:2, Rev.3:21

Are you celebrating beloveth… Are you clapping beloveth, Are you dancing? Let a believer shout “Alleluia!!!”

Beloveth the Lord will lead us throughout this month… Yes! Our mouth will be filled with testimonies of what God did in our midst of us, of victory won and of unpleasant Situations reversed… Alleluia!!!

Join us as we make more discoveries:

 Lead the Way

“The Lord shall make thee the head, and not the tail.” Deut. 28:13

If we obey the Lord, He will compel our adversaries to see that His blessing rests upon us. Though this be a promise of the law, yet it stands good to the people of God; for Jesus has removed the curse, but He has established the blessing.

It is for saints to lead the way among men by holy influence: they are not to be the tail, to be dragged hither and thither by others. We must not yield to the spirit of the age, but compel the age to do homage to Christ. If the Lord be with us, we shall not crave toleration for religion, but we shall seek to seat it on the throne of society.

Has not the Lord Jesus made His people priests? Surely they are to teach, and must not be learners from the philosophies of unbelievers. Are we not in Christ made kings to reign upon the earth? How, then, can we be the servants of custom, the slaves of human opinion?

Have you, dear friend, taken up your true position for Jesus? Too many are silent because diffident, if not cowardly. Should we allow the name of the Lord Jesus to be kept in the background? Should our religion drag along as a tail? Should it not rather lead the way and be the ruling force with ourselves and others?

Beloveth, we are overcomers so shall what we represent and stand be- Christ and the church… we are not be drag as tails rather we shall lead the way… alleluia…. Praise the Name of the Lord Alleluia!!!

We have victory over satan, Sickness and Diseases, Death and Hell, Debt, Worldliness, Pride, Ego,

Beloveth welcome to Your Month of Victory Assured through The Blood of Jesus Christ Alleluia

Further Reading – 1Cor.15:57, Tit.2:11, Ps.138:5, Ps.18:35, Isa 41:17, Mic.4:5, Phil.4:19, Ps.11:1, Isa.58:11, Gal.5:24.

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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