You are a Mighty Man in battle El-Shaddia…You are a Mighty Man in battle Jehovah Nissa… You are a Mighty Man in battle El-Shaddia… You are a Mighty Man in battle Glory to You Lord!// Alleluia eheheheh Alleluia eheheehheh…I will shout alleluia! alleluia!! alleluia eheheheh x2…

Our Father we thank You, We bless Your Holy Name…We adore Thee…We give You Praise, adoration to Your Name…there is no one like Thee…Thank You Father for the grace to see another beautiful day in the land of the living…alleluia to the Ancient of Days… be Thou exalted in Jesus Name…

Wonderful, wonderful Jehovah…You Name is Wonderful…wonderful Jesus!!! Wonderful Baba 2x

Lord You are mighty…we bow and worship Thee… be Thou exalted forever and ever in Jesus Name….

Beloveth is Friday…is PCL… glory be to Jesus…alleluia… this week has been so wonderful, power packed, miracle all the way…Praise the Lord!!! our Father is Excellent in His Works…from the point He invited you to come and see…to the point He is revealing His Word in your drawing you closer up to the point He is making perfect are all processes of making you perfect, fit for the Master’s use…beloveth our God is Awesome… I cannot thank Him enough…and am sure you are saying same…

A fall back on yesterday teaching point us a process prepares, A promise sustains: God promised us Eternal life and nothing defy will be found there beloveth the things happening here or to you is a sure way of bring His promise to past.

Beloveth no one loves pain but the process we pass through in life is needed to prepare us where we want to be later in life and at the end be with our Father in His Heavenly Kingdom…Praise the Lord.

Most people do not like the process of recovery. Note that some procedures can be excruciating. Think about anyone who ha broken a leg and they have to go through therapy. Anybody who has had any surgery knows that it is a painful process. People do not like pain, and so they do not always endure. Everybody like pleasure, but sometimes pain comes before pleasure. We all understand that God does not require us to go through painful situations to enjoy happiness, but there are unfortunate situations in life that will occur. You have to be willing to endure that hardship like a good soldier to get to the results.

You must be intentional with what you put your focus. There will always be processes in life, but if I get caught staying there, I can become weary like the children f Israel. God brought them out , but they became tired from the way He took them. They lost sight of the Promised Land and started to complain about all of what they were encountering.

The sustaining power of a promise is priceless, Jesus even looked at the joy before Him to endure the Cross in Heb 12:2. Jesus could have put His focus on all of the bad He was going through, but He chose not to. Decide today where you will decide to put your sight. Get a vision of what you want in your mind and live in it until you see the manifestation.

Whatever you focus on will expand so, remember to focus on the promises of God to be sustained. Keep your eyes on the prize…dearly beloveth. if you keep your focus on the promise, it will sustain you during the process. Until you can focus on what you are aiming for, you will never hit your target.

Beloveth there is always a challenge on our way…ask these question …what are your specific goals right now? check your focus often. People are often distracted by the world- social media, what others are doing, lies the devil tells (such as you are not doing enough or you are a failure because it looks like you are not doing as well as others). If you take your focus off of these distractions and put the back on the promise, you will hit your target-guaranteed (Gal 6:9, Phil 3:14).

Beloveth – Enter by the narrow gate; for the wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. because (a) narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who finds it.” Matt 7:13-14.

Yes you find through revelation, you find it through God’s love…of which Christ also pray for His disciples having enjoyed same from His Father. God’s love us and will not leave us or abandon us in those trials rather He will see us through…

Come on for more discovery:

Righteous Father! The world has not known You. However, I have known You, and these have known that You sent Me. I made Your name known to them and will make it known, so the love You have loved Me with may be in them and I may be in them.—John 17:25–26

You do not “organize” the kingdom of God, you “agonize” the kingdom of God. You cannot be close to God without being affected by His love. The heavenly Father loved His Son with an eternal love. Everything in the heart and life of the Father was released to His Son. As the Father expressed His love for a broken and sinful world, this passion was manifested through the life of His Son. The Father initiated His plan to save mankind, and out of a heart of devotion, the Son accepted the assignment that took Him to the cross.

As Jesus walked among people, the Father’s love filled His Son. Jesus recognized that no ordinary love could motivate Him to go to the cross. No human love could keep Him perfectly obedient to His Father throughout His life. Only His Father’s love was powerful enough to compel Him to commit His life to the saving purpose of His Father.

Jesus prayed that God would place this same love in His disciples. He knew that no other motivation would be sufficient for the assignments God had for them. God’s answer was to place His Son in them. It is impossible for a Christian to be filled with this measure of love and not to be on mission with God.

You will be incapable of ministering to everyone God sends you unless you have His love. You cannot forgive others or go the extra mile with others or sacrifice for others unless you have first been filled with the boundless love of God. Seek to know the Father and His immeasurable love, then allow His Son to love others through you!

Love covers a multitude of sin. Love is our calling to the dying world, to the wicked against the gospel may God bestow this grace upon this day to love and covet spiritual gifts as we were commanded… 1 Cor. 14:1.

Have a wonderful weekend…see you on Monday by God’s grace…Amen!!!

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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Evang. Ifeoma Ohondu
IFEOMA OHONDU is the founder of the MattersoftheHeart foundation, a platform where issues affecting our everyday life are discussed and where necessary proffer solution. She is part of the end time army, who will not break their rank to fulfill the urgent call of God upon her life by declaring His word to the helpless, the doubting, the comfortless and the dying world. The world will experience great restoration and healing in the Word of God through her ministration. She is a voice to emphasize key spiritual truth about Faith, Healing and Encouragement.

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