I have a reason to Praise the Lord, I have reason to Praise the Lord. I have many reasons to Praise the Lord, I have a reason to Praise the Lord. // Thank You for the rain, thank You for the rain, thank You for the latter rain, for answering my prayers, confirming Your Word thank You for the latter rain. Alleluia!!!
Yes! Father we have many reasons to thank You and to worship Your Holy Name. Thank You for the gift of life, thank You for protection, for answers to prayers, healing and deliverances, glory be to Your Holy Name for ever in Jesus Name. Father you are bigger thank the biggest, You wiser than the wisest, You are the Ancient One, You are Awesome Father, I give You Praise be Thou exalted forever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, how are doing today, hope you are happy and rejoicing in the Lord your Saviour. Great is His faithfulness; are there any pending issues in your life? Hang on there: don’t give up, our heavenly Father is working it out for you sooner than you ever imagine your answers will come, though it tarries, it will surely come, yes! The Lord will surely send help, He will answer before is late, with Him nothing is ever late.
Satan has in many ways make us to believe that God did not love us enough to put in our hand all our desires but the truth remains that nothing is difficult or impossible for our God to do. If He choose not do your desire is possible it is good enough, or better still that the time is not ripe for Him to do. And remember that whatsoever He does it for His own glory not for any man.
It is not His plan that any one should suffer but often times we walk into troubles willfully and then we start asking God to show up, even when we did not confide in Him before taking a step. Our Father like we saw in yesterday that He is wanting to judge or condemn us rather He choose to love and demonstrate His love and kindness to us in every little way we are need His help.
He promised that we shall never be confounded rather He will always make a way where there is no way. Praise the Lord! beloved know yea that there is no other Name through which man will be save except in the Name of Jesus. Beloveth I know the God in whom I believe, He will never leave nor forsake us. He is more than able to save and to deliver.
We should therefore run into Him and be secured. Yes! We must run into Him and be shield from the wiles of satan and hide us in His fortress as He is our Refuge and our hope. Yes! Our hope.
Those that thrust in God are like mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.
Beloved, is that your desire to abide and be established, then join us as we discover more:
1 Chronicles 2:3-55, Psalm 79:9-13, Proverbs 17:15-16, Acts 12:1-25
Our Only Protection
God of our salvation, help us—for the glory of Your name. Deliver us.—Psalm 79:9
The armor of God is our only protection against the wiles of Satan, but it will do us no good unless we avail ourselves of it in its entirety.
In considering this matter, we must constantly keep before us the fact that such is the might and power of Satan that nothing apart from the armor of God will protect us from his onslaughts. Mark this and mark it well, for there are many Christians who have tried to stand against Satan in their own strength and have found themselves not victors but victims. One of the “wiles” of Satan is to get us to believe that we can resist him in our own strength. But the moment we think this—we are finished!
In my time I have seen many believers lulled by Satan into thinking that their long experience in the faith and their understanding of Christian doctrine were all they needed in order to be protected from satanic attack. But they found to their great cost that this was inadequate and insufficient. We never live more dangerously than when we depend on our spiritual experience and understanding to protect us from the flaming arrows of the enemy.
One thing and one thing only can protect us from the attacks of Satan, and that is the spiritual armor that God has provided to His people. In the Devil, you see, we are dealing with a foe who is inferior in power only to the Almighty Himself. Therefore, nothing less than the protection that God provides is adequate for our need.
O Father, I need to get this matter straight, for I see that if my dependence is on anything other than You, then I am sunk. Drive this truth deep into my spirit this day. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Further Study
Rm 13:1-12; 1Th 5:8; 2Tm 2:4; Eph 6:11
What are we to put aside?
What are we to put on?
Beloved, did you read that “ that our protection lies only in Jesus. Our defender and our conqueror, Praise the Lord. I thank God that I belong to Jesus, how about you? “Are you depending on Jesus or you are thinking that you will prevail by your strength”, wrong thinking . Right thinking, ‘we can do all things through Christ that strengthen us.” (Phil 4:13) Praise the Lord!
Remain blessed in the Lord!