You are a Mighty God, the great I am alleluia, alleluia. You are the Mighty God, the Great I am alleluia, alleluia.2x// what a Mighty God we serve, what a Mighty God we serve, heaven and adore Thee, Angels bow before Thee, what a Mighty God we serve.
Yes! Lord You are a Mighty God, the Great I AM. Great are You Lord. You are greatly to be praise, Father You reign. We come to say thank You for the great and Mighty things you are doing and will yet do in our lives, thank You for great works, healing, perfection, restoration, break-through, miracle marriages and conceptions, glory be to You alone Who is worthy of our praise.
Eternal Rock of Ages, we bow to worship You for ever and ever in Jesus Name.
Beloved, hope you had a beautiful week? Yea! Beautiful week did not devoid of challenges but the beauty of it is that God saw you through in all of it. He made you a victor other than a victim. He celebrated you by intervening in that situation. Whoa! Our God is good; all the time!!!!!!!!!!!
By the grace of God we have been exposed to so many teachings through the ministration of this week and it worth thanking God for, praise the Lord! I am specially blessed because in everything God is God and no man.
I had my share of the challenges but God stepped into it and glorified His Name. And for those yet unresolved, I trust Him because it is under His perfect control. Praise God!
Beloved, as usual this week ministrations was loaded, someone agreeing with me in the house? With teaching on “Why remain captive?” “Success at what cost?” “Songs of confidence” and yesterday we were taught about “Trust brings Joy.” Whoop! Am blessed and I believed you were also.
In my own summary, these teachings are all pointing to one direction “looking unto Jesus.” Is only when you focus on our Lord Jesus Christ that you get meaning out all that we have been taught.
Satan will make everything possible to make you to believe that he is in charge by raising dust here and there but it takes someone who is Jesus oriented to know that the only person in-charge is our Lord Jesus. Read Rev. 1:5-8, 11-19; Rev 4:8-11; Rev 5: 6-14.
So I come to you today in the Name of the Lamb that was slain and ask you to shake off the beast into the fire because the Lamb of God is totally in command.
What about the teaching on the songs of confidence? Beloved, where lies your confidence? The trust we have in God is the booster of our confidence which in turn gives us joy and reason for rejoicing. We discussed success, beloved at what cost is it coming to you? And how successful are you when it is devoid of God’s blessings?
However, today our in PCL session we will be considering another important topic which you really need to take out time to digest.
Do you believe with me that your values determines your priorities? So we will bring a message in line with that and more over we will be having another look at success but this time in a different dimension – success as a seductive mistress.
Come along as we discover more from the messages below:
Our Values Determine Our Priorities
The other day I was interacting with a businessman in an attempt to motivate him to spend regular time with Christ. In response, he proceeded to lament over how little time he had for himself… that the pressures of business were overwhelming, etc. etc.
Finally, I asked him, “Mel, if I were to give you $100 for every morning you spent 10 minutes with God, would you find the time to do it?
“Would you find the time if I gave you $200?”
“Mel… I think you have just illustrated the fact that OUR VALUES DETERMINE OUR PRIORITIES.”
I then asked, “Mel, if you had a serious kidney disease where your very survival depended upon being on a dialysis machine every morning from 2:00 – 3:00 A. M., would you find the time to do it?“
“Hmm… It sure sounds to me like OUR VALUES DETERMINE OUR PRIORITIES!”
Mel, like the rest of us, needs from time to time to be reminded that the purpose of the Cross was not to furnish us with a spiritual fire insurance policy, but to usher us into precious and intimate fellowship with Christ:
“God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.” (1 Corinthians 1:9)
Therefore, regular time with Him — call it a “Quiet Time” if you please, is a must if we are to know Him intimately.
So can we say that if we are not spending consistent time with God, it is simply because we do not value it badly enough; that it is not a priority with us? After all, we now understand that: OUR VALUES DETERMINE OUR PRIORITIES! (Adapted from FOTM)
Someone is saying “I am guilty as charge.” What do I do? Get closer to the God by meditating on the Word, praying and offering services to the glory of God. Make God’s business your priority and see His blessings upon your life. More to unveil, so get going:
“Success” Is A Seductive Mistress
“Success” does indeed have its rewards. Therefore the temptation to parade the accouterments of achievement in front of others in order to garner their admiration is almost irresistible! After all,
“If you‘ve got it, FLAUNT IT!” (But subtly, of course.)
Let’s just admit that it’s hard to be humble when you’re soooo good!
God is not against success. But He is against pride. And the pride that often accompanies our success can indeed be seductive.
Take for example the experiences of:
“But after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the Lord his God… ” (2 Chronicles 26:16)
“After Rehoboam‘s position as king was established and he had become strong, he and all Israel with him abandoned the law of the Lord.” (2 Chronicles 12:1)
“Jeshurun grew fat… filled with food… heavy and sleek. He abandoned the God who made him and rejected the Rock his Savior.” (Deuteronomy. 32:15)
Because “SUCCESS” IS A SEDUCTIVE MISTRESS we would be wise to heed sage old King Solomon — who himself was seduced by his success — when he prayed:
“Give me neither poverty nor riches, but give me only my daily bread. Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you and say, ‘Who is the Lord?‘ Or I may become poor and steal, and so dishonor the name of my God.” (Proverbs 30:8, 9)
QUESTION: How well are you handling your “success” in the eyes of the Lord Jesus?
- Is He pleased as He observes you, His humble, self-sacrificing, and gracious servant? Or:
- Is He grieved by a pride-ridden life that is locked on to spiritual cruise-control? (Adapted FOTM)
You and I know that God is success and therefore will not think otherwise for His children but the big question here is “are you humble with God’s gift and talent or are you proud of His blessings in your life?
How well are you using same to the promotion of His kingdom work? How well are supporting the ministers, who nurtures you in the Word to maturity? How kind are to those working with you? Can it be said that of you that you are blessing to humanity and God works? (Gen 15:1-2)
Beloved, take out time to consider this things as God is interested in it too. The only reason Satan parades the earth today is borne out of pride.
Some many of us has more than ten count charges against us. Beloved, check your life and make amend.
May God help us to be better children in Jesus Name.
Have a wonderful weekend and see you next week by God’s grace.
Just join me to sing the song as you we celebrate God’s freedom in our lives
Shake shake shake, into the fire. The light of God is glowing in me. I know the Truth and it shall set me free, I’m gonna shake up/off the beast, And i will feel no harm, shake it up …
Remain blessed in Jesus Name.