Glory be to God in the highest Amen!… Glory be to God in the highest Amen! for His mercy enduerth forever Amen! for His mercy enduerth forever Amen!!!// I will lift Up Your Name I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name …I will lift up Your Name… I will lift up Your Name above every other Name…
Our Father we Thank You we bless Your Holy Name… We adore You We glorify Your Name… Who is like unto Thee… Lord there is none like Thee… there is none to be compared with Thee… You are the Mighty man in battle… Glory Alleluia… Ancient of Days, we worship and adore Thee… Be Thou magnify forever in Jesus Name…
Beloveth, let us glorify the Name of the Lord for He is good and His mercy enduerth for ever… Alleluia somebody… We serve a Living God… Yes… Living and Powerful that is our God… Faithful is our God…
Beloveth is our prayer time… Are You ready… Yes! Yes! I am… Prayer is the Key… key to break-through, Key to success, Key Salvation, Key to healing, Key to Security…
Beloveth what is your values in life… do you know that your values determine our priorities… yes our value determine our priorities…
Come along with us to discover what we have below…
Our Values Determine Our Priorities
The other day I was interacting with a businessman in an attempt to motivate him to spend regular time with Christ. In response, he proceeded to lament over how little time he had for himself… that the pressures of business were overwhelming, etc. etc.
Finally, I asked him, “Mel, if I were to give you $100 for every morning you spent 10 minutes with God, would you find the time to do it?
“Would you find the time if I gave you $200?”
“Mel… I think you have just illustrated the fact that OUR VALUES DETERMINE OUR PRIORITIES.”
I then asked, “Mel, if you had a serious kidney disease where your very survival depended upon being on a dialysis machine every morning from 2:00 – 3:00 A. M., would you find the time to do it?“
“Hmm… It sure sounds to me like OUR VALUES DETERMINE OUR PRIORITIES!”
Mel, like the rest of us, needs from time to time to be reminded that the purpose of the Cross was not to furnish us with a spiritual fire insurance policy, but to usher us into precious and intimate fellowship with Christ:
“God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord, is faithful.” (1 Corinthians 1:9)
Therefore, regular time with Him — call it a “Quiet Time” if you please, is a must if we are to know Him intimately.
So can we say that if we are not spending consistent time with God, it is simply because we do not value it badly enough; that it is not a priority with us? After all, we now understand that: OUR VALUES DETERMINE OUR PRIORITIES!
Beloveth, what is value?… What you value takes your priority… am I speaking somebody’s our mind?… same way… if you are hungry for the Word… you will devour your Bible… If you cherish the Presence of God, you will spent some time praying… beloveth do you cherish God’s Presence.. then you must spend time praying enjoying yourself in God’s Presence…
Wow… what an awesome encounter… when Moses went up to be with God… when he came down… The israelites could look at his face… Beloveth when we value God’s Presence and makes it our priority to spend time with Him … our life will be at its best… Yes nobody comes before God and go back the same way.. There must be transformations physically, spiritually or otherwise… May the Spirit of God help you and I to set our priorities right… and as we do hummmmh, we will be good… Praise the Name of the Lord…
As we pray today… let us ask God to help us to set our priorities right going forward… Yes… Let our steps be ordered By You… and our “Will” in Your “Will’’ in Jesus Name Amen!!!
O! God come to our aid … a lot are perishing due to wrong priorities… Help us O! Lord to get our priorities right we prayed Thee in Jesus Name…Amen.
Further Reading- Ps.25:14, Ps.119:130, 1Jn.4:8, Rom.10:15, 2Cor.4:18, Ps.30:5, Job 34:32.
Let us pray…
Remain blessed in the Lord.