You are Glorious ooo… You are Marvallous… You are Glorious… You are Wonderful… You are Glorious… You are Wonderful…// We come to say Thank You… We come to say Thank You…. All we come to say is Thank You Lord…. for Your Goodness… For Your Kindness, for Your Blessings… For Your Faithfulness….
Our Father we Thank You… We worship You… We give You Praise… we Worship You… Glory Alleluia…. Thank You for the gift of a new day… a new Week Thank You for the Gift a brand New Day… A brand New Year…. Can someone shout Alleluia…. Glory be to God Who is worth of our Praise …. Thank You Merciful God for Who You are… Thank You… Thank You…. Thank You… Precious Redeemer…. Alleluia… Jesus… we cannot Thank You enough…. Glory! Alleluia!! Praise the Name of the Lord…. Forever and ever in Jesus Name…
What a privilege, what an honour, what a blessedness… to be called the children of the Most High God Alleluia!!! Thank You Father for watching over our back in the Year 2023…. We are more than confident that You will do is again in this Year 2024… Father we bow in worship Alleluia Jesus You are more what we call You …. May Your Name be Praise and glorify forever and ever in Jesus Name….Who can be compared with You…. You are more than what we call You Jesus receive our praises … Be Thou exalted forever in Jesus Name….
Beloveth are you celebrating Jesus … The King of Kings… The Lord of the Lord… The Ancient of Days, we give You Praise Alleluia!!! The One Who is and Who is Yet to come…. Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!
Beloveth, If you are happy… if you are grateful… if you excited of Who Your Father is I want to raise your voice and shout a Jericho wall breaking Alleluia…. Alleluiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa….
Maybe you are not exited until you are reminded that so many people started this journey in 2023…. And they dropped the batting along the way… they got weak, they were cut down and could no longer finish the race to the end of the year… but you are… you did not only get the end but you finished strong… Yes… you finished still standing in the faith… it is a testimony…Praise the Name of the Lord…. Alleluia….
Faithful is our God beloveth… He did it in 2023… He will yet do it again in 2024…. Nothing Missing… Nothing Broken…. That will be your testimony Praise the Name of the Lord….
Beloveth we are glad to announce the mind of God for u as a ministry….. Yes…. Our theme for the Year 2024…. Is Our Year Of Great Restoration Joel 2:18-27……. Can somebody shout Alleluia!!!… Praise the Lord!!!
What a Wonderful God… What a Marvelous God He has done marvelous things for me…. Praise the Name of the Lord…
Beloveth… all that we have lost hitherto… The Lord has promise to restore… Shout Alleluia….I am so excited… beloveth… all what the enemies have stolen away from us and our beloved ones… The Lord is set to restore…
Praise the Name of the Lord… beloveth we are done with 2023…it blessings, it ups and down… it challenges… and the Lord led us into the Year 2024… and He in His very Word “I will restore”…. He promised to restore… And He will not fail nor disappoint us… Isa.55:11-13, Num.23:19)
His word standeth sure… Yes! For all He has said He will do… And He is able to do… Yes….Alleluia.
Let get into the Word teaching for today:
The Bible’s First Promise
“And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Gen. 3:15
This is the first promise to fallen man. It contains the whole gospel, and the essence of the covenant of grace. It has been in great measure fulfilled. The seed of the woman, even our Lord Jesus, was bruised in His heel, and a terrible bruising it was. How terrible will be the final bruising of the serpent’s head!
This was virtually done when Jesus took away sin, vanquished death, and broke the power of Satan; but it awaits a still fuller accomplishment at our Lord’s Second Advent, and in the day of Judgment.
To us the promise stands as a prophecy that we shall be afflicted by the powers of evil in our lower nature, and thus bruised in our heel: but we shall triumph in Christ, who sets His foot on the old serpent’s head.
Throughout this year we may have to learn the first part of this promise by experience, through the temptations of the devil, and the unkindness of the ungodly who are his seed.
They may so bruise us that we may limp with our sore heel; but let us grasp the second part of the text, and we shall not be dismayed. By faith let us rejoice that we shall still reign in Christ Jesus, the woman’s seed.
Beloveth the promises of God standeth Sure… If He says He will do a thing beloveth He will surely do it… Praise the Name of the Lord…
The long suffering of God is that all will come to repentance…. Likewise as we wait on The promise and theme of the year… The Lord will bring everything we lost back…. Yes…He will restore our health, Peace, Love, Finance, Our Homes, Yes Our Businesses, Our Ministries, Our Hope, Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia…
So get ready… we gonna see the Hand of the Lord move on our behalf… satan will be defected, and be put to shame… Yes illness will take to it’s heels, poverty will drop off, shame will come to an end… Yes! An end will to Pains, Disappointments and sorrows….. The Power of the Most High will bring all to an end … Alleluia Amen!!!
And also bring His Word/Promise to past alleluia… Praise the Name of the Lord…
On this note beloveth we declare this year/week open and by the grace of God will testify at the end in Jesus Name… Alleluia!!!
Once again we are glad to welcome you to your year of Great Restoration…. Praise the Name of the Lord….
Further Reading- Exo.33:19, 1Cor.9:24, 2Thess.3:16, 1Cor.4:20, 2Cor.3:13-15, Phil.3:8, Job.28:28, Ps.71:16, 1Sam.16:3, Rev.5:12.
Remain blessed in the Lord.