Everybody testify You are good, You are good Jehovah You are good. Everybody testifying You are good, You are good Jehovah You are so good! Who is like unto Thee O! Lord! Who is like unto Thee, O! Lord among the gods who is like Thee, You are glorious in holiness, fearful in Praising, doing wonders alleluia, always doing wonders alleluia.
Hallow be Thy Name, almighty God hallow be Thy Name. Almighty God, hallow be Thy Name, Almighty God hallow be Thy Name. Blessed Redeemer we Praise Your Holy Name, we adore You we give You praises, adoration to Your Holy Name. Father we worship You we bow before Your Presence, glory, honour adoration belongs to You alone Who is worthy of our Praise.
Thank You for making it possible for us to be part the last week in of this year, glory, honour, adoration belongs to You alone who is worthy of our Praise. To You Lord be all the glory, to You Father, be all the glory, to You Lord be all the glory and adoration forever more.
You are worthy o Lord, Thou Lamb of Calvary to receive glory, and adoration, You are Worthy O Lord! Thou Lamb of Calvary to receive glory now and forever more.
Beloved, we are almost there; this year is coming to an end soon, but not without our eleventh hour miracles. Praise the Lord! The Lord of glorious manifestation will show forth His glory upon each and every one of us in Jesus Name. We will Praise the Name of the Lord forever and ever.
No matter what is coming our way, we will Praise the Lord forever and ever. Satan will not frustrate our lives to make us keep our mouth shut rather we will sing and worship Him forever and ever for He made us for His own pleasure. We will talk about His goodness and mercies, we will count our blessings one by one and that alone will defect what is facing us as we declare God above all, Alleluia Amen!
Beloved, how can a clay say to the potter why molding me as a pot instead of a flower vase, I will like to be palaces or offices not in kitchen? Unfortunately that what most of us, getting angry when things are not working our way, we throw tantrum. The potter decides what to do with the clay so it is with our God, He does whatsoever that pleases Him, Praise the Lord!
It is possible all your needs have not been met, but I know that our God is more than able to meet our needs at “His own time.” The Apostles of old they also experience what we will call today “Frustration” “Obstacles” “Storms” as they daily live. They were faced with frustration but they never gave up rather they looked unto Jesus “the Author and Finisher” of our faith. He was with them all the way, showing them what to do at each point in life. Likewise we must encourage ourselves in the Lord.
We must not give up neither will be despair because He promised never to leave us nor forsake us, let us resolve that we will not allow satan and his cohorts to frustrate us rather continual we will look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Do you care to know why this ministration was coming late rather than in the morning as usual, I was almost caught in the web of frustration but considering at the topic before us I choose to be an overcomer rather than being frustrated. I got to my office in the morning having done the necessary things I ought to do, I settle down to minister, the Holy Spirit prompted me to check my battery level because I usually unplug when it is fully charged, behold what I saw “Plugged in, not charging” by experience once the power is off, the laptop will shut down and that was exactly what happened, not quite long, the power supply went off and the laptop shut down.
But glory be to God who showed what the problem was before hand, at that moment I have an option to wait for the power to come back or seek for alternative power supply or get a new battery, I choose the last option. It will cost my money but it remains the best option. Too dangerous for me to enter the New Year in such a confused state moreover I will not be settled or relax while ministering.
You can agree with me that is not the best way to enter the “New Year” while still thinking about what to do, the Holy Spirit ministered to me get a new battery so I set out to do that.
Beloved, I didn’t see coming, I recently bought the one that packed up, in fact it is less than four mouths, so you can see where I coming from but I know doing anything less having prayed that God should help me and make it work but when He said, “get a new battery,” I know that is the way to go, any other decision will rather frustrate me rather than helping me.
God helped me to overcome and so He will help you if only you will take the right step. Remember, first of all I prayed for restoration and I waited for an answer and it came in form most of us will start ‘casting and binding,’ rather than fighting unseen battle, the owner of the business said “get a new battery” mine is simple, “obedience.”
Beloved, let us learn how to resolve issues with victory in our mind. Don’t give more attention to negative things around you, stop making it look as if satan is more powerful than God, even before I know, God knows that how my day will start off, all I did was to align myself in His plan and everything turned out beautiful. Yes it cost me, but do you think God cannot give me much more than I have spent, surely He will (1 Chr 25:9). Praise God!
Let us always consider ways of resolving the issues we are facing with the help of the Holy Spirit. It was not in my plan but I just don’t have give satan the chance to ruin my day, not at all. Thank God we are have the ministration still delivered to us, can you shout alleluia to the “Only One Who made it possible at His time” – Jesus.
Come along with us as we discover more:
Song of Songs 1:1-4:16, Psalm 108:1-6, Proverbs 22:24-25, 2 Corinthians 4:7-5:10
Overcoming Frustration
We are pressured in every way but not crushed; we are perplexed but not in despair … Therefore we do not give up. Even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day.—2 Corinthians 4:8,16
Learn how to deal with frustration. Time and time again, I have sat with people who have said: “What’s wrong with me? I feel so low spiritually. I am not involved in sin. Why does my Christian life feel so stale?” On many of these occasions, I have observed that the problem contributing to their feelings of spiritual staleness was an inability to cope with frustration.
One of the most radiant Christians I have ever met was a seed salesman in West Wales whose name was Mordecai Price. Crippled in both his lower limbs by poliomyelitis, he drove a hand-controlled car and would make his way to outlying farms to sell seed to the farmers. Sometimes it would take him an hour just to get out of his car and open a farm gate—but he persevered nevertheless.
One day I said to him: “Don’t you get frustrated by your condition? How do you keep going like this when many others would have settled for a lifetime of invalidism and inactivity?” My friend has gone to be with the Lord now, but his reply has lived on in my heart for over thirty years: “I take every project prisoner to make it obey Christ—even the project of poliomyelitis.” He had learned how to make his frustration fruitful. When you and I can learn how to turn the ugly into the beautiful, and the evil into the good, then frustration will never get a hold on us. The secret of living is the secret of using. Learn this, and you will never be frustrated again.
O Father, teach me how to turn the ugly into the beautiful, the evil into the good, and take every project prisoner for Christ. I ask this for Your own dear name’s sake. Amen.
Further Study
2Co 4:1-10; 10:5; Ps 44:5; Rm 8:35-37
What was Paul’s testimony?
What does it mean to be “more than a conqueror”?
Beloved, are you here now with me? Did you see how our dear brother turn turned His situation? In his very word “he took it a prisoner and made it obedient to Jesus. What would have confined him on bed instead, he made it obedient to Christ. He was never frustrated by his handicap, he did not sat down and suck rather he took it prisoner and made obedient to the Word of God (2 Cor 10:5).
Can you decide to do the same as we rap up this year, the year is not over yet but even it choose not to delivery that which you are desiring, it will not cause you to give up or get frustrated. You will stand up and declare the goodness of the Lord over your life. You have the highest gift, “you are alive,” Praise the Lord and He is more than able to help you.
Declare to yourself that you can make in Jesus Name. Sing alone with me “I know that I can make no matter what may come my way, my life is in your Hand. Remember there is friend like Jesus and if you heart is broken, just lift up your hand and declare that you can make it no matter what may come your way, Jesus my life is in your Hand.
Remember when you call on Jesus all things are possible. Go on to do exactly that, call on Him and He will answer you. He did answer me today so will He answer you too and get you out of that dilemma. Praise the Lord!
On this note we declare the week open and by the grace of God will see the end of the year and will enter into the New Year gloriously, Amen!!!
Pray along with us as we trust God for a beautiful year ahead of us. Ask Him to show up in this ministry as never before. Also pray for a willing heart to receive His word and be obedient to them. Ask for His Kingdom to be established. Amen! Amen!! Amen!!!
Remain blessed in the Lord