Glory be to the Lord in the highest Alleluia!!!x2 Everybody shout alleluia… Alleluia… Alleluia… shout alleluia… alleluia… shout alleluia… alleluia….// Let the Living water flows over my soul… Let the Holy Spirit come and take control of every situation that troubles my heart all my care and burden unto Thee I come….

O! God we thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… Glory be to Thee Father… Thank You for the privilege to be all You have made me to be… Alleluia to the King of kings… Praise be to Thee Jesus… Alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

O Lord as we gather together before Your presence… hear us as we cry to Your ear… speak to our mind and make our spirit to be still before Thee… we pray in Jesus Name…. Amen!!!

Beloveth… good morning … how are doing today… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia somebody!!!

Beloveth… lift up your holy hand and praise the Name of the Lord… Isn’t our God beautiful… Isn’t our God wonderful… O our God is so good to us… Praise the Name of the Lord… Alleluia!!!…

Beloveth is another time to pray again… Do you know that “No Prayer; No Power!… Little Prayer; Little Power!!…. Much Prayer; Much Power!!!”…. Somebody Praise the Name of the Lord….

Which of this category do you fall into… me go for the third option… Much Prayer: Much Power…

There is a saying that that says “A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian”… Yes! Is powerless because it has no power to back Him/her up in a hour of need… but when you spend time praying… your spirit will be filled with so much power and that when you hit your feet on the ground in the morning… every foul spirits goes into hiding… yes circumstances and situations bow at the Presence of the God you serve… at walk/work through the day…. alleluia somebody…

Have you or are you experiencing Spiritual Dryness? Beloveth how will you overcome Spiritual Dryness in our daily life with God… that will engender a free flow communication with God… that will help you to stay in God’s Presence longer to experience Much Prayer which will result in Much Power… Somebody shout alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

By the grace of God the message below will help you and I will have a sweet relationship with our God… You and I will enjoy sweet communion with Our Maker by paying attention to what will discuss below… if you do… then we will always dwell in God’s Presence… Amen!!!

 Come along for more:

Overcoming Spiritual Dryness In Our Daily Life With God

Last night a high-energy buddy of mine who lives on airplanes and thrives on the high voltage culture of the corporate world confided in me of his long-standing sense of spiritual dryness.

 Following are a few simple suggestions I made to him for overcoming dry Quiet Times:

  • In approaching God, it is important to slow down, relax, and give Him adequate time to break through to the core of our encrusted, pressurized souls. God simply will not be rushed!
  • In our time with God, be sure our focus is not primarily on gleaning truth from the Scriptures, but on experiencing intimacy and fellowship with Jesus. Christ cautioned the Pharisees:
  • You diligently study the Scripturesyet you refuse to come to Me to have life.
  • Prayerful meditation over a relatively small portion of Scripture usually proves more meaningful than attempting to cover a larger portion. Scheduled readings can have a stultifying effect on us.
  • Keep in mind that meditation involves visualization and application.

In focusing on Psalm 23:1, for example, our prayerful meditation might go something like this:

“THE LORD is my SHEPHERD, I shall not be in WANT”

O God, I pray that you are THE Shepherd of my lifeI belong to you alone.

O Father, I surrender to your LORDship: My finances, careereverything.

Lord, because You are my SHEPHERD, I know I shall never be in WANT.

  • Strike a balance between intercession and worship. While petition is important, we need also to understand that (1) God seeks our worship, and (2) worship touches at the core of our need for intimate communion with Him. Using worshipful music tapes and a hymnal can prove helpful.

True worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.” (John 4:23)

  • Keep in mind that Christ went to the Cross so that we could enjoy intimacy with Him:

Godhas called you into fellowship with His Son Jesus Christ our Lord.

What a shame it would be to miss a life of intimacy with our Savior this side of eternity!

Did you just read the last paragraph … what a shame… Beloveth… it will not a pleasant thing at all.. to be separated to the Very Source of life… it is my very desire to be with my Maker at the end of my journey here… O! Lord help me… I pray Thee in Jesus Name… if that is also your desire… put kneels on the floor and pray… yes… follow the procedure we just heightened above and see you dwelling in God’s Presence Amen!!!

O God help us to delight in Your Presence in Jesus Name… Amen!!!

Further Reading – Jas.1:22-27, Ps.105:43, Col.3:16-17, Lk.6:21, Rom.10:15, 1Sam.2:9, Lk.18:1, Jn.6 61-66, 1Jn.1:7.

Beloveth, let us pray…

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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