Glorious God… Beautiful King..Excellent God we bow before the Throne… Glorious…x2 // I will call upon the Lord.. who is worthy to be Praise…I will magnify the Lord… Who is worthy to be Praise… The Lord reigneth… Blessed be the Lord…Honour to the Lord… Let the Rock of my salvation be exalted… The Lord reigneth… Blessed be the Rock… Honour to the Rock… Let the Rock of my salvation be exalted…

Our Father we Thank You, we bless Your Holy Name… Thank You Jesus for the wonders You are doing in our lives and situations.. How Excellent , how Wonderful You are Lord….

I am thanking You for who You are what You have done in my life Lord… I am Thank You Lord for Who You are what You have done Dan Sakari Baba…

Thank You Father the privilege to see the last day in July… Glory be to You Father… Alleluia!!! O! Lord You have been so good to us… Praise the Name of the Lord… You the Lord that is Your Name You will never share Your glory with anyone… You will never share Your glory with anybody… Almighty God that is Your Name…

Beloveth shout alleluia!!! we are here… Nothing missing: Nothing loss… Praise the Name of the Lord!!!  We serve a Living God… somebody shout alleluia…..Our God is good… All the time our God is good…

We have been fed from this altar all through this month… and I must say… I was well fed..what about you… beloveth… were your spirit, soul and body well nourished?

I believe I received from the Lord what He promised us “All-Round Perfection in Christ Jesus ….” Do you also know that this prophesy is Ever-Green… meaning that God is at work daily, weekly monthly and even yearly in your live… and everything that is concerning you is being perfected… beloveth… If you have the eye of the spirit and look into the future.. you will see that this is one promise that will last you a life time even unto your generation…

Why we saying this is for you to know that you are in life time promise of the Father… as He gave to Father Abraham of whom we are an off-shoot…

Beloveth… having laid this foundation… may you be in that consciousness that nothing brings fear or panic upon suddenly.. that you will wonder and say God have abandoned you… Praise the Name of the Lord…

Today being the last day of this month… we are considering some parents that are in pain… Are you one of such parent.. or you know someone that is going through some pain through child rearing…

Some children are simply difficult to please or deal with… they don’t reciprocate positively to love and tender cares…. So you wonder what went wrong or you keep wondering what they make-ups are?…

Beloveth as part of the promise of the month… All-Round Perfection in Christ Jesus… we want you to know that this one will also pass… Praise the Name of the Lord… Our God is going to do a New thing in your life that shows that He is God and only Him Alone can perfect it… Amen!!!

The Lord sees you and will not forsake you… so let your heart not be troubled, keep knowing that you and the entire household is His project…therefore He will not rest until He finishes all that pertaining to you… alleluia Amen!!!!

The prodigal son came to His sense one day… I said I will arise and go back to my Father… beloveth…if you don’t lost hope… but keep the faith… you will also testify of the Lord Goodness… Amen!!!…

Come along with us for more:

Parents In Pain

“Where did we go wrong?” Isn’t that the question you are asking yourself if you have offspring who are giving you fits? Kids grow up, make their own decisions, some of which are disastrous. Like us they are sinners, perfectly capable of rebelliously going their own way. In a society where everyone is blaming someone else and refusing to take responsibility for their own actions, don’t fall prey to unfounded accusations.

If you are struggling with a difficult situation with your teen or young adult here are a few words of encouragement and advice:

  • Realize you are not alone. Other parents have similar experiences. Most important, remember that God is with you. (Isaiah 41:10, 13).
  • Find a few trusted friends to share your concerns and pain. Don’t hide them, or put on an everything is okay front. (Proverbs 17:17).
  • You are not obligated to explain your family situation to everyone. If curious people probe, merely ask them to pray. (Proverbs 10:19).
  • If you know you have sinned against one or your children or treated them badly, confess it to them and to God, asking their forgiveness. (Proverbs 28:13).
  • Hold them accountable for their actions. God does. (Proverbs 20:11).
  • Refuse to feel guilty or ashamed. Don’t let your children lay guilt upon you when you know you served God and them with integrity.
  • Love them deeply. Be there for them, but don’t always rescue. (Luke 15:11-32).
  • Wait and pray. God is a God of patience and hope. Wait for them to respond. In most cases there will be reconciliation. (Romans 12:12; 5:3-5)
  • Keep going and keep ministering. One of Satan’s tactics to attack our family. (Romans 11:29; Proverbs 24:10).
  • Submit yourself to God’s sovereignty, both in your life and in the lives of your children. (Romans 8:28, 29).

Keep in mind that God’s children, too, rebelled: “The Lord has spoken: I reared children and brought them up, but they have rebelled against Me‘” (Isaiah 1:2).

If you are here with us… we believe you read through… the Spirit of God will finish the work He has started… just be calm… remember one the advise given above is “Keep going and keep ministering and as you do that beloveth.. the good Lord will see you through Amen!!!

On this note… we declare this week blessed in Jesus Name… and at the end our testimonies will be full in Jesus Name…. not forgetting that today is the end of this month.. Two things here … whatever the Lord propose for you in this month of July will deliver before the curtain draws close…. In Jesus Name

Secondly beloveth… pray alone with us and ask God that the month of August will do us good and not evil in Jesus Name…

Also pray to take every second, minute, hour and days in the month of August in Jesus Name…

May God help us and deliver to us our heart desires in Jesus Name… Amen and Amen!!!

Further Reading :149:9, Isa.30:15, 1Cor.9:24, Ps.68:19, Matt.24:13, Phil.4:6, Ps.71:16, Eph1:18

Remain blessed in the Lord.

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