Thank You gracious God for Your guidance and protection al through this week. We are indeed grateful unto You Alone, in everything You prove Yourself greatly amidst us, be Thou exalted forever, Amen!
The month of June is gradually giving way and we said at the beginning of the month that we will work towards populating God’s kingdom by the way of soul winning. Can you look back and give yourself a pat on the face and say well done or if God look down from heaven can He said of you, well done, good and faithful servant, (don’t be afraid am not going to say come and inherit your reward yet) (someone laugh).
Alright in case you missed all the opportunity all through the month, another weekend is here, try and strategize on how to get one person to your local assembly on Sunday and feed him with the word if you cannot feed him by yourself.
Beloved, how do you view yourself when it comes to kingdom business, are on top of the soul winning or under it? To most of us, someone brought us to the saving knowledge of Christ, just few I believe asked God to reveal Himself to them, however not with an encounter or an incident with the Word.
We are going to consider at what level are you operating in the Kingdom business? Consider the question below, go through it then we hook on again to look further in it:
Are You A Parochial Or World Christian?
Jesus made it abundantly clear that you and I are to think globally:
“Go and make disciples of all nations… You shall be My witnesses… to the ends of the earth.“(Matthew 28:19a; Acts 1:8b)
As a business or professional person, you are uniquely positioned to help fulfill The Great Commission in three ways:
It takes money to get the message of the Cross to the ends of the earth. If God has given you the gift of making money (Romans 12:8), then you have a unique opportunity and responsibility to distribute resources toward His causes.
The late Dr. Richard C. Halverson wrote:
“There is a greater problem than need — Greed! — Commendable as it may be, compassion for the hungry and starving is not the best we can do — as long as we give simply out of our abundance, and allow such giving to justify continuing acquisition beyond our needs… “
It has been estimated that by the year 2000, 85% of the world’s lost lived in countries closed to traditional missionary entry. The only other means of personal “access” is through the business and professional person.
Today, most developing countries are crying out for the kind of expertise you possess. But this is big league stuff, so only those possessed of courage, vision, know how, and determination need apply.
Because the majority of the developing countries still recognize the West for its advanced expertise, you as a business or professional person have leverage to influence.
One acid test in answering that question is to take a hard look at the ledger in your checkbook. Does the pattern of your check-writing over the past several months reflect a person possessed with a PAROCHIAL OR WORLD PERSPECTIVE?
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21)
I guess you are reading here having gone through the piece above. The summary of what we just read is all about Mission and Evangelism. How are helping out in carrying out this Great Commission, the only business instructed to us to be involved by our Master, Jesus. If you are not on the go you can support those who made themselves available to go on your behalf.
Your support is need to get most work done. The three points listed above indicated that, make a decision today to be involved in Kingdom business and your life will never remain the same. Support the work of God in our hands, blessed the servant of God on mission. They have families and needs that you can help.
Beloved, do you know that your level of involvement in the Kingdom business is largely resting on these six letters “PASSION”. I have discovered that you simple excel on things that you have natural flare for. If you are good with children, if an opportunity to teach in the children department in your church or school comes up, you will be glad to take it up. May be someone is not getting me right, here, come along with me to read and consider the piece below:
Two Men Of Passion
King Solomon and the Apostle Paul.
The difference between them lay in the focus of their passion:
Solomon’s passion was directed away from God by his affection for unbelieving foreign women:
“His wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God.“(1 Kings 11:4)
Paul’s passion, by contrast, was redirected from self-righteous legalism toward knowing Christ:
“I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish, that I may gain Christ.“(Philippians 3:7, 8)
Solomon expended his life on pleasure:
“I denied myself nothing my eyes desired; I refused my heart no pleasure.“(Ecclesiastes 2:10)
Paul, by comparison, invested his life in making Christ known:
“We proclaim Him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom. To this end I labor, struggling with all His energy…”(Colossians 1:28, 29)
Solomon became bitter and disappointed in his old age:
“I hated life… [and] I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun… “(Ecclesiastes 2:17a, 18a)
Paul, however completed his life with a profound sense of accomplishment and anticipation:
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day… “(2 Timothy 4:8)
(1) Where is the focus of your passion? On yourself, or on the Glory of God?
(2) How will you end up? Like Solomon, or like Paul?
Not forgetting how they started, Solomon asked from God wisdom which was granted him with riches and wealth as a tip of the iceberg while Paul was a man with great zeal to end the movement of Christendom. when Solomon was blessed by God, his heart turned away from God, however, when Christ arrested Paul at on his way to Damascus , he left everything for the sake of the Kingdom.
Again, asked yourself, how are you contributing to the great commission. Will you at the end of your life hated life as did Solomon or will you as Paul commend yourself for a work well done. The good news also known as the bible is God and cannot be subjected to your thinking or imaginations (2 Tim 3:15).
How will you want end your pilgrim here? Check yourself again, if you are on the wrong track is it better to take a 360 degree turn to avoid “Had I know which usually comes at the end of everything”.
Beloved, plan to redeem your time, set out on a right course and you will never regret with the help of the Holy Spirit.
Till we meet again next week,
Remain blessed in the Lord.